The Devil who devoured Snow White

Chapter 85 - Yong Liwei's Truth

Lu Mengjie furrowed her brows in confusion. Just what kind of answer was he giving her? Can't he just straight up tell her the truth? It was truly frustrating!

"Liwei!" She raised her voice, taking a few steps towards him until she was able to grab a hold of his wrist which made him stop. "Do I have to beg you just for you to tell me the truth?"

"What kind of truth do you want me to tell you?" He asked quite calmly which only aggravated her further. "If it's my truth you want then sure, I don't mind telling you everything but the real question is…" he paused and turned his body to finally face her. With a sharp glare that almost took her breath away, he continued, "will you be able to handle my truth?"

Would she? If he told her everything he knew, would she finally remember? Only one thing was seen in her eyes, resolve. She didn't care if it was going to hurt her. All that mattered to her right now was to find a reason... A reason to continue on trusting this man... But with how things were unfolding at that moment, she honestly found it hard to do that. It was hard to believe that she would be able to find something that could make her hold on to him.

"If I won't be able to handle it, then my name won't be Lu Mengjie."

The side of his lips slightly curled up into a small smirk. He looked as if he has been expecting that answer from her. "How courageous. Very well then."

She let go of his hand and straightened her back, ready to receive the impact of whatever he was about to tell her.

"I used you as a pawn to lure the people behind the murder of Chen Yuyan."

At the mention of the name, it wasn't a scene that she recalled but the words of someone.

"I met him with his lover. Her name was Chen Yuyan. I could tell that their relationship was pretty close. They were inseparable considering that she was also his secretary. She was kidnapped and brutally murdered. News about her death didn't circulate. Chen Yuyan was an orphan. She had no family to mourn for her… except for Yong Liwei. Her death almost broke him. I don't know if that man really cares for you but if you'll continue to stay by his side, those who killed his ex-lover might start seeing you as his weakness and target you. Even if you have protection from the Han family, it doesn't mean you'll be totally safe. There are crazy, intelligent people out there. Crazier than you. You need to stop approaching Yong Liwei, Mengjie. I don't want the same thing to happen to you."

She kept quiet about what she remembered and instead, she quietly listened to him as he continued.

His eyes pierced through her and with a vicious, devastating smile, he finally confessed to her, "You are in this state because of me. I am the reason. I caused it. The mastermind of it all. That's why I'm here, I knew that you'll be here."

Her heart stopped. At least that was what she felt after hearing his declaration. She suddenly felt the heaviness in her body, pulling her down on the ground. It was as if those words were like a mountain, trying to crush her down on the floor.

She has already presumed but who would have thought that hearing it first hand from him would torture her instead? She felt like her heart was being torn to pieces at his betrayal. It was ravaging her starting from her heart then slowly spreading throughout her body.

"Why…" she paused as she gulped down her saliva before she continued to ask, "why me?"

"It's because I once found you useful. The perfect toy to lure them out but…" His eyes showed no emotion. It was cold. His cruel, deathly gaze was like that of a killer's. He was so indifferent, the opposite of how has been to her. She was never able to see through his 'real' self.

"You have no use to me anymore. I should have discarded you already but I can't, not yet at least. Not until I make sure that the child in you is not mine."

She unconsciously took a step back now that she has seen the cruelty in him. She fought the tears that sought to fall from her eyes. Her sight was hazy. His words were like daggers, stabbing her, killing her again and again. He was a devil in a human form. The devil who devoured her inside and out. Yong Liwei was a man who was easy to love but at the same time… right now, he was too easy to hate.

"So now, can you still handle my truth?" The man asked with intensity in his eyes. He was not merciful enough to hold back. No, he was never a kind person. He never had an ounce of goodness in him but instead, the opposite of it. He was ruthless to the woman in front of him even after all they have been through. 

Could she still handle his truth?

Maybe a part of it but the rest, she couldn't. She didn't want to listen to any of his words anymore. She feared that if she learned more, it would just further break her apart. It was already too much to take in for a pregnant woman like her.

She turned away and rushed towards the door to which the man stood still and quietly watched her. But before she could take a step outside, she heard him say, "run and hide while you can, Mengjie. The next time we meet, it will be the last," he threatened.

Those words were enough to drive her away. She didn't stay a second longer in the room and left.

She entered the elevator car and retreated to the opposite corner after she pressed a button. She was alone and as the cart drove down, so did the tears from her eyes. She was shifting restlessly on her feet. Her body trembled not in fear but... by the deception he did to her. She never had the time to get her things from his place when she left. She was in a hurry to leave the man. Her breathing became ragged so was her heartbeat.

"S-stop crying, Mengjie..." She scolded herself in a whispering tone. She sucked a deep breath as she tried her best to stop her tears. She kept on wiping them with her hands.

When the cart reached the lobby, she pulled herself together. She fixed her attire before she stepped out. It was empty, except for the staff by the reception area and a few security guards near the entrance. They only gave her a glance but never stared at her for too long but she could already guess what was probably going in their minds. She cared less about them so she ignored the people who saw her.

By the time she left the building, she saw Yong Liwei's Assistant, waiting for her beside a black Bentley. He was holding a coat in his hand. approached her. He offered the coat and said, "Ms, please allow me to drop you at your place. The streets at night are dangerous."

She narrowed her red, puffy eyes as she asked, "did Yong Liwei ordered you?"

"Yes," he replied.

Of course, he did. If not, why the hell would his Assistant be waiting for her? She was sure that he was just doing this because of the child she was carrying. They have still yet to know if the child belonged to him.

Resentment filled her chest when she thought that he was just sparing her at that moment because of the child inside her.

Despite not wanting to ride the car, Lu Mengjie wasn't stupid to decline the offer. She entered the car and sat in the backseat.

Who in their right mind would walk on the street wearing an oversized polo shirt and underwear? It was a good thing that the polo shirt was reaching until her legs so it looked more like a dress. She left her things in Yong Liwei's room. She didn't want to return. Just at the thought of seeing his face again was making her chest ache. At the same time, hate was growing inside her.

He threatened to kill her the next time they meet. He could have just let her go but he didn't. She could see how serious he was. The man never cared for it. His kindness, everything he did to her was just so he could deceive her. It worked. He was able to deceive her full time. She was not able to see through him.

Now that she thought of it, that man was a hypocrite. He disliked blood and seeing dead bodies but he just threatened to kill her.

Just when she thought that she had gotten close to him, in truth, she actually never moved an inch closer to him. She placed a hand on her baby bump as she tried to suppress her tears.

Either it was his baby or the child was a product of an unpleasant moment… at least that was what he told her. She was put in a dilemma. She didn't want the child to be his anymore but at the same time, she could only hope and pray that the child was not a product of an assault.


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