The Damned Demon

Chapter 596 Bringing Hope And Strength

Chapter 596 Bringing Hope And Strength

As the morning sun crested over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of crimson, a shadow of unexpected magnitude descended upon the Bloodburn Kingdom.

The townspeople, going about their morning routines, froze in their tracks as a massive, serpentine form cut through the sky above them.

Lori, her body stretching over a hundred feet long, glided with an eerie grace that belied her terrifying presence.

Her scales, thick and overlapping, shimmered with an iridescent sheen of dark purples and blacks, catching the sunlight and throwing spectral colors across the awestruck faces below.

She smirked proudly upon seeing the terrified and awed faces of the insects below her and made sure to tilt her body ever so slightly to make her scales appear even more shiny and beautiful.

It was only natural that her first entrance should be as epic and memorable as possible.

Atop this monstrous creature sat their king, Asher, his figure dwarfed by the massive girth of the beast he commanded.

The sight was nothing short of epic to the bloodburners, reeling from shock and awe, wondering where he found this beast from and what kind of beast it was. Most of them couldn't recognize it at all.

But they could feel the boundless, spine-chilling aura emanating from it, making them realize it should be at least a Soul Devourer!

They felt a mix of admiration and fear, their faces upturned not just to their king but to the beast that could potentially decide their fates with just a hiss.

Whispered prayers and awe mingled as they watched, transfixed by the power their king seemed to wield so effortlessly.

A senior man among the crowd, his face blanched with recognition, suddenly shouted, his voice carrying clear and sharp above the murmurs of confusion, "It's the Dreadspine Serpent whose venom could even kill a dragon! This mature one should be a peak Soul Devourer!" His announcement rippled through the crowd, turning murmurs into gasps of horror and fascination.

The news spread like wildfire, igniting a frenzy of speculation and awe.

The king had brought home the Dreadspine Serpent, a terrifying beast, known for the world's most deadly venom and reclusive nature.

No one in the world or ever in history had ever been able to tame one. And yet...their king did it!

They couldn't begin to express the pride and admiration they were feeling at this moment. It was as if their king was a deity who could achieve the impossible.

Asher knew this entrance was not just a simple return; it was a statement--a display of power and a source of strength to dispel at least a part of despair that had caged his kingdom.

The barrier powered by the Void Reaver was supposed to be a symbol of protection and yet he knew whenever his people saw it, they were only reminded of how their kingdom might not live long enough.

He understood that it was only natural for them to fear since the Draconis Kingdom was eagerly waiting to devour them. It was no different than a wolf waiting to devour a sheep.

But he refused to believe that...he can't afford to as their king. Yet, he also had to do something to raise their morale and make sure they wouldn't get shaken when the war happened.

And so, seeing all their faces below him, a soft, relieved smile formed on his lips as he could see how Lori's presence made them feel more hopeful.

Even just the addition of a low-level Soul Devourer was a great asset to any kingdom, clan, or community.

But a peak Soul Devourer with dreadful strength like Lori? That was a factor that might even tilt the very scales.

However, as Lori soared above the bustling areas of the kingdom, a sense of bewilderment took hold of her.

This was her first venture into a world so starkly different from the dark, isolated cave she had known all her life.

Her eyes, glowing dark purple, scanned the landscape intently, taking in the sight of tightly packed dwellings, towering structures, and throngs of people moving about their daily lives in peaceful coexistence.

From her vantage point in the sky, Lori observed the organized chaos of the kingdom with a mixture of curiosity and incredulity.

The buildings varied in size and shape, some adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant banners that fluttered in the morning breeze.

The streets, though crowded, were lined with vendors selling an array of goods, from brightly colored fruits to finely forged weapons, all under the watchful eyes of patrolling guards who maintained order.

Lori's mind struggled to reconcile the bustling peace below with the brutal, survivalist existence she had known.

She had heard her father talk about how the Bloodburn Kingdom was the most peaceful kingdom in the world, even from some of her prey.?But she always found it hard to believe that such a kingdom existed in their world.

In her world, every creature was a potential threat, every interaction a possible battle.

Here, however, people bartered and chatted, tiny children played in the squares, and laughter echoed up to greet her.

It was a scene of life so vivid and complex that it momentarily distracted her from her own predatory instincts.

What was more astonishing was that this alien brat seated atop her body was the king of this kingdom who ruled all these lands and people.

No wonder his name got suddenly so famous that even she heard it from the other side of the world.

Maybe he had a point…age wasn't everything, but of course, she can't tell it to his face lest he gets a bit too cocky with her.

The architecture too caught her attention; the castles and towers that pierced the sky were unlike anything in her natural cavernous abodes.

The spires reached toward her as if in greeting, and the defensive walls boasted strength and prosperity. Lori found herself circling a particularly grand castle, its banners waving as if in recognition of her daunting presence.

But she didn't notice a certain elegant lady in a dark blue gown looking up at the skies. Esther let out a low sigh of disbelief and yet seeing Asher atop this massive serpent, she felt goosebumps over her skin.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Rowena, who had been growing increasingly worried about Asher's prolonged absence when he should have already been home, sensed the disturbance going on in her kingdom through the castle's enchanted senses.

With her eyes regaining some vigor, she rose from her desk in her study and hurried to the large windows. What she saw made her eyes widen in disbelief upon seeing two figures.

In a flash, her figure vanished from the study, her urgency manifesting as she teleported away.

From her new viewpoint, Rowena observed the massive serpent's deep-set, glowing dark purple eyes that surveyed the kingdom below with a mix of curiosity and superiority.

The serpent's head with bony ridges running back over its skull, moved with a sinuous grace that was both beautiful and intimidating in a regal way.

Rowena easily recognized it as the infamous Dreadspine Serpent. Even if she had never met one personally, she remembered the tales her father told her about it, including how his dragon took a few minutes to shake off the poison that it had inhaled by passing dangerously close to its lair.

But what caught Rowena's attention was her people's reaction upon seeing this serpent and their king sitting atop it.

Rowena looked at Asher confidently sitting atop it and could see that at that moment, he was not just a king. He was a myth in the making, riding a creature that many had thought was nothing more than a nightmare whispered about in the dark.

She remembered her father telling her how not even a Moon Guardian would be able to tame it nor survive too long in its lair to kill it. And yet here was someone who did the impossible.

She felt her chest swell with pride and relief upon seeing the hope he had brought back to their kingdom.

However, she came out of her reverie when Asher and the immense serpent began their descent toward her.

The sight of Asher extending his hand with a soft smile made her expression soften.

Her feet gently lifted from the ground, her form gracefully ascending through the air until Asher's hand clasped hers, pulling her up to sit securely behind him.

"So this is why you took a bit longer to return?" Rowena whispered into his ear, her voice low as she clutched the ends of his robe, reveling in the warmth of his back against her and the smell of his blood.

Asher turned slightly to smile at her, pressing her hand against his chest where she could feel the steady beat of his heart, "I wasn't planning to, but somehow things ended up like this for the better," he explained, his voice carrying over the wind.

Lori, intrigued by the queen of this kingdom and this alien brat's main wife, craned her serpentine neck to take a closer look at Rowena.

Observing the queen more closely, Lori felt a surprising respect for her deep and powerful aura, which seemed very deep and strong for someone of her young age. These two were indeed a power couple, Lori noted with a mix of admiration and envy.

However, Lori couldn't resist the urge to stir the pot, especially upon witnessing Asher exchanging sweet nothings with his queen while seated atop her colossal body.

She let out a loud, mocking laugh, "Ohuhu, you already had such a beautiful queen, and even then, your little Hydra—"

"Lori, don't forget that your ancestor's lineage is relying on me," Asher interjected quickly, his smile tightening as he shot a sharp glare back at Lori, who just returned a knowingly sly smile.

Asher wanted to be the one to let Rowena know rather than hear what happened from this sly snake.

" could I forget that? Must be because I am very old, right?" Lori retorted, her tone dripping with taunt as she flicked her tail nonchalantly.

Asher clicked his tongue in frustration, wishing for a moment he could indeed teach this spiteful, cunning serpent a lesson in how to control her big mouth.

"It talks?" Rowena suddenly mumbled, her voice tinged with disbelief.


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