The Devil’s love

Chapter 156 - The Banquet(II)

Suyan chuckled and said, "I wasn't staring, just looking at you while you are sleeping. Can't I?"

"You can stare at me whenever you want, while I am sleeping, bathing, dressing, eating, working and—" pinning her down, he added, "when I am making love with you." ​​

Hooking her arms around his neck, she smiled, "We are gonna get late and I need to meet everyone at 11."

Burying his face in his neck, he sighed, "One round won't hurt right?"

Running her fingers through his hair, she said, "Maybe not."


Ning and Yichan's place.

"Ahh like really? How can you still be sleeping like a log?" Meili shouted before walking towards the windows.

Throwing a pillow at Ning, Nuying chuckled, "Like really? It's your wedding banquet for God's sake."

Ning groaned and buried her face in the pillow. "Yi told me that I can sleep as much as I want."

"Girl, you gotta get up because today is very special. It's your wedding banquet and you are gonna have sex today." Nuying added

Jolting her eyes open, Ning sat up straight. "God I completely forgot about that."

After drawing the curtains, Meili placed her hand on her waist and glared at her lazy best friend. "What are you sleepy and tired for? Guiren and I fooled around all night and yet look at me? Do I look tired?"

"All night again? Don't you both have a pause button?" Nuying asked.

"Argh guys stop making so much noise because I cannot think straight when you all are shouting so much." Ning groaned in frustrated.

Sitting down beside her, Meili asked, "What is it?"

"Yeah you look so stressed, did you and Yichan fight?"

Ning sighed and shook her head, "No, Yi and I never fight but I am just worried."

"Worried about what?"

"You know, it's been so long since I—I mean Yi and I made love so—"

Cutting her off, Nuying asked, "So you are scared that you won't be able to perform well?" When Ning nodded her head, Meili and Nuying started laughing out loud.

Ning frowned and puffed her cheeks, "Come on you guys, dont make fun of me. I am so nervous right now you have no idea."

"What are you so nervous about? It's not like he hasn't seen you naked." Meili added.

Massaging her forehead, Ning explained, "Like it's been so long that I feel like I don't have it in me anymore."

"Geez that is true, how long has it been?" Nuying asked.

"Five years."

"Damn, that is too long."

Groaning in frustration, Ning sighed, "Yes, I feel like my hymen is growing back."

Grabbing Nings shoulder, Meili said, "Hey, you are overthinking okay? Whether it's five years, ten years or fifteen, you'll always have it in you and it's Yichan, that guy loves you. Even if you don't do anything and just brush your shoulders against his, he will just pounce onto you."

Ning nodded her head and agreed, "Hmm I know but I want to do something special for him you know. We are doing it after five years and I want it to be different and something that he will never forget. I am wracking my brains but I cannot think of anything."

Taking out her phone, Nuying grinned, "Special huh? Well, when will my special videos be useful?" Waving her phone at them, she asked, "We still have a couple of hours right?"


Banquet hall.

Yivhan gritted his teeth and frowned, "Will you stop laughing?"

"But this is funny."

"Yeah it is."

"Oh my God my stomach."

Guiren, Yufan and Muchad couldn't stop laughing when Yichan shared his little manly problem with his boy gang but who would've thought that they would start making fun of him and start making up funny stories about him.

"Stop laughing guys because this is serious."

After taking a few deep breaths, Guiren said, "Alright, we are very sorry but you are worrying for nothing."

"Yeah man, I am sure that your tools are completely fine." Yufan added.

Muchan chuckled and helplessly shook his head, "I have always thought Yichan is the toughest of us but he is not."

Yufan shook his head and retorted, "No, he is the toughest but his toughness disappears in thin air when it comes to Ning."

Yichan gritted his teeth and snapped, "We are back together after five years okay? That is a huge gap and I just want everything to be perfect and special."

"Okay, let me think—" pausing for a while, Muchan suggested, "How about candles? I heard that they create a sensual atmosphere."

Yufan raised his brows and said. "Candles? Ahh no wonder I get aroused after seeing a birthday cake."

Smacking Yufan's arm, Guiren hissed, "Shut up man, we gotta help Yi." Turning towards Yichan, he added, "No candles okay? I read it somewhere that scented candles turn women more on so I tried it but later ended up burning my butt. Then Meili had to apply the burn ointment on my butt cheeks and our night was ruined."

"Geez cancel candles, you can't afford to burn your butt tonight." Think for sometime, Muchan suggested, "How about flowers? Like you know rose petals on the bed, couch and floor?"

"Wait a second, how do you know so much about it? Candles, flowers, petals? How?" Guiren asked.

Awkwardly scratching his forehead, Muchan said, "I have been doing a little research about it lately."

"And why? For Nuying?" When Muchan nodded his head, Yufan added, "Her brother and Yifie have been spending a lot of time lately. Yesterday she left home early in the morning and came back around 11 at night and Shaofeng was the one who dropped her home."

"So? What does it have to do with me or Nuying?" Muchan asked.

"You kidding me dude? If you marry Nuying and Shaofeng marries Yifie then we will be relatives." Yufan excitedly said.

"Who? Bai Shaofeng?" Guiren asked.

When Yufan nodded his head, Yichan added, "That man is very very secretive. I sometimes feel like he is a detective or something."

"I know right? He is definitely not as simple as he portrays himself." Guiren added.



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