The Devil’s love

Chapter 116 - Pact

"You see that mates, my grandson is fast too." Grandpa Zhang proudly gloated.

"Seriously? You people first got into trouble and then called over the media to leak this news?" Ning shouted. Glaring at her grandpa, Ning gritted her teeth, "You are so grounded now." ​​

"Hey, I didn't call the media. It was old Han's idea, ground him not me." Grandpa Yang tried to shrug the blame off him. Last time when Ning found out the best had been skipping his physio classes and was going to pub to chill with his gang instead, she grounded him for an entire month and asked the physiotherapist to over to their place for the classes. He couldn't step out of the mansion for an entire month and couldn't sneak out either because his strict granddaughter had hired bulky men to keep an eye on him. He didn't want to go through all the pain of being grounded all over again.

"In my defence, it was a mutual plan to call the media over because if no one new that we were arrested, how would they know about our heroic deeds? I mean, we saved a woman from getting harassed, that is huge." Grandpa Han said.

Yufan frowned deeper and gritted his teeth. "Now that doesn't mean that you'll misuse your powers and do such things grandpa. You are seriously unbelievable at times."

"You people have really crossed all your limits today and-"

"Ahh Bojin with a G, you are here too?" Grandpa Yang asked.

"Grandpa, that is not an appropriate way to call someone out." Ning couldn't help but nag grandpa Yang.

Shrugging his shoulder, Grandpa Yang asked, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Without waiting for Nings reply, Grandpa Yang turned towards Grandpa Mo and asked, "Quan tell me, what is my name?"

"Bojin." Grandpa Mo said.

"And what is your eldest grandsons name?" Grandpa Yang asked.

"Bojing." Grandpa Mo said.

"You see? So isn't he Bojin with a G?" Grandpa Yang asked.

Ning massaged her forehead while Suyan and Meili couldn't control their laughter.

"Okay, you all wanted footage right? You all got enough footage for the whole year so can we please go home and not create a scene here?" Yichan asked.

Sitting down on the bench, Grandpa Yang huffed, "First ask Ning not to ground me."

"No way, you are so grounded." Ning snapped. How could she let her go without teaching him a lesson? Grandpa Yang was actually turning more and more childish with the passing days. Sometimes, he was more childish than a five year old.

"Okay, I am not going anywhere." Grandpa Yang declared.

Grandpa Mo sat down beside his friend and added, "I am not anywhere either."

"Me too."

"Yes I will stay too."

"Ah how can I leave my gang alone? I am staying too." Grandpa Yue declared before sitting down.

Just then Muchan and Nuyang arrived.

When Meili saw them together, she raised her eyebrows. Looking at their crumbled clothes and messy hair, Meili's lips curled upwards. Something was super fishy and she could smell it.

"There comes my unfilial grandson with a very beautiful woman beside him." Grandpa Yue's eyes brightened when he saw Nuying standing right beside his grandson.

"Oh God, my grandson brought a woman with him." Grandpa Yue murmured.

"Hmmm, isn't she old Bai's granddaughter?" Grandpa Zhang asked.

"Hmmm, yes I think she is." Grandpa Han added.

"What is happening here? Grandpa are you alright? How did you end up here? Come here let me check your pulse." Rushing towards his grandpa, Muchan quickly grabbed his wrist but the latter slapped his hand away.

Glaring at his grandson, Grandpa Yue asked, "Yue Muchan, tell me that you have something going on with that beautiful woman and if you say that you are just friends, I'll kick you in front of her."

Muchan: *_*

Apart from telling him that something was going on between him and Nuying, did Muchan have any choice? How could he allow himself to get kicked in front of her? What will happen to his reputation and man ego?

"They actually got themselves into trouble and if you want to check anyone's pulse, check mine because I think I'll go crazy." Ning was still super mad at her grandfather.

Grandpa Yang puffed his cheeks and complained, "How can you bully me like this? I am your grandfather not your husband."

"Stop acting like a kid and let's go home." Ning shouted.

"But we still have to go clubbing. We already made reservations." Grandpa Zhang said.

"No grandchild for five more years if you don't go home with me right now." Guiren threatened his grandpa using the grandchild card because he knew that would always work.

Grandpa Zhang widened his eyes in shock and quickly got up. "Alright alright, I'll go home right now."

"Old Zhang how can you do that? What happened to our pact?" Grandpa Han reminded his friend about their 'Always stick together' pact.

"I won't let you see Lara for a whole week if you don't come home with us right now."

Smacking her husband's arm, Hannah frowned, "Yufan, don't do that."

"Babe, he will never leave this place if I don't." Yufan explained.

Grandpa Han widened his eyes in shock and quickly got up and left along with Yufan and Hannah.

"I'll tell you who she is if you come out with me." Muchan said.

Turning towards his friends, Grandpa Yui said, "Sorry mates but I need to know and this is important. My bloodline stops with Muchan and I need to confirm whether he is a gay or not."

Muchan: *_*

When Nuying chuckled, Muchan frowned and pursed his lips. Grabbing her hand, he walked out of the police station along with Grandpa Yue.

Grandpa Mo and Grandpa Yang had a scowl on their face after being abandoned by their friends.

Placing his hand on Grandpa Yang's shoulder, Grandpa Mo encouraged him. "Don't worry partner, we are in this together."

"Enough, you are coming home with me right now." Ning said.

"Haa so that you can ground me again? No way." Grandpa Yang shouted.



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