The Daily Life of the Zombie

Chapter 51: Farewell

Chapter 51: Farewell

The system responded with two words to Xiao Xiao this time.

'Underground. '

'... again?' Xiao Xiao understands, 80% of it is a laboratory or something, every time it's underground, how much do you like to drill holes? What, each one is a gopher reincarnated?

'Why do those people like to dig holes so much?' Xiao Xiao thought to herself, but she also resigned and tried to use her mental power to penetrate to the floor.

This method is more labor-intensive, but now she can apply it.

In fact, it's no wonder Xiao Xiao is depressed. Most of these laboratories are illegal, and they are relatively secretive underground in order to hide from people's eyes and ears.

As Xiao Xiao's mental power penetrated, everything inside was in front of Xiao Xiao's eyes.

The conditions in the basement were horrific, even disgusting.

At the beginning, Xiao Xiao's mental tentacles saw a huge creature, a bug that looked like a super-large cicada. The white skin was very smooth. The little filamentous things were wrapped around every corner, and Xiao Xiao can describe it, it is probably a bit like spider silk.

In addition to this extra-large cicada, there are countless egg-shaped objects next to them, some sticking to the ceiling and some hanging on the wall. Xiao Xiao judged that there should be a lot on the floor of the third underground floor. After all, this seems to be this strange creature's lair.

'Zerg?' Xiao Xiao was very surprised to see this situation. She has now jumped directly from ancient myths to the sea of stars? Did something go wrong?

However, it was not what Xiao Xiao thought, the system immediately gave another explanation for this thing.

'Not a zerg, just a dragon that has failed to mutate.' From the system's tone, Xiao Xiao could hear that the system dislikes this monster.

'However, their habits are very similar to those of the Zerg. Their phagocytic power is very strong, and they will cause certain disasters when they hatch. '

'Dragon?' Xiao Xiao tried to imagine what kind of dragon did not evolve successfully to become such a cicada baby, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't imagine it.

'Take your spear in, stab the big one to death first, then destroy all the eggs, and the area will be settled. '

The system didn't explain much. After all, it would be good to see that this kind of evolution failed to be a dragon, and there are thousands of dragons, so it is impossible to guess at all.

'Now that you have this spear, it will be very easy for the next period of time, you can consider letting Xiaojie and Xiaoya act on their own; this spear's lethality is very powerful, and the two of them will only slow you down.'

The system originally wanted them to help Xiao Xiao, but it didn't expect the Death Stone Spear to appear, which caused the two small evolution speeds to not keep up with Xiao Xiao's increase in lethality. They couldn't keep up with Xiao Xiao's movement speed at all.

Xiao Xiao is now running with all her strength, and can disappear within the sight of Maotu in just a few seconds. If it were not for the twins, Maotu could have been put away by Xiao Xiao long ago.

'Now the zombies and mutant beasts are not a threat to them. If they hadn't followed you all the time, they would never have encountered such strange element alienated monsters. If you split up, they can still help you a lot. '

Sun twins are much worse than Xiao Xiao, but they are also much better than the current state of people who evolve very slowly. If you want to describe the speed of their evolution, they are in a state where they are less than the top and more than the bottom.

The system's statement is not unreasonable, but Xiao Xiao still doesn't want to be separated from them. She was the one who wanted to take them away, and she felt that she had the responsibility to take them well.

While Xiao Xiao was talking to the system spirit, she had already entered the underground laboratory through the entrance she had just found. Sure enough, as the system said, all the sleeping things could be easily solved with a spear. Difficulty to speak of.

In fact, the group of zombies originally had the attitude of attracting disasters to the east. It didn't expect Xiao Xiao to suddenly speed up and rush up to get rid of them. Otherwise, if Xiao Xiao sees the appearance of this place, it is hard to say whether she will let them go. The so-called right of the lesser of two evils!

Except for the worm-like giant creature that wanted to wake up and resist when Xiao Xiao attacked it, the rest of the eggs were completely absorbed by the spear after Xiao Xiao stabbed it, leaving behind a dry, flat film remains in place.

Seeing that Xiao Xiao was unmoved, the system still poked the egg silently, and made another comment, hoping to make Xiao Xiao change her mind.

'Don't you have the Kui golem? I can make it move with them. If you want to see them, you can contact them through Kui, which is similar to taking them with you.'

The system is a little anxious now, the penetration of strange elements far exceeds its calculations, and it will be completely out of control within half a year.

Xiao Xiao's current attack power is quite sufficient, but her movement speed is slowed down by two small girls. Now most of the monsters affected by strange elements are in the dormant period. It is best to kill the monsters when they are in evolutionary dormancy!

This is also considered to have shot itself in the foot.

'Golem?' Hearing the system say that, Xiao Xiao sneered, 'Didn't you say it can't be too far? Now it works again?'

She finally understood that the system was lying to her for not rushing. The so-called punishment was absolutely unbearable, just look at its behavior.

Implant her memory first, and then let her leave the line of defense. For this reason, she has continued to strengthen the training of her mental power, and even now she has brought out a weapon, all of which are indicative of its urgency!

Besides, it's not in a hurry, Xiao Xiao can't believe it!

'You know, it's getting out of hand now.' The system is still trying to persuade, 'That is the function that I have enabled for you. This kind of item far beyond the dimension of the earth cannot appear. I use it on the golem at most as a side ball, and in the end I destroy the golem. Well, this is also to end the apocalypse!'

'After you got the meteorite fragments last time, I started another calculation in the system space, which contains all the factors collected over the past month as the base. Combined with your current lethality, the calculation result is that with your curent speed you will ompletely miss dormancy period of beasts!'

'There is no need for you to kill such ordinary zombies. Now, with the meteorite fragments, you can clearly distinguish the areas with high concentrations of strange elements. Now if you follow this route quickly, you can completely rush in. They are all wiped out before they pass the period of weakness. '

'Remember the Longji Mountain in Z City last time? That time you didn't go there, but this time you really have to do it!'

The system even mentioned Xiao Xiao's temporary change of mind last time. The result of its calculation is really not optimistic, so it will make the stone spear.

'That ordinary zombie?' When talking to the system, Xiao Xiao had already endured the creepy feeling and finished processing all the eggs.

She guessed right, the third floor was full of these egg-shaped objects, almost leaving her with nowhere to go!

And now that she has completed the task, she has returned to the entrance and is about to leave the laboratory.

'Leave it to humans, as long as you solve the high concentration areas first, the rest will not be a problem. '

The system is determined to let Xiao Xiao go on her way this time.

The main reason is that it thinks that Xiao Xiao is no longer the same as when she was in Z City. At that time, Xiao Xiao was still a little immature, and she may be completely incompetent after crossing Longji Mountain; but after this month or so of rigorous training, with this weapon made of meteorite fragments, Xiao Xiao is fully capable of this task, so this is why it made this suggestion at this time.

'All right.' Xiao Xiao also began to feel that it was too troublesome to kill like this. Although the effect has been gradually seen, the scope is too broad.

Moreover, with limited manpower, the defense line could not be advanced, and at most it could only stick to it. It would be better to go back to the original method.

Xiao Xiao also understands that she has been reborn now. If she returned to the situation in Z City at that time, she would not have to use hot weapons at all, she would be able to settle everything directly with her mental power, and bazooka or something could only be reduced to a supporting role.

After agreeing to the system, Xiao Xiao still intends to return to Maotu first, at least to communicate with the twins.

But when she came back this time, she saw a group of supernatural beings that they met not long ago, besieging Maotu, while the twins were struggling to defend themself in the car.

It's not that they can't beat them, but Xiao Xiao told them before they was not allowed to attack humans, so they were just passively defending.

Xiao Xiao was furious when she saw this situation. She helped them kill the zombies, and that's how they repaid her?

But this group of people didn't know that Xiao Xiao helped them. They were ordered by the leader to take down the car. It happened that they saw the owner of the car was not there, leaving only two small carrot heads on the car, plus a a pile of strong crystal nuclei, seeing Qian's eyes open, he directly attacked the courageous!

"Sister is back!"

"You are finished!"

The twins shouted happily after seeing Xiao Xiao.

Their ability strength is now approaching the fifth-tier, and it is not a problem to support them for a few days when they are equipped with the car to make a crystal core hill.

Just because Xiao Xiao hasn't come back, they are afraid that running around will make Xiao Xiao unable to find them, and the car can't be lost, so they keep the defense.

After seeing the main lord coming back, the group of power users was directly divided into two waves, one wave continued to besiege Maotu, and the other wave was changed to attack Xiao Xiao.

Their idea is very simple, they have fought, can they still shake hands and make peace? Stop joking! Anyway, it's better to start first!

When Xiao Xiao saw that the other party didn't have any explanation, and even looked like they was determined to fight to the end, she was so angry that she laughed out loud, and then in a fit of rage, she directly controlled the field with her mental power!


Five minutes later, not far in front of Maotu, everyone knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands, and Xiao Xiao was talking to two little ones in front.

"What did you say!"

"What did you say!"

This was the exclamation of the two little girls.

"Sister, you promised to take us with you!"

"Yes, yes! If you lie, your nose will grow longer!" When she said this, Xiaoya's hand was still in front of her nose: "Like little puppets!"

The two little girls kept circling around Xiao Xiao at the moment, condemning Xiao Xiao's irresponsible behavior word by word.

Why do they react this way?

This is because Xiao Xiao told the two children about her decision.

"You..." Knowing that the two youngsters couldn't accept this, Xiao Xiao still explained it to them in a good voice. Who told her to justify the loss?

"You can be on your own now, so that you can also help your sister. Sister really has something to do, but I will leave a puppet to act with you, and I will not leave you just like that."

Looking at the two Xiao Xiao was still reluctant, and Xiao Xiao also persuaded them again and again.

"We can stay together after we're done, otherwise there will be more and more dangers. The greater the ability to do, the greater the responsibility, and the ability of your sister is huge, so this must be done."

"But, you can take us with you!"

"Yes, yes! You obviously want to leave us, it's all excuses!"

Xiao Xiao sighed, this is really what she owed them in her last life!

"Be obedient! Be good! Sister promises, it won't be too long, really..."

Anyway, in order to get them to nod, Xiao Xiao used all the tricks, and even signed a lot of treaties to cede land, pay indemnities, lose power and humiliate the country. The two were persuaded.

"Then we're done! Promise you return!"

"It's the big idiot who is lying! And the nose will became very long!"

Both hands, respectively, made an agreement with the two children.

After finally persuading the two sisters, Xiao Xiao turned her head and prepared to deal with this group of scumbags.

In the face of this group of scumbags, Xiao Xiao's original amiable style suddenly changed, and she asked angrily:

"You guys, are you ready to die?"

How to die? They don't want to die at all!

But now they can't even move, what else can they do?

They thought it was a little sheep that accidentally entered the hunting area. Who knew it would be this great white shark?

"Ma'am, this is all a misunderstanding, we..." The leader of the team had to open his mouth when he saw the situation, but before he could finish, Xiao Xiao stopped them from speaking.

Just try to see how capable the previous illusion is on human beings!

So, after going through a lot of devastation, the leader of the team also explained everything obediently.

It turned out that they belonged to the biochemical people of the Tianshu Research Institute. All of them joined the biochemical research voluntarily. After the end of the world, these biochemical people have obtained different degrees of power, and now they come out under the order of the leader to destroy the zombies. and mutant beasts.

The attack on Xiao Xiao this time was also based on the leader's order, but the leader's explanation was to ask them to invite people over, and the attack on the car was their own decision after seeing the money.

Even under Xiao Xiao's hypnosis, the others confessed their dissatisfaction with the leader's repressive rule, and even did not forget to instigate Xiao Xiao to destroy the leader and save them!

Xiao Xiao was initially noncommittal about this opinion, until she finally got a name from a few people that surprised her.

"You say it again? What is the leader's name?"

Did she hear it right? How could it be him?

"Our boss's surname is Huang and his name is Zhong Mang. He was the first one who survived mutation to become a superhuman. He occupied the entire laboratory as soon as he got the superpower."

Although they doesn't understand why Xiao Xiao was so surprised by the name of the boss, but as a prisoners, they obediently explained it.

'It turned out to be him? So...' Xiao Xiao thought for a while and looked at everyone at the scene again.

'So this group of people is the ruling layer of Nanmu Base in X City? It turns out that they are not ordinary people at all, no wonder they are divided into two types of superhumans and human beings...'

Yes, remember the list written by Xiao Xiao to Gu Chen?

'X City, Huang Zhongmang, nicknamed Butcher, a fifth-level supernatural person, leads the Nanmu base, distinguishes human beings and supernatural powers into two categories, does not treat ordinary people as human beings, burns, kills, plunders, and commits evil, was killed by so-and-so in the X month. The team passed by and killed the people! '

It turns out that Huang Zhongmang was a biochemical man who turned into a power user. According to this attitude of disobedience and death, it is foreseeable that this base will develop into the prophecy.

After getting the news, Xiao Xiao thought about it and decided to separate from the two little ones from now on.

So Xiao Xiao first let Xiao Yan out. With the help of the system, this puppet can be regarded as a robot like the Devil Terminator. In addition to allocating more powerful firepower, there is also a bunch of system black technology up.

Xiao Xiao strongly demanded the safety of the Sun family twins. Anyway, this puppet can also take out ammunition from the space, so Xiao Xiao put all the weapons she got at the beginning as much as possible, and armed a small puppet into one mobile tanks.

Then, under the repeated guarantees of the system, Xiao Xiao parted ways with the Sun twins.


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