The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1245 Parting Gift

But Hao Xuan didn't really see that as his problem.

"I'm sure someone or something will stop him. There is always one, right? It has nothing to do with me."

"Do you really think so? Even after everything you have found out about yourself and the ones around you, do you honestly believe that you don't have a part in all this?"

Hao Xuan shook his head hesitantly, "It doesn't matter, I'm not going to play their games. Once all of this is done I will leave and never look back."

His response made Ashura of the Six Paths chuckle, "You really underestimate yourself, kid. You're not as apathetic as you think yourself to be, that's one of the reasons why I chose to teach you back then. Even when you were at your lowest you couldn't look away if you saw someone suffering."

"You had nothing, no money, not even any food or water. But every time you saw a child going hungry you would give them everything you had, even the clothes off your back. You are incapable of turning a blind eye."

"Stop that," Hao Xuan said waving his hand, "That wasn't me. I was just living someone else's life, experiencing their memories without any other choice. I'm not a good person...not even close."

"Alright, then what's your plan? What do you want to do?"

Hao Xuan gave it some time, thinking about it long and hard before answering.

"I-I just...want to go home. I want to live an ordinary life, I don't want anything else."

"Even if it meant countless others would have to suffer?"

"They are NOT my problem. I am not responsible for anyone but myself. This shit is too much, Hell, Heaven, Gods and Demons, I didn't sign up for this shit. I just wanted to live a normal peaceful life, not be involved in some grand conspiracy."

His words quickly silenced Ashura of the Six Paths. They stood in awkward stillness for a long time before Hao Xuan spoke up again.

"Is...there a chance to revive your second form?"

"Not anymore, it's already too late for that."

"Then what will happen to you now?"

"The same thing that should have happened ages ago. The remnants of my 'Divine Will' will be shaved away one morsel at a time until there is nothing left. Then whatever remains of my existence will fully disappear from these realms. I will enter into the eternal slumber and fade away into the ether."

"I'm sorry, if I wasn't so late-"

"Nothing would have changed, I would still be imprisoned within the underworld being forced to fight every foul spirit and soul that strayed down here. This is a better alternative."

Ashura of the Six Paths had no delusions about his dire circumstances, he had already accepted them a long time ago. But now that he was standing across from Hao Xuan who was at such an important point in his life he couldn't help but have second thoughts.

He took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking up again, making sure not to say anything that would send Hao Xuan down the wrong path.

"You are so young and yet you have suffered countless lifetimes of suffering. But the most amazing thing is that even though you have been through so much already there is still good in you, that you haven't let it twist you into something monstrous. I'm proud to have known a human like you, Hao Xuan," he said looking him in the eyes.

"Me to-" Hao Xuan tried to reciprocate the gesture but was swiftly cut off.

"But know that it is the duty of the powerful to protect the weak, a responsibility of the fortunate to help the unfortunate. That is the only way you can continue as a people. Having gone through all that pain and experienced all that misery you should know this better than anyone else, how impactful a single act of kindness can be."

"I can't make you do anything you don't want to but promise me one thing, if you are ever in a position to help someone, don't hesitate. There is already far too much despair in this world for you too to add onto it."

He reached out with all six of his hands and gently pushed Hao Xuan away, sending his consciousness back into the physical plane.

His previously solid figure began to fade at an unprecedented rate. Whatever force was holding him together began to unravel from the inside out.

Ashura of the Six Paths fell to his knees with a distorted expression, "It won't be of much help to you against those old monsters will be able to save your life once if all else fails, don't let it go to waste."

Having channeled the remainder of his Divine Will into Hao Xuan there wasn't anything left to tether him to this reality.

Within the dim skies of the underworld this once revered Great God took his last breath.


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