The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 89 - Travel

Syryn was in the eye of a storm that wasn't of his making. Within the winds that churned beyond his centre, he was strangely calm. Magnus' imminent departure loomed upon the household as dusk arrived. Rowan too had left after Syryn inspected his stitches one more time. And as the alchemist sat nursing a calming drink with Lucien, Artemus arrived and he wasn't alone.

Assassin, the first word that came to Syryn's mind when he saw Riaku. Alka hadn't exaggerated when he'd commented about the similarities between Salem and Riaku. Physical similarities aside, their auras were strangely alike yet opposites. Riaku had the calmness that Salem exuded but the prince made people feel like a terrible, life-threatening danger lurked underneath his cool exterior.

Syryn noticed a thin scar cutting across Riaku's cheek. His raven hair was braided loosely behind him. His clothing was even more interesting to the alchemist. A black fit cross collared, wide-sleeved shirt, embroidered intricately with the design of a beautiful silver Phoenix, was cinched at the waist by a long thick scarlet ribbon over loose black trousers. At his waist hung a scabbard. The sword hidden inside its covering gave off malevolent vibes that could be felt like heat radiating from a fire.

Riaku's cold blue eyes reminded Syryn of frosty winters. Behind him was a female bodyguard whose face was covered by a veil, the end of which slowly fluttered near her ankles. The alchemist's gaze was drawn to the brazenly confident manner with which the bodyguard walked. Standing straight with her shoulders held back, each step that she took was done with her entire foot solidly claiming the piece of ground for herself.

The large wings on their backs were much bigger than Lumi's. And from the size of the wings, both individuals could be expected to reach bird sizes that rivalled their human heights.

Artemus looked around the kitchen then addressed Syryn. "Where's Lumi?"

"In his room."

The anti mage exchanged a look with Riaku and then walked past Syryn, no doubt heading off to fetch the smaller avian. The alchemist was left with the icy looking Riaku and his bodyguard.

"Will he be executed?" Syryn asked the prince.

Riaku lifted his gaze from Lucien and answered. "He will stand trial in the court of the Iron Claw." His voice was like silver.

"You're just as culpable. Why aren't you standing trial?" Syryn's rudeness drew a sharp gaze from the bodyguard. Riaku though appeared unaffected.

"What crime would you pin on me?" The prince asked.

All was fair in war. Deception and trickery were the tools of the trade for diplomatic exchanges and wars. Riaku had used Lumi to spy on his enemy. As unsavoury as his actions had been, the prince had secured a resounding victory, putting an end to decades of bloodshed. Lumi on the other hand had knowingly betrayed his people, and as long as there were survivors, the avian would never be freed from the blood debt he owed to both the Stone Claw and Iron Claw tribes.

"I've got nothing." Syryn made empty palms on the table. "If I were Lumi though, I'd cut your dick off given the chance."

Riaku's cold look was a placid frozen lake that did not waver. It was his bodyguard who took offence.

"Prince, may I present his head to you?" She sounded younger than Syryn had initially assumed. Her voice was low and husky. If either of them were expecting a reaction out of Syryn, they would have been disappointed by the lack of fear in him. Syryn only feared anti mages.

"Syryn," Red began in a deceptively lazy tone, "she's quite the gutsy one. Threatening a citizen of Sigil while standing on the Emperor's soil. Maybe we should reward her."

Red's calling out of Syryn's name had caused the prince to react with a sharp but slight jerk of his head towards the alchemist.

"What do you have in mind?" Syryn asked as he threw caution to the wind. He was eyeing Riaku's sword with interest.

"I had a feeling I needed to hurry." Artemus showed up with Lumi in tow. "I leave for a minute and you two are already fomenting trouble."

Riaku and his bodyguard silently regarded Lumi. The avian in turn turned a look of unadulterated hatred towards the prince.

"So you came to personally catch me, Prince Riaku. Should I be flattered? Honoured? I rue the day I met you. I hope you lose your kingdom and all your loved ones. I hope you die."

Lumi's courage took Syryn by surprise. It was the final spiteful kick of an animal caught in a trap. Riaku's gaze shifted to Artemus after taking in Lumi's little outburst.

"We'll take over from here." Without the need for instructions, the bodyguard placed metallic manacles on Lumi's wrists. They were magical in nature and strong enough to withstand most magic attacks on them.

"You are Syryn, correct?" Riaku's clinical icy gaze landed on him.

"Who is asking?" Syryn warily replied.

"Me. I've heard about your skills at healing and I have a proposal for you."

Syryn was intrigued. "What proposal?"

"My grandmother, the dowager queen, is terminally ill and requires the care of a highly competent healer. If you're willing to come to Nua with us, the remunerations for your services will be worth your weight in gold."

Syryn was tempted. He'd heard of Nua's beauty but never had the opportunity to visit because casual visitors were discouraged. Tourism was confined to specific parts of the kingdom. Only traders were allowed entry into the heart of Nua but that too under strict supervision. It was an opportunity of a lifetime.

"Sorry," he replied, feeling truly sorry about it. "That's the sort of long term commitment I can't promise to anyone."

Riaku considered Syryn's words and responded. "What would you say to visiting for a month? There may be benefit from getting examined by you."

A month at Nua sounded exciting. Syryn had to help Artemus with his case but it could be done even without his physical presence at Elysium. Syryn's contribution to the case was in an advisory capacity. He had to interpret the post mortem finds and appropriately direct them towards resources and paths that would help solve the case. Still, it rankled him to just up and leave in the middle of an important murder case.

"You do not have to answer now. We depart for Nua just before dawn. I will send a guard to fetch you tomorrow if you do decide to come with us."

Syryn nodded at the prince and then looked towards Lumi. The avian's eyes met his and it was hollow. The alchemist was gripped by a sudden desire to free him but he let it pass without acting on it. It was too much trouble. Syryn didn't care for Lumi's crimes but he cared about the amount of bullshit that would find them if he acted.

"What's the worst that will happen to Lumi?" Syryn asked Riaku as he was walking away. The prince halted at the door and paused for a second to answer.

"His wings will be taken away, never again to feel the wind under them."

Lumi's shoulders hunched and Syryn couldn't say if it wasn't a sentence that was worse than death for some avians. The desire to take to the sky was an instinct ingrained in their lithe forms. The urge to fly and glide in the wind, to soar above the clouds, and experience the freedom of not having to choose a direction - they were feelings that Syryn could commiserate the loss of.

"The investigation will continue with or without you," Artemus informed Syryn. It was his way of telling the alchemist that he could go to Nua if that was what he wanted.

After they'd all left, Syryn knocked on Magnus' door. The fire mage had been catching some light sleep in preparation for his overnight journey. It was agreed that Alka would drop him off at the furthest point of Elysium's border where a gate opened to the path. For the sake of their safety, Magnus was cutting off all contact till he was ready to return. The spies that Falk had set up in Elysium would notice his disappearance but it would be too late to find him by then. Magnus had used a lot of his hard-earned money to buy a superior cloaking amulet that would protect him from tracking spells.

"Magnus, it's time to move," Syryn told the fire mage at the door.

"They took him away?" Magnus asked.

The alchemist nodded.

"I guess that's it for Lumi."

"Do you hold it against me?" Syryn asked. "He would still be here if it weren't for my complaint to Artemus."

"No," Magnus replied. "You did the right thing. Lumi's crime is... grave." Magnus had lost his own family to treachery. Falk was the mastermind behind the assassination but he couldn't have done it without the help from some of Rojan's own disloyal family members. Magnus no longer cared about Lumi's future or what awaited him at the trial. It had Syryn wondering just what the fire mage would think of his crimes against humanity.

He acknowledged the fire mage's words with a dip of his chin. "Let's wait in the kitchen for Alka's arrival."


The plant mage had come home right on time. Lucien and Syryn stood near a tree and watched the two mages disappear inside the yawning rift that swallowed them up like a black mouth.

"Luci, are you okay?" Syryn asked the boy whose silence was like a stagnant pool of water.

"Everything at home will remind me of Magnus. I wish I didn't have to stay here." Lucien was very subdued.

"We'll find ways to distract you, Luci."

"Like what?" Big red eyes looked up at Syryn with trust. Such unfiltered belief in him pressured the alchemist for a solution. His mind ran past several ideas but none of them good enough to distract Lucien. And then out of the ashes of the terrible ideas that Syryn had torched, a silver Phoenix rose to his rescue. Rowan would not like it at all but Syryn had to do this for Lucien.

"Would you like to go to Nua together?"

Lucien's eyes widened to saucers. "We can do that?"

"Why not?"


"Eh, skip for a month. It's fine. I'll just let them know that you're not feeling well." Lucien had a bad case of homesickness, the home being a fire mage who had taken off on a journey.

"What about your shop? Salem can't make all those potions alone." Syryn thought Lucien was the most considerate little boy in the world.

"Well, Salem is smart. He'll figure out a way to fill in my absence." He had a plan though. Even Syryn wasn't so unkind as to dump all the work on Salem. Two troublemaking assistants came to mind. He was sure that they'd turn up if Syryn dangled the prospects of tutelage under Salem.

"What about the thing with Artemus?"

"You worry too much."

"Syryn, someone is visiting us." Lucien pointed to their gate. "It's Sebastian!"

The alchemist had completely forgotten about the squid. "And Rowan too!" Lucien happily informed him. For now, he was distracted and that was good enough for Syryn.

"Wanna help catch a squid tonight?" He asked the redhead.

"A squid?? Are we going night fishing??" Lucien's excitement was palpable.

"Something like that..."

"Awesome! Should I get a fishing rod? Are we going to roast it? Magnus likes-" Lucien cut himself off mid-sentence.

"Yeah, he does have a strange obsession for grilled squid, doesn't he?" Syryn continued for Lucien. "It's his loss. I'll let you have his share." The alchemist belatedly remembered that the squid they were catching could not be eaten.

At Syryn's reply, Lucien recovered enough to smile. "I think I'd to travel again."

"Me too, Luci."

"Let's take milky with us. It'll be like when we first met."

"Yeah, we could take milky. Navi too."

"I'm so excited! When are we leaving, Syryn?"

"Tomorrow, maybe."

The brothers walked hand in hand, Lucien swinging their clasped hands to and fro as they walked towards the gate where a sandy-haired mage was sniggering at something that a smiling blond anti mage was saying. Syryn didn't know what the future held but he was going to try as hard as he possibly could to make their present a happy one.


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