The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 28

Today’s Chapters are Dedicated to the reader “RMehrotra” for gifting a castle to the novel. Thank you so much, Rajni. XOXO


After a short pause, Cornelia asked, “What are His Majesty’s plans for that child? As of now, only the leaders and their direct subordinates know of her existence, but once news of her staying here in Ronan reaches the ears of the ordinary folks, discontent is bound to happen. The resentment of those who lost their loved ones to humans will protest her stay here.”

Leeora sighed. “Even among my clan, some of the older elves are already asking me for a meeting.”

“She is a curious child, but I do not understand why His Majesty refuses to send her to the human villages. In the past, we gave humans a chance to interact with us, thinking maybe this time they would be different, but we paid a heavy price for that wishful thinking. Even if she’s a child…It’s a rule we implemented to protect our peace and we followed for more than a century. His Majesty himself had approved it…”

“I am sure that Sire will make the right decision,” Leeora assured.

“Knowing His Majesty, since he had her be kept under your care, that means he plans to keep her here for good,” Cornelia concluded. “If only we can prove that she is not human, then no one would protest against her living among us. The races would even protect her like family.”

“However, the King has always been willful. He does not interfere with our affairs, but if Sire makes a decision, no one dares stop him,” Leeora added, “He always did what he liked.”

“That is true, Elder Leeora, but for the internal peace of the kingdom, he has to consider the opinions of his people. We have been living here in harmony without any disturbances from the outside world and we should ruin that because of one human.”

“Sire is the one who made that peace possible. I would like to trust him. Perhaps, he is already thinking of a solution in order to placate the incoming dissatisfaction of the people.”

The Head of the Witches sighed. “I would like to believe so. I wish Her Eminence is here with us. Unlike King Draven, Her Eminence is easy to approach and talk with. If she were here, we would not be left guessing like this.”

“Has it been a century since the Monarch last visited us?” Leeora remembered the visage of the beautiful lady with honey blond hair. “Both of them were always on the same page regarding how they see the world, and it is true that only Her Eminence can talk on equal terms with King Draven.”

Cornelia agreed as she let out a sigh. “I hope she returns soon.”

“Why don’t you try to reach out to her, Lady Cornelia?”

“Impossible,” the Head of the Witches replied. “Her Eminence has been roaming the continent without leaving a trail. She is known to follow her words and she would not break her oath ever. I would like to explain more, but this is a matter related to us witches, thus I will refrain from commenting.”

After chatting some more, Cornelia stood up. “I will take my leave, Elder Leeora. Please send my regards to His Majesty.”

Leeora agreed and heard the Head of the Witches continue, “I will send vitality potions at a regular interval that you can give to that human girl. Her constitution is the poorest I have seen for centuries. She’s even worse than the war orphans we helped last time.”

Leeora smiled, accepting the goodwill of the witch. “Thank you, Lady Cornelia. I will take note of this favour.”

The Head of the Witches left. Leeora had initially planned to take the human girl out to roam the city, but she changed her mind and simply let her rest and get her wounds healed first. The young elves in Ronan were curious about her, and she was afraid that the timid human girl would be uncomfortable with the attention. It was not even a day since she arrived in the city. It would be appropriate not to rush her and let her get used to her surroundings first.

The human spent her day inside her home, and it seemed she found her favourite spot— sitting on the wide window sill of her home. She would only leave when Leeora brought food for her to eat and promptly return to gazing at the beautiful outside world.


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