The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 106 - Riaku's Secret II

A short distance beyond the crystalline forest that had escaped the deadly killing, Syryn and Lucien peacefully sat in their circles. There was still a large amount of magic gathering and circling inside the red head's sacrificial boundary.

Syryn could feel Lucien abruptly increasing the rate at which magic was being fed into his body; but he wasn't surprised by the redhead's provocative attempt at scaring him. In response to the younger boy's push, the alchemist opened the gates of his mana core and allowed the flood of magic to batter him. He then channeled all the power into creating multiple copies of ice dragons. A hundred icy beasts disappeared through the looped boundary only to appear back inside and repeat the process.

Syryn did this to overwhelm the magic that powered the boundary. Unless it was sustained by a large source of power, there was no way for it to indefinitely stand the onslaught. And the more movement that happened through the loop, the sooner it would use up its repository of magic. Knowing this, the mage kept assaulting the boundary with an excessive amount of ice.

Riaku, who was tired but unharmed, remained in the air and watched the confusing sight of an uncountable number of ice sculptures flying through the loop. The prince had plenty of thoughts going through his head but none more urgent than his desire to know about what manner of magic had been used to kill off such a large swathe of land.

After what had transpired inside the boundary, anyone would have been wary about letting such powerful unknown mages enter their territory. Riaku would have even worried about letting Syryn treat the dowager queen. He would have sent them back home to Elysium if it weren't for the fact that Riaku himself had approached the teen first. Syryn had shown his courage by going to great lengths and saving their lives in the path. After that, they'd been snatched out of a dangerous situation yet again, and it was what convinced the prince that the boys weren't a threat to the avians.

"Syryn, now you're just showing off." Lucien's lashes fluttered down against the assault of wind and snow. He looked around and saw that an icy landscape enveloped every inch of ground that stretched from one end of the boundary to the other. Not even the wooden cabin on the cliff had escaped the clutches of Syryn's cold breath.

"If only I had an arcane device to store away all the excess energy you sent my way," Syryn told the boy. They were both shivering from the plummeting temperatures of their surroundings.

"Riaku is heading our way."

The approaching prince was no longer in his demonic form. Clothing covered in a fine layer of white powder, the avian left light footprints on the snow as he approached the brothers.

"You have saved my life for a second time now. Gratitude is no longer adequate for this debt I owe you. Tell me, how can I repay the both of you?" Riaku asked them.

Syryn turned to Lucien because it was the redhead who had saved Riaku this time.

"Are you married?" Red asked Riaku.

Brows drawn together, the prince shook his head. "I cannot marry in this lifetime."

Red smirked at that. "How unlucky for you."

"What bearing does my marriage have on anything?" Riaku asked the redhead.

"Nothing for now," Red answered. "You'll find out years later if you're still alive."

Syryn was slightly alarmed because he realised Red was planning something. Was he making his own list? The alchemist wondered. If Red made a list, It couldn't be a kiss list like Syryn's, that much the alchemist was sure of. What would he call it? Red's list of future fuck buddies? Or would it be Red's list of future one night stands? And what would Luci have to say about it when he was old enough to understand just what kind of sordid habits his other self was indulging in?

"I will still be alive," Riaku solemnly told the redhead.

"Oh? I look forward to it then, Riaku. Stay healthy and tasty."

"That's enough Lucien," Syryn told the younger boy. "Riaku, the discussion on payment can wait. Let's talk about your little secret?" The smile on Syryn's face was wide and it showed all his pearly whites.

But before Riaku could say anything about it, the sound of crunching snow was heard from behind him. The other avians had arrived. Rei and Gosan though were still back at the bottom of the cliff. The purple masked guard could be seen tending to some mounts covered in snow.

"Welcome avians. Your prince is unharmed," Syryn informed the group of silent guards. They were giving off mixed vibes to the brothers. It ranged from friendly to cautious wariness.

"Big brother, are you alright?" Emi asked the prince. Her now dirty and tattered veil had seen better days.

"I'm fine," Riaku answered.

"But Sorrow.." Emi hesitated to finish her sentence.

Syryn watched the prince place a hand on the hilt of his sword when Emi had spoken. "It'll be alright."

None of the guards appeared convinced by Riaku's assurance but there was no room for arguing with their prince.

"Return to the cottage and pack up whatever is left. I will have a private conversation with Syryn and Lucien."

The guards obediently bowed and then turned to leave. Emi was the last to go. She took one long look at Riaku before being led away by Wen.

"So, where were we?" Syryn asked the prince. "Ah yes, your secret. You have no idea how happy you've made me." But it was a different kind of happiness from Reds.

"I find it very strange that you would be entertained by knowing of my demonic form. Why do you not hate and fear me?" Riaku's searching eyes were filled with uncertainty.

Syryn didn't want to reveal his nature to the prince just yet. Riaku still hadn't proved he was trustworthy. From how he had taken advantage of Lumi's feelings, the alchemist knew that Riaku could be ruthless if given enough incentive.

"What's there to fear?" He asked instead. "I only fear some powerful anti mages. What about you Riaku? What do you fear?" Syryn also feared Traxdart but the prince didnt need to know that.

"I fear a death without meaning."

Syryn understood the words but he could not grasp the significance of it. Two people could say the same thing but the essence behind each was different.

"Well said," Lucien replied. "And what is your greatest desire, prince?"

Riaku was not uncomfortable with the level of attention that the brothers were giving him. He wondered though why they'd gone to such lengths and revealed just how powerful they were. Was it simply to save avian lives?

"Freedom," he answered without putting much thought into it. It was the one thing his heart desired ever since the day he had been chosen. "You ask strange questions."

"Not any stranger than you, prince. So what do we do now? You know just what we're capable of. And we know about your demon. How then do we ensure that neither party spills secrets that don't belong to them?" As he spoke, Syryn noticed the prince's expression changing.

Riaku raised his chin up and fixed his sights to the sky. His brows were furrowed and color was leaving his cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Syryn asked the avian who looked to be in some pain.

"I'm fine." Riaku was a liar.

The trail of blood that emerged from the corner of his mouth testified to just how fine the prince wasn't feeling.

"You're bleeding from the mouth," Red told him. "You call that fine? Unless you've bitten your tongue and that's where the blood is coming from, you're absolutely not fine."

The prince sighed in pain before falling to his knees on the snow. A single drop of blood stained the fresh snow like a vivid red blossom blooming in late winter. His hand clutched at his chest and Riaku began to leak more blood from the edge of his closed lips.

"You just said you'd stay alive," Lucien told the sick avian. "You lying about that as well?"

"Won't kill me." Riaku spat the words out breathlessly.

"Another punishment?" Syryn asked.


Riaku's body was held stiffly like he was afraid of breaking into pieces if he moved.

"Where does it hurt, prince?" Syryn was feeling a pang of Sympathy for Riaku.

"It'll be fine, Syryn. I just need a moment."

"An internal bleeding isn't fine. Has this happened before?"

Riaku shook his head. Pressing his lips tightly, the prince clutched his chest in agony.

"He'll go into his coffin claiming that he's fine." Red's eyes flickered up and saw Emi flying their way. "Your cousin is coming. She may yet tell us how fine you truly are."

When Emi landed, she rushed over to Riaku and kneeled hastily beside him. "Brother, what happened?!"

"And here I thought you'd know." The redhead then looked at Syryn. "Can't you check on him?"

Syryn believed Riaku when he had said it wasn't going to kill him. The prince may not have been at risk of death for the moment but Syryn still couldn't be sure of the long term effects of Riaku's internal injuries. He had to get to the bottom of it all if Riaku was to survive long enough for Red to sink his claws into. 


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