The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 21

Leeora felt it was her mistake to not ask Draven anything about the girl, thinking she could ask the girl herself about her identity and background. But then again, the King threw the responsibility of raising this poor child to her seemingly out of a whim. Perhaps she should ask Erlos about this human girl the next time he returns home.

“All right, Lusca, let her down now. Thank you for bringing her here. Go play with your friends, but be sure to return by dinner.”

Afterward, Leeora took that chance to hold the girl’s hand and bring her towards the tree where her new house was.

“As you might have noticed, the Forest of Elves is a magical place where many races and creatures coexist harmoniously. For Ronan, a majority of the inhabitants are elves like myself, but do you know what creature has the second largest population in this city? Hmm? Can you guess?”

Leeora laughed when she saw the confusion on the girl’s face.

“You must be wondering why I am bringing this up? Well, little one, it is related to how you are going to enter your new house.

“Wood Elves in general protect the trees of the forest, but in fact, we have a give-and-take relationship with the trees, especially the trees here in Ronan…because these trees are sentient beings. You noticed that the houses in Ronan all seem to be naturally formed shelters within the tree trunks, don’t they? It is because we do not cut these wonderful trees. They are also part of your future forest friends—the tree spirits.”

Leeora knocked on the tree trunk, and as if understanding her intentions, several vines and branches around them moved, causing the human girl to silently gasp. However, one would not feel fear but wonder and awe, watching the branches carry them towards the door of her new house. There was no need to walk.

Seeing the questions on her face, Leeora explained with a smile, “Tree spirits do not speak like we do, and they also do not hear sounds like us as well. They speak the language of the heart. You may talk to them, but all you really need is to knock and they will understand what’s in your heart. They will respond if they like you.

“So for now, your first responsibility as the owner of this house is to build trust and affection with the tree spirit of your house, otherwise you must learn how to climb a tree.”

The human girl blinked in confusion, but she seemed to understand at least a part of what Leeora said. She gave the elf a light nod and lightly caressed the vines touching her body, as if to shyly greet the tree spirit.

‘What a relief,’ the High Elder thought. It was good she’s responding instead of just staring at her blankly.

Leeora felt deep sympathy for this poor human girl. Although it was just a guess, it was highly likely that this girl was an orphan that the King saved. She might be terribly frightened and confused to find herself in an unfamiliar place and surrounded by strangers.

But no matter what background she had, it didn’t change the fact that she’s an innocent child who’s full of curiosity.

This human was fascinated with magic. During their first encounter, didn’t this girl lower her guard after witnessing that simple magic light show in the form of butterflies? Rather than fear, she looked excited after learning about the existence of tree spirits, seemingly curious that the tree had sentience and could understand her. Only a human with such a pure heart would be able to appreciate the beauty of magic as it is.

‘And if she is really a mute, then she will surely enjoy the company of these tree spirits who can communicate with her with no barriers.’

“Come, let me introduce you to your new house.”

The door of the home opened on its own with Leeora using her powers, and while holding hands, they entered what seemed like a simple wooden cabin that had two circular holes playing the part of windows. Sunlight entered through them, making it bright and warm inside. With the air especially clean and refreshing, it gave off a cozy and lazy atmosphere.

Basic furniture made out of wood could be found inside, together with what seemed to be freshly brought in baskets of fruit and bread. It seemed as if everything she needed was provided to her, and nothing was lacking.

“What do you think? Do you like it?” Leeora asked. “Other elves helped me prepare this, but we did not decorate it because we do not know what you like.”

Though that human was not smiling, her beautiful eyes were sparkling in happiness. Using her free hand, she gently touched the doorway, letting her fingertips trace the wooden wall that was a complete opposite of the gray cave walls she’s long used to. The elf let go of her hand and urged her to look around her new home.

“Your clothes are dirty. You should change into new clothes,” Leeora said and went towards a wooden chest where dresses were folded inside. It was a plain dress with a skirt cut just above her knee that was in the shade of green and brown. The human girl remembered seeing female elves wearing the same kind of dress in the streets earlier.

“Water is kept in that barrel, and there is no need to worry since the fairies from the Water Tribe go around refilling them everyday. You can clean yourself but make sure to not rub your wounds,” Leeora instructed as she brought the clothes for her.

“You can take your time acquainting yourself with your house,” Leeora said. “Once you are done, you can come to my home. I will prepare something for us to eat and also treat your wounds.”

The human girl nodded and Leeora suddenly vanished into thin air. Stunned, she looked around but did not see the kind female elf. When she looked beyond the door, she found the silhouette of Leeora passing through the doorway of the largest house on the other side of the hanging bridge.

‘Alone, finally.’

The human girl finally felt like she could breathe, and a bright smile could be found on her small face as she touched everything, from the table to the chairs to the bed.

That terrifying red-eyed man would no longer bother her from now on, and she’s in a place where she no longer had a need to hide. Everything would have been perfect if only—.

She stood up in front of a large oval mirror and observed herself. It was a small thin face full of bruises and scars, and her entire body from neck down was covered in bandages. The white dress she was wearing was the most beautiful dress she had ever worn, but sadly, its state was in near rags after her adventure the previous night.

She looked at her long messy hair that reminded of someone who liked to brush them every chance she could find.

The voice of that woman seemed to ring in her ears. “Little princess, your hair is so beautiful.”

Tears welled up in her green eyes as the memories of her dearest person flashed in her mind.

“You have such beautiful eyes, little princess.”

“Your laugh sounds like music, little princess.”

“Little princess, little princess…”

“—I apologize. I wish I could stay…longer…princess…”

She was no longer able to hold back those tears until they rolled down her dirty cheeks. A soft sound could be heard under her breath.


Tap! Tap!

A knock on the door brought her back to her senses, and she immediately wiped her tears.


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