The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 58: Handful Bandits Continued (2)

Chapter 58: Handful Bandits Continued (2)

Kuo stood at the entrance of the cave listening to the sound of the massive monster getting chocked by something. Whatever it was, it was strong enough to not give the T.Rex a chance to even fight back.

"Jin, come here. I'm going out to take a look at the surroundings, stand guard in the meantime," Kuo said without turning around and silently disappeared from the entrance.

"Damn it, why do I get stuck with the grunt work," Jin mumbled and walked out of his tent and sat in Kuo's place. He looked out in the dark night and frowned, "Is it them?" he whispered to himself and for the first time on this journey, his expression turned serious.

Kuo stopped using Qi completely and moved only with his raw physical power. And for someone in the Spirit realm that was a lot. They could jump dozens of meters straight up into the air without a problem.

He moved like a shadow, jumping from one branch to another, following the noises that had almost stopped. He landed behind a tree about 6 meters away and slowly peeked around to see what was happening.

His expression changed the second he saw the almost comical scene unfold before him.

A humanoid hooded figure of barely 5 meters in height was holding down a high-level spiritual beast of more than 20 meters down onto the ground with his bare hands. And from the looks of things he wasn't even using his full power.

"There are no warrior tribes here, who the hell this monster?" he thought looking at the man.

"Damn it, this was supposed to be a simple mission, we lost our captain and now someone new shows up? What the hell is going on?" Kuo took out a short dagger from his storage ring and starting moving closer and closer to the figure.

The figure had no idea and was still holding the giant beast down and basically strangling it with his bare hands.

"Hehehe, shout louder you filthy animal," he yelled with a crazed laugh, completely lost in the moment.

Kuo was now just three meters away from him. "Now or never," he said inwardly and suddenly shot at the figure at the speed of sound with the dagger aimed at the figure's heart.


The dagger penetrated into the man's flesh and Kuo was overjoyed, that is until something shot out from under the cloak and hit him in the shoulder and throwing him more than a dozen meters away.

"What the hell?!" Kuo was baffled. He felt the dagger enter the man's body, he should be dead! Unless...

"Impossible! What the fuck are you assholes doing so far in the Kingdom of Mei?!" Kuo shouted at the man.


The figure broke the beast's neck and slowly turned around and looked at Kuo.

"Just out for a stroll, why are you so angry?" he asked taking off the hood. One, two, three, four! The man had four massive arms! One of them had the dagger stabbed into it.

The man took the dagger out and licked the wound on his palm causing the flesh around it to start wriggling and the wound closed off within a minute.

"Does the Kingdom of Jia plan to start another war with us?" Kuo said standing up. He took out his main weapon, a blood-red Longsword that was almost as long as him.

"No, I have no affiliation with the people of Jia. But what I am interested in is knowing why such a high-level expert is in this godforsaken jungle," the man said with a smile on his face. He had short red hair and well-defined features that could have easily allowed him to become a model back on earth.

"Shut the fuck up. You god damned monsters don't need to know anything. Speak! Why are you here?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, so hostile. Is that any way of treating a guest? First, you tell me to shut up and then speak, make up your damn mind!"

Instead of replying, Kuo slashed his sword from where he stood and a semi-circular blue energy wave went flying towards the man.

The man didn't get flustered and used his arms to block the attack. Although this wasn't a full-powered attack from Kuo it would still be deadly to anyone below his level, yet this man used his bare arms to block it and in return only got a dark red mark on his skin.

"Speak! Why are you here? I don't have to play with you!"


The man's expression finally turned serious.

"We're here to pick someone up. A person close to our crown prince was kidnapped and we're just here to get him back. Don't interfere unless you want to start shit. Understand Mr. soldier man?" he said calmly as if even if Kuo did try to do something, it was already too late.

"Kidnapped? Pick someone up? The Royals!" Kuo suddenly connected the dots. They were both here for the same thing, the Royals from the caravan!

"But why do the Jia want them? If the generals knew about this they definitely would have sent one of the other leaders. I can't allow them to escape," his grip on the longsword tightened. Of course, this didn't escape from the Jia soldier's sight.

"Be very careful with your next move little man, somethings cannot be undone," he said clenching all four of his fists.

"Boy, I was killing your people when you were in diapers, respect your elders!" Kuo said angrily and let out some of his Qi which had sealed away.

"What!?" the man turned deathly serious. Before he thought that Kuo was using his full power but that was just the power from his physical body, and only now that he unleashed his true Qi could he see how far he had reached.

"Fine, now you might stand a chance!" the Jia soldier said through his clenched teeth and flexed his muscles, doubling in size!


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