The Devil’s love

Chapter 192 - Piggy Brains

Yang Corporation

Ning's office ​​

"So grandpa is taking over the project?" Meili inquired.

Ning sighed and nodded her head, "Hmm, I couldn't say no because he insisted on doing it. He also said that he would get Grandpa Mo to help him out."

Raising her brows, Meili asked, "Since when did he start showing so much interest in work after getting retired? Don't you think this is—"

Cutting her off, Ning said, "Weird? Yes, it is weird but I don't want to jump into any conclusion and assume things. Maybe he is really bored at home and wants to work for some time." Ning was trying to be as optimistic as she could hoping that things would never turn complicated.

"Yeah, I'll pass on the files and also arrange a team to assist grandpa for this project." When Ning nodded her head in agreement, Meili frowned, "Are you not well? You look so pale today."

"I guess it's because I woke up very early today."

"Hmm you should go home early then, there isn't anything important that needs your attention today so you can take a day off. Just take care of yourself and stop stressing over unnecessary things," Meili said.

Pinching her brows, Ning sighed, "I think I need to go home and rest for a bit."

"Do you want me to call Yichan over?"

"He is coming over for lunch, I'll ask him to take me home then."

"Are you sure? Or should I ask the driver to take you home?" Meili asked.

When Ning shook her head, Meili sighed and left.


Mo Base.

Linhou frowned and asked, "You want me to get some of his hair with roots?"

Yichan frowned and snapped, "Do you have any problem with that?"

Linhou vigorously shook his head and said, "Not at all boss, I can shave off his entire hair and get it for you if you want it."

"I don't need the entire hair, just two or three strands with roots. Do not forget the roots, is that clear?"

"Yes boss, anything else?" He inquired.

"I also need a few nail clippings and some of his blood. Someone will accompany you who will take Luzin's blood sample. All you have to do is, give him the hair and nail clippings sample and then drop him to the hospital," Yichan explained, he wanted to get the DNA test done as soon as possible. Getting Yang Luzin's sample wasn't hard but taking Ning's sample was really very tough. He had to take her to the hospital and also make sure that she doesn't suspect anything.

Yichan didn't like the whole idea of lying to her but he had no other choice. He didn't want to tell her something which was merely an assumption.

Sticking his thumb out, Linhou grinned, "Okay boss, consider it done."

"Make sure that Luzin doesn't fuss about it or create any scene," Yichan instructed.

Linhou obediently nodded his head and left along with his team mates to complete the assigned mission. Though he had no idea why his boss wanted him to get such weird things, he would still complete the task and report back as soon as possible.

After Linhou left, Yichan was about to call Jason over when he received a call from Meili.

After answering the call, he frowned and quickly grabbed his car keys from the table. "I'll be there as soon as possible, just make sure that she is okay."

After hanging up the call, he rushed out of the room without wasting any more time.


Yang Corporation.

Ning's office.

Massaging her forehead, Ning was about to take some headache medicine when Yichan rushed inside.

"Yi, what are you doing here?"

Touching her forehead with the back of his hand, he frowned, "You don't have any fever but still, why didn't you tell me that you are not feeling well? I would've taken you to the hospital in the morning."

"I am fine and it's nothing serious. I am just exhausted because you didn't let me sleep when I was supposed to, I'll be okay after taking some rest." Wrapping her arms around his waist, she buried her head on his chest. "But I am still glad that you are here."

"Hmm but still, let's go to the hospital to be extra sure," he insisted.


Cutting her off, he added, "I won't be at peace until I make sure that you are okay."

Ning sighed and decided to give it. "Fine, let's go."

"I'll call Muchan and ask him to make arrangements for us."


Yang mansion.

Wearing only his mini boxers, grandpa Yang was busy basking the sun near the pool along with his other friends who were dressed up in the same way.

Taking a sip from his coconut drink, Grandpa Yang sighed, "It's such a lovely day for a pool party, I am glad that we chose this date."

Taking a deep breath, grandpa Mo nodded his head. "I know."

Adjusting his black sunglasses, Grandpa Han chuckled, "I am so excited to flaunt my natural tan later in front of old Zhang."

"Ah too bad old Zhang didn't join us, we should take some selfies later and send it to him," Grandpa Yue suggested.

"Hey old Yang, I heard you are taking over a project which Weilong is handling?" Grandpa Han inquired.

Grandpa Yang chuckled and said, "News surely travels faster than light in here, you old men gossip a lot."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Grandpa Mo inquired, "Any idea how he managed to get his hands on Valique?"

"That brat brought that land a few years ago at a very reasonable price. Coincidentally, the owner's son works at Jiang corporation so he managed to get his hands on the land through the owner's son," Grandpa Yang answered.

"Hmm, that is quite impressive. Well, I am not surprised because Weilong has always been an intelligent child," Grandpa Yue asked.

Grandpa Yang mockingly smirked and snapped, "Intelligent? Are you calling his piggy brains intelligent?"



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