The Devil’s love

Chapter 262 - Man To Man Talk

Pushing him away, she chuckled, "No, you have to tell him now. He leaves for college early and comes back around four, if you tell him now he will make arrangements and come back fast."

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "This is what I don't like, you have started pushing me away a lot lately." ​​

"That is a lie, when did I push you away?" she retorted.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her closer, "Right now, you are pushing me away when I clearly wanna cuddle and fall asleep with my head squeezed between your breasts?"

Smacking his chest, she gasped, "Stop with the lewd talking and go talk to your brother."

"He is not my brother—" When Ning raised her brows, Yichan sighed, "Fine, he is but that doesn't mean that I will pep talk him."

"I don't want you to pep talk him, I want you to big bro talk him." Placing her hand on his cheek, she explained, "Look, he is your younger brother and I know you care for him too, just talk to him and ask how things are going on in his life. Yi he is living with us now so we have to make sure that she is doing okay."

Shrugging his shoulders, he scoffed, "Well, of course he is feeling okay, I am paying his credit card bills and also bearing all his college expenses."

Knocking his head, she snapped, "So you think someone else paying his bills will make him feel better?"

When he did not say anything, Ning hooked her arms around his neck. "Yi, do you want me sleep in the other room today?" When he vigorously shook his head, she added, "Do you want me not to make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Okay you are scaring me now," Yichan gulped in nervousness.

"Great, since you don't want both the things to happen, go and do what you are supposed to." Pushing him out of the room, she closed the door with a loud bang.

Knocking at the door, he shouted, "Okay fine babe, I will listen to you. I am going to talk to him, I just want to say that I love you."

Opening the door, she smiled at him, "I love you too Mr Mo, now go."


Yitian's room.

Holding his tab up, he slowly rotated it around his room. "Okay, this is my room."

"Wow, your room is quite big," Liying chuckled.

"You like it?"

"Uh huh I do, it is bigger than my room," she smiled.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he held the tab up and smiled at Liying who was also smiling at him from the other side of the screen. "Your room is very cute."

"You think so?" Without waiting for her reply, she added, "Well, I think you are right."

Pausing for a while, he inquired, "So you won't be studying in the library after college tomorrow."

"I want to but dad wants me to join him for some party so—" Hesitating for a while, she inquired, "Will you be staying late in the library tomorrow?"

Shrugging his shoulder, he answered, "I don't know, Rachel wanted me to explain that chapter—"

Cutting him off, she frowned, "So you are going to stay late in the library for Rachel?"


"You know what? You should stay in the library and have a great time with Rachel." Without giving him a chance to say anything, Liying hung up the video call leaving Yitian all baffled and confused.

Scrunching his brows in confusion and anxiousness, he was about to call him when Yichan knocked at the door and entered the room. Looking at the weird expression on his face, Yichan raised his brows, "Is everything alright?"

Keeping the tab away, Yitian cleared his throat and nodded his head, "Y-Yeah, i think everything is okay."

Sitting beside him, Yichan inquired, "Did you finish your homework?"

"You mean assignments?"

"Well, if that is what they call them these days."

Yitian nodded his head and answered," Yes, I finished them off already."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yichan stated, "Ning was telling me that your college gets over at 4:00 pm but I know that it gets over around one."


Cutting him off, Yichan added, "I am not here to scold or ask you what you do at that time, I just want to let you know that I am always there if you wanna talk about anything. We can have a man to man talk about anything to want to."

Thinking for quite some time, Yitian hesitantly explained, "I-I stay in the library with a friend—"

"Is your friend beautiful?"

"Very—I mean, yeah you can say that she is beautiful," he quickly answered.

"I see, so you both just stay in the library and do assignments?" he inquired.

Awkwardly clearing his throat, he answered, "Sometimes, we go to the nearby cafe to grab a cup of coffee or something."

"I see, that is nice, you have company," Yichan remarked.

Turning towards him, Yitian inquired, "About that man to man talk, does it start now?" When Yichan nodded his head, he added, "So right now we were having our usual video call and I was showing her my room but something strange happened."

Opening his night slippers, he crossed his legs in the bed and asked, "What kind of strange?"

"She hung up on me."

Giving him a weird look, Yichan hissed, "Yucks, that is bad."

Widening his eyes in shock, Yitian panicked, "Really?"

"Just tell me what did you do."

Shrugging her shoulders, he answered, "Nothing."

Rolling his eyes, Yichan scoffed, "Oh come on, women never hang up for no good reason, okay? You must have said something inappropriate."

"I swear I didn't—" thinking for a while, he stated, "Let me tell you what exactly happened."

"Alright go on," Yichan instructed.

"She is going for some party tomorrow so she will be leaving early. She asked me that if I will be staying behind in the library after college and I said yes because Rachel—"

Cutting him off, he inquired, "Who is this Rachel?"

"She is another collegemate," Yitian answered.

"So you took another woman's name while you were talking to her?"



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