The Damned Demon

Chapter 18 First Quest As A Demon

"A quest?" Asher had his suspicions before, but now he was sure that Demons also receive quests just like Hunters.

According to humans, it was the angels giving quests to humans to give them a chance to protect their world. So for Demons, who was giving these quests?

[ Quest - Your brethren had successfully planted their seeds in an underground area in the Severed Realm. But Hunters have already reached that place and plan to destroy the seeds your brethren had planted. Only one shall accept this quest, and it will be up to those who accept this quest to make these Hunters tremble and die under the might of a Demon. ]

[ Restrictions : Only those below Level 3 may accept ]

[ Difficulty : Not-so-Easy || 3 Hunters are present. Levels Unknown ]

[ Rewards : 10 Life Crystals, +2 Talent Point, +2 Skill Point ]

[ Accept? ]

'A limited quest?' Asher's thoughts focused as he knew a limited quest like this one would be first come, first serve, and seeing these rewards which can benefit him, he accepted it in his mind before someone else could. He also wondered if this 'Severed Realm' was the name of planet Earth. It had to be.

Seeing how the difficulty level was named 'Not-So-Easy', he felt it quite amusing and could see the system thought this quest was hard for someone of his level, not that he was surprised.

But his eyes shone with a vengeful glint upon seeing the name 'Hunters' considering what happened to him in his past life. He now loathed that title to his core. He didn't care about the 'Not-So-Easy' difficulty since he was someone who never shied from challenges nor someone afraid to take risks.

But most of all, he had invaluable experience from his time as a Hunter. Surely it would prove to be an edge for him against F-rankers despite being a level 1 himself.

[ Accepted ]

'Oh shit!' But only then he realized that if he disappeared now, then those people in the castle might get suspicious if they didn't find him in his room.

But he calmed down, thinking that he would just find a way to get out of this castle before seeing through the quest. However, as a Demon, how would he reach the place where he was supposed to finish the quest?

His eyes blinked in confusion as a notification popped up in his mind suddenly,

[ 4 Life Crystals utilized. Initiating instant teleportation ]

"Eh?" Before Asher could realize it, he felt as if his body was getting pulled to someplace else as his surroundings disappeared.

He felt his head spinning and couldn't make sense of things until he felt his body crashing down on a stony surface.


[ You have reached the quest location ]

[ Quest has begun. Failure is death's ally. ]

'Yeah, no shit,' Asher grumbled as he stood up and saw that he was in a deserted subway station with the only difference that demonic mana filled this place and reeked of death. This was surely a place on Earth...Whoever thought he would be standing on his previous home planet so soon? And who would have ever thought he would end up being the demon boss in a quest? A level 1 boss at that...It almost felt like a joke to him.

He saw blobs of demonic mana, which was something he had seen a lot as a Hunter. So he could guess that these blobs of mana would soon give birth to demonic creatures that would try and creep outside this subway to devour humans. So he realized his mission was to get rid of the Hunters who might come here so that these creatures could be allowed to be born. But of course, he knew that even if they were born, they would be too weak and might kill a few civilians before some Hunters got rid of them all.

However, he didn't really care what was going to happen after. All he was concerned about was his own quest.

Now that he was already here, there was no point in regretting it. He will have to complete this quest lest he gets killed by Hunters and quickly as well to return before anybody finds him missing. But he relaxed since he knew everybody must be sleeping there at this time of the night.

[ Do you wish to have a Demon Alias? If not, your real name will be considered ]

Asher immediately thought in his mind, 'My alias shall be 'Hellbringer.'

[ Now the entire demon realm will come to know you as the 'Hellbringer' and so shall your foes ]

Asher knew that aliases existed for Hunters as well to not separate their personal identity but mainly to make a name that would carry their achievements as a Hunter. He also knew Demons had aliases too, since when hunters and demons battle each other, they can at least see the alias of the other one.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the subway, two young men and a woman not older than 18 entered, wearing armor and wielding a sword, two daggers, and a spear, respectively.

"Ugh, look at what those ugly demons did to this place. It fucking stinks!" One of the men with a lanky figure and cropped hairstyle said with a disgusted look while lazily swinging his daggers.

"Rufus, this isn't your first rodeo. If you wanna stay in F rank forever, just leave now instead of being a douche," The girl said with an annoyed look as she brandished her sword. She had above-average looks with a bun hairstyle.

"Rose is right. We three got no money to join the academy, but that doesn't mean we can't make it through the scholarship next year. But first, only by completing quests like these can we get a good track record to get a scholarship. Rose, don't worry. I will be supporting you every step along the way since you have the best chance to get in, considering you are a Level 4, unlike us Level 2's. Just two more levels, and you will already be in the E Rank," The other young man said with a look of adoration. He was tall and had average looks, and was carrying a spear.

Rose gave a smile as if she liked hearing his words and said, "Thank you for having so much confidence in me, Kenny. It's very hard to level up, considering we awakened our mana circuit late. But I am sure you will get in as well."

"H-Hey, I was simply kidding, Rose. I will, of course, support you and be there for every quest," Rufus said with an awkward look and then added, "It's just that we already have four successful quests in our profile. Do we need more to get a scholarship?"

Rose clicked her tongue as she looked at him, "Rufus, how dumb can you be? Do you have any idea what the profiles of those who get scholarships in the Hunter Academy look like? You will feel despair just by taking a glimpse. That is why I want to—I mean us to complete as many quests as we can within these few months. Even if we do not take risks of trying difficult quests, we might still stand a chance if they see how dedicated we are in completing a lot of quests within a short time frame."

Kenny firmly nodded, "Yes, Rose knows what's best for us. We are lucky we got to accept this easy quest before anyone else could. All we have to do is get rid of some demon nests and go back home and have some beer. The loot is decent too. But if you are too lazy to help us, you are free to back out, like Rose said. We two can finish this on our own."

"Fuck off! I never said I wanted to leave. I plan on seeing this through with Rose. Don't go ahead and assume things," Rufus said with a grumpy look as the two glared at each other.

"Shh, silence you two. Get ahead and make sure the path is clear. I want to finish this simple quest within 10 minutes max. I got stuff to do," Rose said with a twitch of her nose.


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