The Devil’s love

Chapter 144 - Heaven

"Great, just when I thought someoen is here to rob or **** me." Tossing the gun aside, Lucas sighed.

"Seriously Ning you—woahhh." Grinning from ear to ear, he asked, "What is the legendary Mo Yichan doing in my heavenly apartment?" ​​

"By heavenly you mean a dumping ground right? Because if heaven looks like this, then I don't wanna go there." Yichan retorted.

Lucas was about to say something when Yichan started walking towards the window. "No wait don't—"

Ignoring him, Yichan drew the curtains apart and opened the window, allowing the fresh air to circulate on. There was no way he would let Ning breath in such a dirty and suffocating air.

Looking at Lucas who was silently and helplessly watching Yichan open all the windows, Ning grinned. He hated light and fresh air and would snap back whenever she tried to open the windows but today when Yichan was doing it, he was behaving which was quite amusing.

How could she let this wonderful opportunity go?

Walking towards him, Ning nudged his arm and grinned, "Like how much do you fear my husband?"

"Like seriously Ning? Why did you bring him here?" Lucas asked.

"He didn't want me to come alone."

Rolling his eyes, Lucas gritted his teeth, "Is that so? Don't you have legs?"

"Hmm why don't you ask him that? Do you want me to call him here?" Ning asked.

"You are so evil."

"Uh huh, tell me something that I don't know."

"Are you sure he isn't here to kill me?" Lucas asked.

"Hmm, wait a sec." Turning towards Yichan , Ning asked, "Babe, Lucas wants to know if you are here to kill him."

Walking towatsa Ning, he wrapped his arms around her shoulder. "Do you want me to kill him? If yes, then I will."

When Ning pouted her lips at Lucas and pretended to think, he widened his eyes in shock, "What? I am not even married yet okay? Forget about getting married, I don't even have a girlfriend yet."

Turning towards Yichan , Ning said, "It's okay honey, we should spare him."

"Keep the windows open and let the fresh air come in." Looking around, Yichan frowned, "Do you want me to hire people to clean this place up?"

"I can clean it on my own later."

"Hmmm." Taking out a card from his blazer pocket, Yichan said, "It's our wedding banquet day after tomorrow and we want you to come."

Taking the card from his hand, Lucas nodded his head and said, "There was no need to invite me."

"I didn't want to but Ning wants you to come so you better show up day after tomorrow—ouch honey—" When Ning glared at him, Yichan sighed and refrained his words, "We would be very happy and pleased if you will squeeze some time from your busy schedule and attend our banquet."

"Yes Lucas, please do come. Mei, Nuying and Bruce will be there too so it will be a nice reunion for all of us."

When Lucas nodded his head, Ning added, "We are going to Bruce's store tomorrow so why don't you join us?"

Yichan frowned and was about to retort when Lucas said, "I have something to do tomorrow, I'll meet you all during the banquet."

"Hmm okay then."

"Honey, we need to leave."

"Mr Mo, I need to talk to you about something."

Yichan nodded his head before turning towards Ning. "Why don't you go down and wait for me in the car? I'll be there in a minute."

Giving him a peck on his cheek, Ning smiled, "hmm, come soon."

After Ning left, Yichan crossed his arms in his chest and asked, "What is it?"

"I met Roger today."

"I know."

"He is planning something big."

"I know."

"He wants me to double cross you people and Ning."

When Yichan did not say anything, Lucas added, "I will never do that."

Staring at him for quite some time, Yichan asked, "Why are you telling me this Lucas?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Lucas asked, "If I help you deal with Roger, will you help me find out the truth behind my mother's death?"

Yichan nodded his head and started walking towards the door.

Stopping midway, he turned towards him and said, "I trust you because Ning does. She told me that you are her childhood friend and she is sure that you won't do anything against her. If you break my wife's trust, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Pausing for a while, he continued, "I'll send a few people to clean and sanitize this apartment. I don't want my wife to step into such a scummy place in the future."

Without waiting for his reply, Yichan left.

After making sure that he was nowhere to be seen, Lucas crashed into the couch and sighed.

He would've never accepted Rogers' offer because he knew how cunning he was and also because he would never betray Ning or any of his friends so he decided to join hands with Yichan and seek his help to find the truth behind his mother's death.

Lucas knew that if Yichan wanted, he had the power and source to find out what exactly happened that night.

Five years ago, Lucas was overseas when he received a call from the hospital saying that his mother was very serious and wanted to see him for the last time.

He rushed back home only to find out from the doctors that she had poisoned herself and was found unconscious inside the washroom by one of the maids. She was then rushed to the hospital but unfortunately the poison had already damaged her organs resulting in excessive internal bleeding.

Before dying, his mother hugged him tightly and sobbed for sometime before asking him not to associate himself with his father or anyone from the William family. She had asked him to stay far away from them and live a peaceful life.

When the traumatizing memory was his mother dying in his arms flashed in front of his eyes, Lucas squeezed his eyes shut. He never got a chance to ask her why she decided to kill herself and that kept bothering him.

Though he distanced himself from his father's family for so many years, Lucas was now determined to find out the real truth behind his mother's death and punish those who are responsible for it.



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