The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1401 The Doubtful

Chapter 1401 The Doubtful

Hao Xuan quickly waved his hand to create a barrier around him, calling forth nearly 70% of his spiritual energy in one go.

But Baba Jezda's figure shifted and took on a darker tinge, letting all the lava pass right through her.

Four more pillars of lava shot up into the air from around the land bridge, calling forth two 30-meter-long serpentine creatures that surrounded them from every direction.

Hao Xuan shifted his gaze towards the figure at the end of the bridge. It held the rather simple appearance of an ape with the only differences being that it was completely white and hairless apart from a rough beard.

Its bright orange eyes burned with the same hue as the lava lake and one look was enough for Hao Xuan to know of its supreme intelligence but those rows of crooked razor-sharp teeth decorating its mouth told a different story. (Reference Image posted in authors notes and discord)

It was standing upright like a human clutching a small hammer in its right hand. Or perhaps the hammer simply looked small in comparison to the 4-meter-long body.

Its mouth was twisted into a vicious grin while its eyes focused solely on Baba Jezda.

When the ape spoke its voice and accent sounded not much different from a well-read and well-spoken scholar, but the context was anything but civil.

"I have dreamt of this moment for centuries...and now the 'Great Mother' has made it so. I will bathe her halls in your foul blood and offer a million sacrifices for this blessing!"

Baba Jezda's figure floated up into the air but the lake seethed and boiled creating waves big enough to wipe them all out. This destabilized the surrounding space effectively trapping her mid-air.

Thankfully an invisible barrier stopped these waves before they could get too close to the bridge.

Mendax ran up to the ape trying to calm him down, "Junior brother don't be hasty, at least hear her out!"

But the ape shook its head once with complete confidence.

"There is nothing this creature can say that will change anything. How could I let go of such an opportunity?!"

Its eyes burned with a brutal vengeance that threatened to swallow everything in sight.

Baba Jezda, still as calm and collected as the moment she had walked into his domain, let out a devious smile.

"Hmph! On one hand, you thank the 'Great Mother' and on the other you dare to harm what is most precious to her. It seems some things don't change no matter how much time passes. First it was your wife and child who you let down, and now you do the same to the Mistress?"

Worm-like veins popped up on the ape's forehead and neck as he stared her down with wanton bloodlust.


All of the ape's internal energy burst out in one massive explosion. The entire volcano shook from the inside out causing the fire spirits to flee in all directions. The sky darkened while a sea of stormy clouds rolled in from the north.

Mendax's expression turned somber forcing him to intervene. He stomped on the ground with all his might.


His thundering voice shook the very fabric of space, momentarily halting the ape's assault. it turned towards him in shock, "Even you...take her side now, senior brother?"

His voice was breaking up like he was on the verge of tears.

Mendax shook his head firmly, "Not even if hell freezes over. But this isn't about her," he said motioning towards Hao Xuan's barely visible figure.

He was almost sandwiched between two lava walls.

The ape waved its hand and all of the lava pulled back at once, allowing him to get a much better look at Hao Xuan. And when he did so the ape's eyes narrowed into slits.

"Who is he? His energy...I can't place it...something is blocking my senses. Which of the nine does he serve? And why would you bring him here, with HER for all people?!"

Mendax didn't know how to answer that one because even he wasn't sure exactly what was going on with Hao Xuan.

"He is one of yours. The witch brought him in, he was chosen by the Mistress herself."

The ape's eyes widened from shock, "Impossible! The 'Great Mother' chose someone personally?! But even if that was the case I would still be able to feel his mark since we both serve her. This has to be a witch's trick!"

Overhearing their conversation Baba Jezda called out to Hao Xuan, "Call forth your mark, let the doubtful and the non-believers witness for themself what the mistress has chosen for them."


Author's Notes:

All images are posted in the Official Discord.

Link: . gg / AHdSBFQ


Reference Image Link: https :// i.pinimg. com/564x/64/f6/f9/64f6f9303c3a1794a9d2fc15a8e135b7. jpg

Shortened Image Link (case sensitive) : https: //urlzs. com/76rWL


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