The Devil’s love

Chapter 177 - Meeting

"Boss we have—" one of the men who had accompanied Linhou for the mission stopped midway and widened his eyes in shock.

Coming out of her lustful daze, Kiara pushed Linhou away from her and ran away as fast as she could. ​​

Touching his lips, Linhou smiled and picked her cap from the ground.

The man who was very embarrassed and was feeling immensely guilty for interrupting them, lowered his head and hesitated for a while before saying something. But before he could utter a single word, a smack landed on his head.

"Couldn't you come a little later?" Linhou frowned.

"I boss—that–"

Cutting him off, he snapped, "What is the point? She is already gone." Without waiting for his reply, Linhou walked away.


Mo Corporation

Rushing out from the Elevator, Guiren ran towards Yichan office. They were supposed to have a very important meeting but he was super later because Meili was looking so hot after she got dressed that he couldn't resist himself from acting all clingy and cute to get his way through.

He pushed through the door, all ready to face Yichan's nagging and whining only to realise that Yichan hadn't arrived yet.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he sat down on the chair and started taking out the meeting materials.

Just then, Yicahn entered the room and apologized. "I am so sorry Guiren, were you waiting for long?"

Helplessly shaking his head, Guiren sighed, "I arrived an hour early because I know that this meeting is so important but you, how can you be so careless?"

"I had to drop Ning to her office and them she was looking so hot—"

Cutting him, Guiren faked a sigh, "Fine but don't keep me waiting in the future."

"I swear I won't." Sitting on his chair, Yichan asked, "Can we postpone the meeting and start in 30 minutes?"

"Well, I guess we can because it has been delayed already."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yichan asked, "So what have you thought?"

"Thought about what?" Guiren inquired.

"Oh come on man, don't tell me that you haven't heard what is going on right now." When Guiren did not say anything, he added, "I think it's time for you to go back and help your father out."

"Are you firing me?" He asked.

Yicahn rolled his eyes and snapped, "I wish I could but that is not the point Guiren, you know that if you don't take over Zhang corporation now, then you'll put your family especially your dad in a very tight spot."


Cutting him off, Yichan added, "Look, I know you are doing this for Meili and I support you a hundred percent for that. It's wonderful of you to support your wife every time but that doesn't mean you'll give away your rights to some stranger who isn't even related to your family by blood. You know what is going to happen to the company if Sabbath takes over right?"

Guiren sighed and nodded his head. Sabbath was Guiren's second uncle's adoptive son. He was brought to the Zhang family when he was fifteen and didn't seem to be very fond of the entire family or his adoptive parents.

Sabbath had left home at the age of twenty and never came back until Guiren left home along with Meili which made his sudden return even more suspicious.

Now when Guiren refused to take over the company, his second uncle was trying very hard to convince everyone to let Sabbath take over and become the new head of the family.

"Then shouldn't you stop this from happening? And it's not like everything will change after you take over right? You and Meili can still live a peaceful life. I am sure your parents will not have a problem with this."

Thinking for quite some time, Guiren frowned, "But dude, you'll be a mess without me."

"Well, Hermes is training under you for more than a year right? So I'll just ask him to take over your position." Yichan suggested.

Guiren narrowed his eyes and glared at him. "So you have been planning to kick me out for more than a year now? How could you Yichan? This is how you are gonna reward me for my hard work?"

"Oh come on, we both knew that this wasn't permanent and your company needs you. Think about it properly, okay?"

"Fine, I'll think about it,"


Yang Corporation.

"Is Mr Weilong here yet?"

Meili sighed and helplessly shook her head, "This is the tenth time you have asked this and my answer is always the same, no Ning he hasn't arrived yet."

Glancing at the watch, she frowned, "Shouldn't he be here around eleven?"

"Yes and it's only eleven five now, what the hell is wrong with you? When was the last time you were so impatient for a simple meeting?" Meili could sense that something was wrong with Ning as she had been acting very restless and kept getting distracted.

"I don't know, I am feeling very uneasy today and I can't wait to meet him. Do you think it's because this meeting involves Valique?" She asked.

Meili shrugged her shoulders and said, "Maybe, I mean you were very excited about it last time when you had offered a deal."

"Hmm so I guess it's because of Valique. Damn this piece of land will make me go crazy one day."

"Uh-huh, you seem to be very obsessed with it." Without waiting for her reply, she asked, "Do you want some coffee?"

"Ahh I would love to."


Outside Yang Corporation

Sitting inside his car, Weilong kept on staring at the tall building which was making him feel very nostalgic.

Twenty-seven years ago, he left everything behind and started a new life with a completely new identity. He had left his surname, his family, his responsibilities behind for his own reasons and he never looked back until now. He knew that there was a high chance that things would take a different turn if he stepped into the building again but he had other choice.



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