The Devil’s love

Chapter 208 - Death Threats

Looking at Guiren, grandpa Zhang sighed, "And I don't know what to tell you Guiren but I do know whom to thank."

Walking towards Meili, he patted her head, "Thank you for knocking some sense into my stupid grandsons head." ​​

Giving him a hug, she smiled, "Guiren did something that is correct, families help each other in need."

Pulling away, grandpa Zhang glared at mother Zhang. "And you were always reluctant to accept such a gem thinking that she wasn't good enough for your son but the truth is that, your son isn't good enough for her." Without waiting for anyone's reply, he turned towards Meili and smiled, "I have someone in mind who is good enough for you, there is this handsome man I met during my trip and—"

"Woah ho ho grandpa—" Letting out a nervous laugh, he quickly squeezed in between them. "What are you trying to do? She is my wife."

"Uh huh I know but you are not good enough for her so I am trying to pair her with someone much better than you," Grandpa casually answered.

Scrunching his face, he protectively wrapped her arms around Meili's shoulder. "But she is my wife and you can't pair her with someone else, it's illegal."

"Making it legal isn't tough so that isn't a problem, the main problem is to get rid of you so that you don't create trouble." Rubbing his chin, grandpa Zhang added, "Maybe we can send you on a business trip."

Looking at Meili, Guiren complained, "Mei, you're not gonna say anything?"

Shrugging her shoulder, she chuckled, "What can I say? It seems like an enticing offer and—"

Frowning deeper, he started whining, "Meili, how can you say that? Are you going to abandon me? Really? This is what I get after loving you from all my heart and soul."

Pulling his cheeks, Meili chuckled, "Look at you my cutie little bear."

"I think your cute little bear gets jealous really very fast," Flora chuckled.

Just then Yichan and Ning arrived at the hospital, they rushed over as soon as they heard about father Zhang's accident.

"How is uncle?" Yichan iquired.

"His condition is not so stable yet, Muchan is still checking on him," Guiren answered, he somewhat blamed himself for his father's condition. He knew how much his father had been struggling to secure the position for him though he had already declared that he wasn't interested in taking over the company.

Patting Guirens shoulder, Yichan sighed, "Everything is going to be okay, I have already asked Jason to look into the CCTV footage and Linhou is working on it too so—"

Cutting him off, Tylor frowned, "But wasn't it an accident?"

"No it wasn't." Looking at her son, mother Zhang explained, "Your father has been receiving death threats since the day you left home, we had been ignoring them but today—It's all my fault—" Stopping midway, she started crying, she was blaming herself for everything that had happened. If not for her stupid and arrognat reason for not accepting Meili into the family, Guiren wouldnt have to leave home and all of this would have never happened.

Placing her hand on mother Zhang's shoulder, Meili tried to calm her down. "It's not your fault, no one saw this coming."

"Death threats? And you are telling me about them now? Do you think it's safe to hide something like that? What the hell is wrong with you both?" Guiren fumed, if they had told him about it earlier, he would've looked into it and all of this would've never happened.

"Calm down Guiren this isn't not the right time to shout, we need to find out who it is first." Taking out his phone, Yicgan added, "I'll inform Jason about it first."

"How did he receive those threats?" Guiren inquired.

Wiping her tears away, mother Zhang answered, "He used to receive threatening emails every now and then asking him to step down. In fact, he received one yesterday after we told everyone that we have decided to bring you and Meili home."

"You wanted to—what?" Guiren scrunched his brows.

"Your father and I had decided to visit you both tomorrow, we had also arranged for a welcome gift for Meili but—"

Cutting her off, grandpa Zhang sighed, "So when you both were finally about to do something sensible and the accident happened."

"But why would any outsider want uncle Zhang to step down? I mean even if he steps down, it won't benefit any outsider right?" Ning inquired.

Meili shook her head and answered, "No but it would've surely benefited someone from the family."

Balling his hand into a fist, Guiren gritted his teeth, "That bastard, if I find out that he is involved in this in any kind of way, he is so dead."

"I'll ask Linhou to look for Sabbath first," Yichan informed before stepping out for a bit.

Approaching her son, mother Zhang grabbed his hand and apologized, "I know I have wronged you both, especially Meili and I am very sorry for everything. If not for my stubbornness, your father he—"

Giving his mother a hug, Guiren sighed, "It's not your fault, dad is going to be okay and whoever did this is not going to get away so easily." Wiping her tears, he added, "Don't cry anymore and stay with dad, Mei will accompany you and I'll be back later."

When Meili smiled and nodded her head, Guiren left along with grandpa Zhang.

"Meili I—"

Cutting mother Zhang off, Meili said, "It's okay, you don't have to say anything, everything is in the past now and we have a bright future ahead of us."

She nodded her head and entered the room along with Flora. Stopping midway, she inquired, "You are not coming?"

"I'll be there soon," Meili informed.

After Flora and Mother Zhang left, Ning gave Meili a hug. "Finally, everything is okay in your end."

"I was not expecting this to ever happen Ning," she chuckled.

Pulling away, Ning sighed, "Well at least you have a pretty decent mother-in-law now, mine is a total bitch and doesn't count."



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