The Devil who devoured Snow White

Chapter 147 - Shi Enxi's Speculation

"Then should I make you remember?"

Instead of taking a step backward when Bai Jingye walked forward, towards her, Bella Qin stood still on her ground. She refused to be intimidated by him. She could already feel her neck aching from looking at his tall figure. 

"Make me remember?" The side of her lips turned up into a taunting smile. He sure was a funny person. Did he think that she would be flustered in his presence after what happened last night? Think again!

"Sure, young man." She placed her hands on her waist and continued, "how will you make me remember? By kissing me?"

The man stopped right in front of her. His face was void of emotions but for some reason, she was able to notice the change in his ambiance. She refused to tear her gaze away from him so she continued to level her sight towards his handsome face. His handsome face was such a waste when paired to his personality.

"My strawberry shortcake," he reminded her.

"Are you going to treat me outside?" Bella Qin continued to act clueless about what he was saying. 

"You have to replace my strawberry shortcake," he demanded. When it came to that certain dessert, he was willing to confront them, no matter who it was.

"Yours?" She raised a brow and said in her defense, "as far as I can remember, your name wasn't written on it."

"I have already eaten half of it."

"And so? Sharing is caring."

"You STOLE it."

"Then too bad for you. You were so slow," she retorted, her smirk broadening. It was rather a comical scene to see the two bicker with each other.

The man narrowed his eyes. There was no way he could talk nicely with her. She was impossible to reason with, not when she was talking nonsense. And here he thought that she was a mature woman. He sighed heavily. "Forget it." 

It was not like he could change her mind. He turned his heels around and began walking towards the door.

A chuckle escaped her lips as she watched the man leave the room. Well, at least he was still being a gentleman. If it was some other man, they would think of ways to degrade a woman for hurting their pride.

Lu Mengjie and her companions were at the hotel pantry, having their breakfast. While doing so, she told Shi Enxi and her brother what happened. Of course, she intentionally left out her situation with Han Yizhou. If they learned that he has split personality, it would only lengthen her stay with them.

"That Bai Keran might know something about your accident. If not, then how did you end up with him?" Xia Liqin furrowed his brows together. That was the only reason he could think of.

Unlike him, Shi Enxi was quiet. She was staring at her food for a while after she heard everything from him. It was as if she was carefully analyzing the situation her niece got into.

"That's what I was thinking about." She heaved out a sigh. Things were too complicated but that was all because she was in such a disadvantageous situation. 

"What if it's something different? What if he really just found you?" Shi Enxi's sudden question caught the sibling's attention. "If it was me, if I was the perpetrator, to avoid the suspicions from others, I will leave your body in a place where I know you'll be found. Not just that, I will probably schedule for the right timing to have the person I want to blame find you."

She said the same thing as Han Yizhou told Lu Mengjie during their stay in Switzerland.

"Then if it's not him, who?" The younger man asked, as he continued to look at her with curiosity.

"I only have two people in mind right now." 

"Already?" Xia Liqin said in astonishment. That's Shi Enxi. A villainous mind like hers would definitely not miss a thing even if what she heard was just his sister's side.

She cast her sharp eyes at the man sitting beside her niece. She didn't say a word but Han Yizhou knew what kind of look she was giving him. She was doubting him. 

"Who?" Lu Mengjie asked, looking curiously at her. 

The woman remained silent and the more she did, the suspense she was emitting was killing the siblings.

"Just tell us already." Xia Liqin asked earnestly. He already had a person in mind. The only thing he needed was her confirmation. He trusted Shi Enxi's instincts. It was the sharpest after all.

"Are you sure you want to know?" She asked, this time turning her gaze to the siblings. Shi Enxi looked like she was sure that whoever was behind the accident and her memory loss was either of the two.

"Yes!" The answer only came from the younger brother. On the other hand, Lu Mengjie was hesitant to know. She noticed the way she looked at Han Yizhou. She could already tell that he was one of the two people Shi Enxi concluded but... She trusted her husband. He has already told her the truth so that means, whoever the other person was, it would surely be him. The only thing that bothered her was that… she felt like she already knew who it was.

Shi Enxi turned to the other woman as if she was waiting for her reply.

Lu Mengjie eyed her husband. Under the table, she reached out to hold his hand. Her heart trembled. She was unsure if she wanted to hear who the other person was.

What's wrong with her? Didn't she want to know the real culprit who caused her to lose her memories? Somewhere inside her, she knew that it wasn't Han Yizhou's enemy… rather, it might be someone she knew.

Wrath. She remembered who Wrath was. Sloth and Pride warned her about him so many times but she refused to believe them. The Wrath she knew was not that kind of person. 

It was then that a new memory flashed before her eyes.

"Is he inside?" Asked a teenage-looking girl. She was in her school uniform. Her hair was tied into a high ponytail. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead as she looked at the two men who were guarding the door in urgency.

"You are not allowed to enter the room right now, Ms. Lu," one of the guards said.

"Bullshit! I want to see him!" She tried to walk past the men only to bounce back as they blocked her path. "Let me in!"

"We're sorry, ma'am. You have to come back tomorrow."

Lu Mengjie gritted her teeth and dug her nails on her palms as she clenched her hands into fists. The men before her were experienced and well-trained men. She was not stupid enough to face them head-on. She was at a disadvantage.

"I'm not going to repeat myself," she warned as she threw her glares on them. 

The two men ended up looking at each other. They were given specific orders not to let anyone enter. If they disobeyed, surely their head would be flying away from their bodies.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lu. We're just following the order our boss gave us." 

She pressed her lips together, stretching into a thin line. Seeing that they wouldn't allow her, her shoulders fell in disappointment. She knew that she could insist and force them using her family background and the two men knew that but… She was not a spoiled girl. She wasn't going to do things that could risk the life of people who didn't offend her.

Yes, she knew what kind of man was inside the room. He was probably in one of his 'interrogations'. Despite knowing his true colors, Lu Mengjie remained unfazed. It may be considered wrong through others' eyes and so were hers. She already tried to talk it out with him but it was no use. He would never change, he was not willing to do so.

A sigh escaped her lips. "Fine, I'll wait for him." It may be urgent for her but it was probably not the same for him. She once again sighed in disappointment. She has been running after him since childhood. She didn't know what happened to him during the years she was not in the Azure Republic but whatever went on, it changed him.

"Lu Mengjie?"

She turned her head upon hearing her name. The new arrival was a red-haired man wearing a blue retro suit. He had a few similar features to the man she was waiting for. He had a kind look on his face but she knew well that it was just his facade.

"What are you doing here?" The man asked as he began heading her way.

She flashed him a small smile as she returned the question to him, "I should be the one asking you that question."

The man standing before her was none other than Si Hongqi's older brother, Si Guanlin.


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