The Demon's Soul

Chapter 20 An unexpected night- Part 1

Lilly was confused as she went back inside the building of ice rink. Had she misheard him? No that wasn’t possible. It wasn’t just one person’s name but both Cole and Ace’s he had used. Ace was helping Cole in not getting caught by his father’s officials but with the way she saw and heard it seemed like things were serious. Had Mr. Harper come to their school to find Cole? Going back to Gwen she handed her the bottles.

"What’s the matter? You look lost," her friend asked, opening the cap of the bottle while staring at Lilly.

"Something weird happened just now. Do you remember I met two boys in the morning," Gwen tried remembering before bobbing her head with a yes, "I think they are here to take him back," she said to see Gwen stop trying to take off her skates after hearing it. Gwen had found out about Cole and Ace being a demon and like her had heard their situation. Her friend looked worried as she gnawed at the bottom of her lips.

"We should let them know," hearing this Lilly agreed.

Both Gwen and Lilly were aware of the situation. Cole was a demon prince, son of Regorzil and no matter how much they thought about it, they knew Cole had to return back to the demon realm one day. With the amount of time she had known Cole, she knew that he was too in love with Gwen.

"How do you think they found out about you? I thought demons didn’t possess the ability to pick up scents."

"I thought so too until I met Ace," Lilly sighed, "Maybe it’s a rare ability. I will go home and look into it. It should be there in dad’s study room."

Going home, Lilly went straight to her father’s study. Picking two-three books randomly to see if she could find something about it. It took her hours before she found something she hadn’t prepared herself for. The demons didn’t have the ability to pick up the scent and it was just the dragons who were capable of it. Somewhere she was missing the connection until she realized that maybe the men who came for Cole were dragons but what would the dragons have to do with the demon prince?

During dinner, her mother complained about the neighbor’s dog attacking and eating one of the plants in their garden. Her father nodded his head like a dutiful husband would do making Lilly smile. She placed another call to Ace while eating her food but as usual, the phone ended up being unreachable. At night in her room, she decided to ask her parents discreetly instead of breaking her head over the doubt she had and went to her parent’s room to only hear them talk softly.

"Are they still searching for it?" her mother asked, distress evident in her voice.

"Apparently there has been a rumor floating around all the dimensions about it. We don’t know who let such information leak when it was kept highly confidential."

"What is going to happen?"

"Don’t worry. No one has found it in decades," Lilly being the curious child leaned her head closer to the door, wondering what was ’it’ they were talking about, "It is all but a rumor to the people without any evidence. Regorzil with the others are already looking into the matter. Something like a demon’s soul is something that men and women in our dimension have desired for, people wanting to acquire it for their own desires. If it goes to the wrong hands it might actually cause problems."

Knowing it was rude and impolite with the way she was eavesdropping, she decided to go back to her room as her parents seemed o be busy. What was a demon’s soul? She had never heard or read anything like that.

When she entered back to her room, the lights were turned off. Ready to turn on the lights, she moved her hands against the wall to only feel someone pull her back. Thief! came the thought in her mind. Struggling to get away, she kicked the person to hear a male groan. Trying to pull away, she jerked her body ready to scream to have a cloth instantly placed over her face. Dread already kicking it into her system, she tried not to breathe in. Holding her breath as far as she could while trying to relax her body as though she had fallen unconscious.

"I told you we should have used my method."

"Hitting on the head is not polite," it wasn’t one but two thieves she was dealing with! "And he wouldn’t be happy about it," the voice sounded familiar.

"I think she’s unconscious," feeling the hand over her loosen, she kicked again.

"Ow! That hurt."

"Breath Lily," Or maybe it was too soon. The cloth was back on her face and this time she couldn’t help but breath before falling unconscious for real this time.

The next time when Lilly opened her eyes, she realized she had been kidnapped from her house to a tidy looking room. The walls were whitewashed and there was no furniture around except for the chair she was sitting on and two bags that laid at the corner of the room. Her hands were tied firmly together in front of her along with the ropes that bound her to the chair. Hearing the doorknob turn, she was on alert thinking what to do and what her kidnappers wanted from her.

"You!" Lilly raised both her hands accusingly at the person.

"Good evening, Lilly. I hope you aren’t uncomfortable," he walked forward to squat in front of her, "Sorry for tying you up, it was Henry’s idea. He didn’t want to get hurt anymore," he said pointing towards Henry who was busy eating an apple now.

"Here let me take it off," he got up to untie the ropes.

"Why did you kidnap me?" She asked them in panic. They kidnapped her. Tied her around the chair and now they had freed her. What was going on?

"Bait," was Henry’s only reply as he went back to chewing and standing against the wall.

"Bait?" she asked baffled, "You want money from my parents?" Hearing this Levi smiled.

"Nah, I have enough cash to survive. The situation is so," Levi stated, "You see we have been trying to reach a certain someone since sometime but it seems impossible to meet him. So we had to kidnap you," Levi explained rubbing the back of his neck, "It is a risky plan and he might be pissed by now. Scratch that, he is going to be pissed but it’s worth it. It’s really hard to track a person in a human world."


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