The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 15: Immense Pleasure

Chapter 15: Immense Pleasure

It was truly an arena.

Many seating surrounded the wide central space and many layers of magical barriers were deployed to protect it.

But, that was only something that could be sensed by normal people.

There were also some barriers that were far more transparent than the ones I knew.

It must be some kind of mechanism.

Perhaps this is due to a magic item, but thats not something to think about now.

I looked straight at the enemy in front of me.

Yes, the enemy.

Abel I recognize him as my enemy.

I cant believe that someone like him could be considered my enemy.

To be honest, I looked down on anyone other than Freya, whose abilities were unknown to me.

I couldnt care less about those who are weaker than me and I know it.

However, for now, I will suppress this arrogant mind of mine that thinks theres a need to hold back.

For a complete victory

Keep your distance, both of you.

Freyas voice echoed.

I could see the figures of students and teachers, besides the people I met earlier, in the audience seats.


This is looking good.

The view is also clear.

Though theres a concern.

What should I feel now that Im confronting the main character, head-on?

That was the only uncertain factor.

I guess nothing.

As theres not a single wave in my heart.

Though I realized my mouth was distorted in such a way that seemed to be cracking a smile.

As I was thinking.

Abel drew his sword.

The venue slightly stirred in response.

Because using a sword was just bizarre in a school where magic is everything.

However, its not just him who can wield a sword

I also drew my sword.

I knew youd use the sword.

Huh, so you knew?

Yes, my master told me about you. She said youre a genius, like a monster.

I see.

Abels body trembled just a little.

And yet his eyes didnt turn away from me.

Its the eyes of someone who has unshakable conviction.

If I were to use an analogy, I was like the Demon King and he was like the hero, standing against me.

He was challenging me because he was certain of victory.

There was some reason that he cannot give up on.

Are you ready, both of you?

Freya made one last check.

Kuku, yeah.



As Ive calculated every possibility one can think of.

In fact, nothing has changed even after seeing Abel.

Then, lets begin!!

At the moment the words were spoken, Abel took a step back to increase the distance between us.

And he began to cast his magic.

At a speed that makes me yawn.

Seeing the amount of mana converging, I was convinced.

That there hasnt been a big change since the entrance exam.

Physical Reinforcement x 5

Abel activates his magic.

You see?

Im ready!

Yeah, come.

I didnt activate a single magic.

I just held my sword ready.

Because I knew I could handle it all with the sword.

The greatest benefit obtained from learning sword techniques is that it fosters vision.

In order to defeat Alfred, who cannot be defeated by force alone, it was necessary to start acting before the opponent did.

To decide how to move before the opponent moves, and then to cut the most appropriate place.

In other words, for me, swordsmanship was just that.

But how profound it has become now.

It didnt take long for me to fall in love with swordsmanship.

That hasnt changed now.

Its a really interesting world.

After all, I still like swords more than magic.

My sword style is the rear sword.

Not a style in which you attack from the front by pushing forward, but a style that sees through the opponents movements and strikes through the gap.

It became natural in the training with Alfred, and I was convinced that it is best suited for me.

Its even better because I can use magic.

And most importantly, I have good vision.

The slightest gesture, breathing, or movement of clothing.

All information obtained from my vision tells me about my opponents next action.

Thats why my swordsmanship became as good as its now.

And theres nothing wrong with that.

But Abel, do you really think you can beat me with a sword thats just fast and heavy?

Even if that is a strike that surpasses a human strength, I cannot lose to a sword from the front.

Besides, I saw it once during the entrance exam.

You shouldnt be joking around now.

If you think you can win with that level, you are greatly underestimating me.

Soon Abel kicked the ground.

With a sound like something exploded, his figure blurred.

With a speed that makes it completely impossible to follow with my eyes.

But, that was it.

He was so straightforward, I knew hes gonna swing just once.

Which is quite easy to parry.

See. Just like that.

All thats need to do is to dodge this strike.

What the?

Oh, come on. Whats the surprise?

You didnt really think you could beat me with this, did you?

Dont underestimate me too much.

His next strike cut through the air swiftly.

And he rolled past me with the same momentum.

Looking at me with astonished eyes, he puts his hands on the ground.

What? Done already?

I asked him that, and Abel shook his head as if he was trying to get rid of his thoughts.

The fighting spirit returned to his eyes.

Thats right.

Now, come.

Not enough!

With a spitting rage, Abel superaccelerated again.

Still, it didnt change the outcome.

After one swing of his sword.

Abel fell clumsily.

I dodged it three times.

Im getting bored with this.

I clenched my fists together as Abel screamed and charged in a frenzy.

With a shock.

And the sound of something breaking.

My fist hit Abel in the face.

My eyes met Abels again as he collapsed to the ground.

In that moment when I saw his eyes filled with surprise and despair an indescribable pleasure ran through my body like electricity.


[Abels POV]

I wasnt being egotistical.

Its not that I thought I could win.

But after meeting my teacher, I was able to find a way to be strong and pass the Aslan, which I was told was impossible for me.

I cannot deny that there was a maybe in my heart somewhere.

Ahahahahaha! Whats the matter, are you finished!

I thought as I looked at the monster laughing in front of me.

How far away is it that I cant even reach the top.

Nothing makes sense now.

Even if I continue to work hard from now on Will I ever be able to even reach him?

My heart begins to engulf in dark fog.

You want to know, dont you? The gap between you and me. Ill show you.

Saying that, Luke activates a spell at a speed thats as fast as a blink of an eye.

Dark Sun

Instantly, a very small black mass appeared in the palm of Lukes hand.

This is the core of my darkness condensed to the utmost limit. Now is it ready to begin?

There was no sound.

My vision was blurred and I could not see well.

But that feeling was very clear.

The sensation of magic slipping away.


Intense dizziness and nausea.

I cant even stand up anymore.

Wha, my magic

Shi, S**t!

Hah, hah. [Alice]

What is this

This is bad consciousness is

The magical barrier twisted and disappeared, consumed by the black mass.

Not just me, but everyone in the audience was also suffering.

Ahahahaha! This has gathered some good amount of magic, huh?

Before I knew it, the small black lump on Lukes palm was transformed into something incredibly huge.

The black, ominous thing was indeed the Dark Sun.

I realized that the light was fading.

At this rate Ill die here.

I thought that.



Thats not admissible.

Dont admit it!

Not in a place like this

I wont give up, damn it!

I cant die here.

I havent done anything yet!

But reality was ruthless.

No matter how much my will resisted, the body didnt even twitch.

Kuku! As I thought! I was right about you! You have my respect, Abel.


Move! Just move already!

Damn it damn it

Why Why am I so weak?

My vision narrowed and my consciousness faded away.

Just before the light completely disappeared from my eyes, I heard Freya-senseis voice saying, Thats enough.


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