The Daily Life of the Zombie

Chapter 76: Recovery

Chapter 76: Recovery

Xiao Xiao didn't know that the more determined she was to her goal, the more mental power she could use - because when she was focused, those chaotic mental powers seemed to be ordered. Soldiers generally return to their posts one by one.

Gu Chen, who was concentrating on driving, turned his head slightly. After seeing Xiao Xiao's serious face, he finally accepted Xiao Xiao's proposal.

"Okay... Then I'll be disrespectful."

When he finished speaking, Gu Chen turned the car directly and drove towards another place.

Originally, he was going to bring Xiao Xiao back to the office building, but now the purpose has to be changed. The sooner the magic cores provided by Xiao Xiao can be obtained, the better. After all, absorption takes time. Now is the prime time when every second counts, an extra day can't be wasted.


After Xiao Xiao evacuated more than half of the crystals, she had to stop... Not because she found out in her conscience and wanted to keep a little memory for the twins, but because the statistics panel had reached the extreme value.


Level 4 Magic Core : 6330/500

Level 3 Magic Core: 12133/200

Level 2 Magic Core: 47322/100

Level 1 Magic Core: 193524/50

Total Convertible Points: 20 million (20000000 /MAX)

Looking at the statistical version, no one knew what Gu Chen was thinking, but what he showed was a light-hearted look.

'It's fake, it's all fake, it can't scare me...' Gu Chen really wanted to say that if he could.

But the string of zeros on the panel ruthlessly shows how cruel the reality is.

What a joke! Twenty million points? The total points issued now are only over 12 million, which means that if Xiao Xiao wants to, she can destroy the points mechanism they worked so hard to establish at any time!

Moreover, this number is telling Gu Chen another more critical piece of informationthe total number of mutant beasts is much more than human estimates!

"You..." Gu Chen wanted to say something at first, but seeing Xiao Xiao's inattentive look, he finally changed his words before speaking.

"Have so many mutant beasts been hunted in the past six months?"

"Huh?" Xiao Xiao was a little stunned. Gu Chen's question was very interesting.

"Actually, there are more." Although these were all beaten by the twins, Xiao Xiao knew a thing or two when she occasionally manipulated Xiao Yan.

In fact, if it is a general ability user, after the breeding period of the mutant beasts in the early apocalypse has passed, if they want to keep hitting the magic core outside the defense line, it is completely impossible to hit so many.

After all, people are always tired and exhausted, and need to rest, but in the eyes of mutant beasts, there is no distinction between night and day.

No matter when, as long as the mutant herds begin to migrate, they will naturally sweep away all obstacles in front of them. Even if one or two waves are passed, the endless mutant herds will sooner or later run out of ammunition and food for human beings. Sooner or later, even if they are not destroyed, they must retreat.

The twins have several natural advantages, so they can achieve this terrifying result.

First of all, after the system transformed them, they won't be tired, and they don't need to eat to replenish their stamina. At most, they have to stop to absorb the crystal core provided by Xiao Xiao.

Secondly, they have Xiao Xiao's unlimited supplies, and in combination with Xiao Xiao's absolute force on Kui's security, as long as Maotu is stopped at any time, it will become a safe area by itself, and there is no problem with resting as much as you want.

Third, they are not stuck in place, but keep moving, so the mutant beasts who died under their hands are not only the migrating group, but also those who have been stationed in a certain ecological area. Cleared up with hands.

Under the total reasons, this impossible task has been completed.

"More?" Gu Chen didn't quite understand what this meant. After getting the news of Xiao Xiao, he began to hesitate... Will there be any problems with expanding the defense line like this now?

"Mutant beasts are like a normal beasts." Xiao Xiao explained a little: "The habits of beasts are still there, and because of the natural selection of things, mutant beasts that are meat eaters must be better off relying on mountains and forests to forage. Therefore, most of the animals on the flat land are herbivorous and omnivorous."

"In addition to the mutation of the beasts, the plants have also mutated. According to the general situation, when the grass in an area is not eaten up, the mutant beasts will not eat. They are migrating. But after the mutation, they don't know how to control. Like the dumplings, there are 20 or 30 cubs at a time, and the gestation period is shortened a lot after the mutation, which causes them to have no natural enemies. Just gnaw away all the mutant plants in an area."

"Eating them all will cause migration. As long as they don't block their way, they don't care about you if you stand aside... Strictly speaking, they won't take the initiative to attack either, they will only attack when something blocks their way."

"So, after the defense is out, the most important thing is to control the number of mutant plantsas long as this point can be grasped, the mutant beasts will not attack them. It will pose a threat to the place we recover."

Xiao Xiao understood Gu Chen's concerns, so she analyzed this point and explained it to him.

"Our enemies are not mutant beasts, so we don't need to destroy them, just chase them away, so you don't need to worry about the number of mutant beasts."

"That's good."

After Gu Chen heard Xiao Xiao's explanation, he finally let go of his heart again. Anyway, after the defense line is pulled out, it is impossible to leave too many mutant plants, so I just need to concentrate on dealing with those elusive zombies.

After a while, Gu Chen finally took an unlimited points card and gave it to Xiao Xiao.

"With this card, there is a limit of 500 points that can be consumed and accumulated every day. The period is 100 years, and the value of points will increase by 10%~20% every year... Sorry, this is the limit that has the least impact." Gu Chenlue looked at Xiao Xiao apologetically.

Xiao Xiao looked at the card and took it away without paying too much attention to it, expressing that she didn't mind this kind of thing the current points are really just numbers for her, because she has no shortage of food. Second, there is no shortage of clothes, and even there is a lot of space for the mutant beast meat and the crystal nucleus and the demon nucleus, and the daily necessities are also all the space for the pile. As long as the world is peaceful, everything will be fine.

"Your dedication will be rewarded." Gu Chen stared at Xiao Xiao's eyes and said this very seriously.

Xiao Xiao nodded noncommittally and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as order can be rebuilt, that's the best reward for me."

Isn't it?

Xiao Xiao's purpose is very simple - to get everything back on track, to end the apocalypse quickly, and then she can live a good life of eating and dying.


After everything was done, it was already past noon, so Gu Chen took Xiao Xiao to have lunch first, and then returned to the office building.

"Just stay here for now!" Gu Chen pulled Xiao Xiao into the room next to his dedicated office this time.

"Huh?" Xiao Xiao wondered: "What do you mean?"

Gu Chen said helplessly: "I've been busy with your business for the past two days. I have accumulated a lot of meetings to open, and I won't have time to entertain you when I get busy." To be honest, plus these 'surprises' brought by Xiao Xiao, he also has to divide it up for each team to use. In general, Xiao Xiao's arrival has made him even more busy.

"This... I can go shopping first, and go back to you at night?"

Xiao Xiao originally wanted to take advantage of Gu Chen's meeting to know the progress of the defense line before she relied on this assistant position, but now they have made it clear that she is going to be separated for the meeting, she is still ignorant and wants to join in. It would be too rude... Besides, Gu Chen has also explained the situation in the past two days, so it is not so important to stay.

Besides... Since she wants to stay by herself, why don't she let her go out and let the wind out!

Hearing Xiao Xiao's thoughts, Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright, I'll leave that room for you. I'll explain to the guards of the community later."

Finally, Xiao Xiao and Gu The first meeting in the morning after half a year has ended successfully. Both of them have obtained the information they want from each other, so it is a complete success!

Originally, Xiao Xiao came with the idea of attacking for Gu Chen. Who would have thought that she has become a marshal and relies on her head to manage the defense line. Since there is no place for her, then she will be obedient and return wherever she comes. where to go.

However, since there are still twins to deal with, Xiao Xiao doesn't plan to go back to live in her deep mountains and forests now. Gu Chen has already provided a room anyway, so it's unnecessary.

After getting Gu Chen's approval, Xiao Xiao started walking down the street.

Not long after leaving the office building, Xiao Xiao saw a place that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

It's familiar because she has lived in it for five years, and it's unfamiliar because she hasn't really looked at the place outside.

This is exactly where Xiao Xiao stayed... 'Police Station'.

In addition, there was a figure that Xiao Xiao was familiar with working inside. Occasionally, the person raised his head and looked at it, and just met Xiao Xiao's eyes.

That's right, this person is Chen Wei!

Chen Wei was quite surprised by Xiao Xiao's arrival. After all, there was no news of Z City a few months ago. She also looked for the login information in the defense line, but they didn't have Xiao Xiao's name. Comforting herself, she thought Xiao Xiao is so powerful, nothing will happen.

After the end of the world, the scope of the current police station can be widened. Whether it is looking for people, looking for trouble, or registering tasks, they all go to the police station or the police station to record them. What should I do if there are insufficient personnel?

In an emergency, someone suddenly mentioned that there are prison guards. Anyway, there is no need to supervise the group of prisoners so strictly. The serious offenders are directly executed or exiled, and the light offenders are compensated by labor. Isn't this another manpower?

So Chen Wei, who was originally a prison guard, was drawn to this police station to serve as a servicemanserving the people.

But she seemed to be in trouble at the moment, so she just nodded slightly to Xiao Xiao and smiled, and then continued to work.

Xiao Xiao tried to reach out her recovered mental tentacles to investigate, and only then did she understand the whole story.

"How could it be? Last time he clearly said that he could be found here, but you said there is no such person?" This was a middle-aged woman who was pulling Chen Wei to beg for mercy.

"Auntie, you misunderstood, we really don't have this person, why don't you provide some other information and I'll help you find it, eh?"

Chen Wei kept explaining to the bitter master in front of her, although she probably know what's going on in her heart, but at present she can only deal with her like a muddy... There's no way, there's not enough manpower!

The thing is probably like this. To briefly explain, the bitter master, Aunt Chen, said that she met a man who claimed to be a 'tax inspector' a month ago, came to her with some details and data reports, and told her since she hasn't turned in her taxes in the past few months, if she doesn't make it up, she's likely to be kicked out of City K.

Aunt Chen is getting old, and she doesn't know the arrangements in the cities within the defense line. She usually helps to sew things in the factory in exchange for points, so when people say this, she foolishly believes it. This time, one-third of the total income was paid to that person, and after that person took it, he repeatedly promised that he could come to the police station to find him if necessary.

No, Aunt Chen has been strong for two days. The child in the family has a cold and needs to use the points to exchange for medicine. After all, there is still a shortage of points. When she thought of what the man mentioned last time, she hurriedly came here. Chen Wei didn't have information about this person at all.

"Is that so..." Aunt Chen also reacted at this time. The man before was probably a liar, but it is very difficult to file a case for such a small amount.

"Why don't I borrow you first?" Chen Wei couldn't bear to see her like this, her service points in the police station were still quite high, and it wouldn't be too expensive to buy a medicine. "Come back to me when you have extra, ah?"

"No need!" Xiao Xiao noticed this situation and hurriedly stepped forward: "I have some cold medicine that I didn't use last time. Take it if you need it!"

Xiao Xiao opened a small package in the space and pulled out more than half of it for Aunt Chen to see.

"Yes... I'm so grateful to you!"

Aunt Chen looked at Xiao Xiao, and then observed Chen Wei's expression. After confirming that the two knew each other, she hurriedly took it and thanked them repeatedly.

"No, take it back to your son first."

Xiao Xiao smiled and asked Aunt Chen to hurry back to deliver the medicine.

After Aunt Chen left, Chen Wei frowned and looked at Xiao Xiao with a look of disapproval.

"Okay, don't be like this, we rarely see each other, let's go in and talk?"


"Do you think she is a liar?"

Xiao Xiao chatted with Chen Wei as he walked.

"...I don't know, I just feel something is not right, but she doesn't seem like the kind of person who just wants to cheat and sell medicine, so I'm hesitant."

"You're right, she has a problem, but she's not a professional liar." Xiao Xiao followed Chen Wei into the police station. Seeing that Chen Wei still didn't let go of her brows, she explained to her with a smile: "It's a lie, too. No, she was in urgent need of medicine, but she didn't fully admit it... Have you borrowed points to others before?"

"Yes, last time when my aunt needed to buy medicine, I borrowed it... What's wrong?"

Chen Wei nodded hesitantly, and then looked at Xiao Xiao with a puzzled look, not understanding how these two things were related.

"When you borrowed someone last time, the one who received your favor will naturally promote it for you. When others are in need, the first person they thinks about is you!"


"In this situation, there is no one at home who can fight zombies or mutant beasts has to tighten their trousers to live, and the price of medicine has not come down yet, you set a precedent before, when people can't do anything, they will naturally find you to fight the autumn wind."

"So, what did I do wrong? "Chen Wei is very mature in a certain way, but she always has a naive idea about dealing with people and things, so Xiao Xiao felt that she would be deceived sooner or later.

"You're right." Xiao Xiao sighed and said, "As long as everything returns to the right track, it will be fine in the future."

It's okay to do good deeds, but if you do good deeds regardless of the situation, you will only get yourself into trouble. Xiao Xiao suddenly wants to find someone. Let's teach Chen Wei a lesson in dealing with people and things - she is completely unqualified!


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