The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1370 The Nine

Chapter 1370 The Nine

[This isn't right, someone is playing with my mind!] Hao Xuan immediately concluded and moved away from the door just in time to see it burst open and a teenager walk out.

He looked into Hao Xuan's eyes and extended a hand as if he were calling a dog, "You are stronger than you seem, mortal. Do not make me waste any more energy, come to me!"

Hao Xuan backed away even more while his brow continued to furrow. He looked around in confusion, [How did you follow me? Witch! This wasn't our deal, I did not choose him!] he reiterated.

The space beside him twisted and turned for a moment before returning to normal. The Old Witch's voice sounded in his head a moment later, 'He is the one breaking the laws to get to you and with my limited power I cannot stop him.'

[How did he get out? Weren't they all supposed to be sealed in their domains?]

'Some were sealed but a few like him were given a choice since if they served one of the Nine, either submit or be destroyed. He chose voluntary incarceration on the condition that he could leave as long as an outsider chose to be his vassal. If he catches you it will be all over, you must not let him get close!'

Hao Xuan turned around and ran in the opposite direction at full speed while conversing with her, [Is it even possible for me to outrun that being in here? Is he not a 'Great Old One'?]

'He is and it is possible to outrun them but not him. His worshippers called him 'The Dark Stalker' because no one can escape from him once he sets his gaze upon them, especially someone in your condition.'

[Then what would you have me do?! I doubt he will get tired anytime soon]

'He won't use his true powers within the castle so you have a chance. Find one of 'The Nine', only they have the ability and the authority to stop someone like him.'

[Who are the Nine and how am I supposed to find them in this neverending prison?]

'They are the ones who created this place, the first and last of their kind. They are the oldest and the most powerful of the Old Ones, and I too serve such a being. I will unlock the maze so you can find them more easily. You will recognize their entrance once you see it because they are unlike any others. But make sure not to enter their domains, especially the-'

Her voice transmission got cut off before she could finish the sentence.

[Are you there? What happened?!]

"That bug, barely a couple of ages old and she thinks she can intervene in MY plans?" the teenager's juvenile voice came from somewhere behind Hao Xuan.

He looked over his shoulder and saw his silhouette just out of sight. He was walking normally but somehow keeping up with his pace.

"She will be the first one I visit after getting out. Now, how long do you plan on running mortal? Won't it be easier to just give up now? I 'promise' you won't regret it!"

[Damned monsters] Hao Xuan cursed inwardly and increased his speed even more. He was expending too much spiritual energy which was not ideal.

Something needed to be done and quickly!

"Where are you going? Huh? Didn't she tell you what this place is? No one can leave without their permis- Ohh, is that what you are aiming for? Waking one of the Nine? HAHAHAHA!"

The sound of his laughter echoed back and forth in every direction. Hao Xuan began to question the Witch's motives because this creature did not seem too worried even after guessing exactly what he was planning to do.

So he decided to ask.

[Are they not your masters? I would be very concerned if I was in your position, breaking the rules set by supreme beings like them]

But before it could answer the hallway began to to curve to the left and Hao Xuan saw a staircase going down. He immediately took it.

The 'Dark Stalker' saw Hao Xuan's figure suddenly disappear from view and became concerned. Once he saw the path he had taken his expression turned somber.

Tendrils of inexplicable black energy sprouted from his back and he flew down at a much faster speed. It didn't take long for it to find Hao Xuan. He was already standing in front of an open door.

And upon seeing the name etched above the door its eyes widened.

"Do not go in there!" he stated firmly but quietly.

He tried to get close but the ground was frozen and he did not dare to step on it. Hao Xuan looked over at him and noticed that he had stopped just before the ice.

[Are you too afraid to enter this one's domain?]

The Stalker nodded without any shame or hesitation, "If you knew anything about what lies on the other side you would be afraid too."


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