The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1394 An Audience

1394  An Audience

Lord Aekor was so incensed that he couldn't even bear to look in her general direction.

"You and your neverending battles," shaking his head ruefully he couldn't help but question her motives, "Do you think you are the only one who has suffered casualties? We lost over half of our champions in the last war but you would have us send out even more forces to fight for ONE mortal? What are you trying to do?!"

"Nothing," she calmly replied, "You do not have to send out anyone. I will deal with everything."

"....? How is that possible?"

"It is. I have a plan and there is a high probability that it will work. And the best part is none of you have anything to lose even if it doesn't."

"In exchange for? Surely you wouldn't do something of that sort from the goodness of your heart. You must need something from us otherwise you would not have come here in person," the golden-eyed attendant inquired.

She smiled, "A miracle. A small breach of our age-old rules, I want you to break them for me."

"Please elaborate."

She motioned towards the shining platform and the nine lit obelisks embellishing its periphery.

"As his reward, I want you to get us an audience with your masters."

Aghast, both Lady Purto and Lord Aekor jumped to their feet.

"Have you lost your MIND?!" Lady Purto screamed while Lord Aekor almost threw out a punch but was stopped by an energy with a golden glimmer that kept him in check.

The golden-eyed attendant waved his hand, "My Lords and Ladies, I must ask you to please remain composed for the remainder of the gathering. It is unbecoming for someone of our station. We will listen to her reasoning before making a judgment."

His calming voice soothed their anger to the point that they even felt a little ashamed but not enough to back down.

Nostrils flaring, Lady Purto turned to face him, "Do you understand what she is asking for? A meeting with our masters would mean-"

"I am perfectly aware of what it means," he cut her off, "Which is why I am curious about her reasoning," he said while meeting Baba Jezda's gaze.

She gave an appreciative nod and continued.

"I would like nothing more than to lay out my plans for you all but my sources tell me that...there is a traitor in our midst. Someone working with Maymun himself."

"She lies!" Lord Aekor yelled, "That is simply not possible!"

Almost all the other attendants agreed with him but they were quickly silenced with Baba Jezda's next statement.

"You do not have to believe me, that is why I have called for an audience with the Nine. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Unless you are a traitor, there would be no reason to not allow it especially...when I am putting my life on the line."


"You would do that? For this mortal?" the golden-eyed attendant was more curious than shocked.

"I will. If the Nine do not grant me what I ask for, I will relinquish all I have to you esteemed beings."

It was not only a great offer with no downsides for the other attendants but if they declined, then they would come under suspicion by the rest. She didn't give them much of a choice here.

"What do you say, Aekor? Do you not desire my 'Wishing Bone' anymore?" she tugged on a loose pendant hanging from her neck and his eyes immediately got hooked on it.

"I-If the others agree then I have no reason to decline," he cooly muttered.

"Then we are in agreement? Good!" she exclaimed and took a step back looking at them expectantly.

Lord Cerritos was the first one to stand up, "I am in agreement."

"As am I," Lady Purto was surprisingly second.

"Hmph, as long as it ends in her death I don't mind," Lord Aekor was third.

"Does anyone have any objections?" the golden-eyed attendant looked at the other shadowy figures but none spoke up.

"So be it, let us not drag this out any further. Invoke your marks!"

"I call upon the undying rage of the Crimson Plague! Heed my call, O' Scarlet King and grant me an audience!"

Lord Cerritos opened his mouth to reveal his tongue that held a mark on the underside. It came to life with a coarse red gas-like substance that poured out and completely covered his head.

Lady Purto's mark was on her arm just below her elbow. It shone with a green light and when she finished her invocation a green goo poured out and covered her head.

Lord Aekor's was just below his chin, hidden behind the rows of tentacles. A stream of dark blue water poured and like all the others covered his head.

Every single attendant was going through something similar. The substance and color was the main difference between them but they all acted as a mirror, a sort of pathway to connect this plane of reality to the others by using them as hosts.



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