The Daily Life of the Zombie

Chapter 3: Free

Chapter 3: Free

"Gu Chen..." Before her death, Xiao Xiao regretted the most, that she didn't thank Gu Chen once, and never said she liked him before death came.

After all, it was Gu Chen who gave her light in the dark, so that she was no longer confused, and even gradually returned to the emotions that a normal person should have, instead of still indulging in those prisons intertwined with negative emotions.

"If we never meet again, I just wish we didn't know each other..."

Tears from the corners of her eyes smoothed down her face. Xiao Xiao only felt that sometimes she really shouldn't worry too much. Life is too short to grasp the moment. There always will be later.

When Xiao Xiao died, Gu Chen, who was impatiently explaining the base plan to Lin Yin, looked at the direction of the base in City A as if he had a bad feeling in his heart.

He has been restless today and thought he was thinking too much, but this feeling of suddenly losing something was so real.

'That place is... not right! Xiao Xiao! '

Seemingly remembering something, his face changed drastically, Gu Chen put aside Lin Yin, stretched out his legs, and rushed towards the Lin family's mission location with all his might.

'Ha ha! It seems that Lin Wei's mission is very successful! ' Lin Yin, who was left behind by Gu Chen, smiled sinisterly. She was one of the pawns who knew this plan and came to slow Gu Chen's footsteps.

And seeing Gu Chen's reaction, she knew that the mission was completed!

No matter how fast the speed of thunder and lightning ability is attached, it still takes Gu Chen more than an hour to drive to City A after driving for more than half a day.

The blood gas grenade thrown by Lin Wei was very effective. When the Lin family team was destroyed, one of them unwillingly activated the second stage of all the grenades, so the series of explosions happened in the fallen area of City A.

These earth-shattering series of loud noises aroused all the nearby corpse tides. If you could look down from above, you would see that the zombies in the entire city A were moving towards several explosion points like a sea of corpses.

If ordinary people saw this situation, they would not have the desire to approach it at all.

However, regardless of Gu Chen's disregard, the purple electric light flashed all over his body, and he rushed straight towards the position where his heart felt, and fought a bloody path until he saw Xiao Xiao...

At this time, Xiao Xiao's body was eaten by the zombies. There were several corpse kings fighting each other for the ownership of this wonderful trophy.

Gu Chen directly blasted over to clear Xiao Xiao's side, and then knelt beside Xiao Xiao's remains, roaring continuously.

"No...!!!!" Gu Chen shouted, "Xiao Xiao!!!!!!"

Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of Gu Chen's eyes, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, which shows how much Xiao Xiao's tragic situation had hit him.

The scenes of the two of them getting along in the past flashed through his mind, and finally settled on the picture in front of him.

Gu Chen regretted holding his head and kneeling on the ground.

If it wasn't for the base, if it wasn't for righteousness, if he wasn't so cowardly, if he could have said it earlier...

If, if, unfortunately, not if, the deceased is already dead.

Maybe it's because the mental power is too powerful, or maybe it's because Xiao Xiao's obsession is too deep. When Xiao Xiao's body was completely eaten by the zombie king, she became a 'spirit body', a soul-like existence that stayed in place of her death.

Xiao Xiao was watching Gu Chen belatedly arriving, watching Gu Chen crying and screaming with her body in his arms, trying to comfort him but couldn't do it at all.

Gu Chen endured his grief, put away Xiao Xiao's remains, and stared at the base angrily.

"It was Lin's family, right? Bad for them! ... They better prepare for the repayment!" Gu Chen said angrily, and then he returned to the base.

Xiao Xiao was like an audience watching a 3D movie, observing Gu Chen's next move from a third party.

After going back to base, Gu Chen's temperament has changed drastically. He is no longer the positive sunshine he used to be, but is rather taciturn, and even stares at a certain place viciously, as if he is calculating something.

Then Xiao Xiao watched Gu Chen's plan to destroy the Lin family step by step, watched Gu Chen return to M City. Years later M City base became the capital of a new generation, and mankind gradually recover lost soil and build a new civilization.

Xiao Xiao floated behind Gu Chen till his death. For 60 years, the past was gradually replayed. In the end, she felt that the time had come, and then when it got dark, she wake up.

Xiao Xiaos eyes gradually opened, and what came into view was a ceiling that was both unfamiliar and familiar. The surrounding walls were mottled with cracks and had a faint smell. Under the head was a hard pillow covered with a thin quilt.

"It's really familiar..." Xiao Xiao thought to herself, "Could it be that I'm not dead?" Xiao Xiao sat up, covered her face with hands, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Is this a dream? Or... those were the dreams before?" Xiao Xiao was a little confused, but the feeling of being eaten by the Corpse King was too painfull and unforgettable, making her not sure which one was real.

"Bam! Bam! Bam!" Not long after Xiao Xiao woke up, there was a sudden crash on door panels.

"Xiaoxiao! Xiaoxiao! Are you awake?" Then a female voice came into Xiao Xiao's ear.

Xiao Xiao remembered that the voice was from a female prison guard who was in charge of her. Her name seemed to be... Chen Wei?

It's been too long ago, and Xiao Xiao can't remember clearly, but she seems to have died in a certain hunting.

"Wash up as soon as you wake up! Today is the day you get out of prison, or are you reluctant to be here?" The slightly mocking concern made Xiao Xiao feel both familiar and unfamiliar.

Chen Wei was the prison guard who was transferred after Xiao Xiao's last act. At that time, Xiao Xiao had already been transferred to a single prison.

Chen Wei scoffed at the previous rumors and didn't believe it at all. After all, Xiao Xiao's appearance right now looks really pitiful.

Therefore, Chen Wei has a little bit of sympathy for this little girl who suffered injustice. She always looks at Xiao Xiao with pity, and often even brings some snacks to Xiao Xiao to relieve her cravings. It is the only kindness Xiao Xiao encountered in prison.

"Yeah! I understand, Sister Chen!" Xiao Xiao responded. In fact, in the prison, the prison guards will have some opinions on the prisoners. Although their thoughts would not be so obvious after professional training, but Xiao Xiao seen their true personas very clear.

To use a specific analogy, in her mental power, only Chen Wei is a green dot, and other guards are displayed in yellow names.

'Chen Wei was an accident, a beautiful accident. ' Xiao Xiao thought to herself.

Because Xiao Xiao only felt 'curious', 'doubt' in her, and sometimes a little 'concerned'. She was like a child. I don't know who let Chen Wei come in as a prison guard. Aren't they afraid she would set prisoners free?

However, for Xiao Xiao, being able to meet Chen Wei is the reason why she has not completely broken down. In a place full of malice, even the little bit of kindness is precious, isn't it? Sister Chen was like a white rabbit in the full house of wolves.

"Why are you staring at me? Are you hungry? Come on, this is your favorite bun, I hope you can go well after you get out of prison!" Chen Wei didn't notice the blue light in Xiao Xiao's eyes, and thought Xiao Xiao was hungry after seeing the buns she brought!

Therefore, she hurriedly handed the bun to Xiao Xiao.

Although the prison food is not bad, but it is not delicious, it is just an ordinary nutritious meal.

Xiao Xiao grew up in an orphanage since she was a child. She is an introvert and does not dare to fight. The extra cookies and candies was taken away by other children. In the orphanage, only children who can cry can eat candy, but unfortunately Xiao Xiao can't.

Therefore, Xiao Xiao in the orphanage was relatively thin compared to other children.

Don't know why after going to school she became thick, maybe it's genetics? In short, she gradually became fat, and Xiao Xiao's thin face gradually became rounded. This trait made other classmates always want to bully her.

It didn't take long for her to lose weight in the prison, where the food and clothing was limited. Once, when Chen Wei was eating late night, she brought the buns sold in the alley into the prison, and was stared at by Xiao Xiao, and finally the buns arrived inexplicably to Xiao Xiao's mouth.

This steamed bun is thin and tender, with egg yolk and shiitake mushrooms inside, but it only sells for ten yuan, which is very affordable. In addition, the steamed bun master's craftsmanship is good, the meat buns that have just come out of the oven are bitten and the soup flows out. It's Chen Wei's favorite snack.

However, since being targeted by Xiao Xiao, Chen Wei will unconsciously buy an extra one every time to improve Xiao Xiao's body condition. Maybe she is bewitched by something?

"..." Xiao Xiao felt that something was wrong, and realized that it was her mental power mimicking function. She quickly removed the mental power that surrounded her, and then her pupils slowly focused again, and finally she could see Chen Wei and her clearly. The bun was in her hand...

Tragically, Xiao Xiao always felt a little hungrier after seeing Chen Wei, but she wouldn't want to rush to eat it.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you're drowsy?" Chen Wei saw something was wrong with Xiao Xiao. After all, she had a lot of negative emotions in this prison all day.

Since the first time Xiao Xiao was given buns, Chen Wei found that Xiao Xiao was eating like a little squirrel, and her cheeks would move funny while chewing. Three years of feeding trip!

"'s alright, thank you, Sister Chen!" Fake Squirrel Xiao Xiao, staring at Fake Rabbit Chen Wei, handed out the bun, quickly reached out and took the bun, opened her mouth tentatively, and bit down.

"It's over!" Xiao Xiao thought to herself, the tender and juicy taste in her memory was gone when she took a bite, and only the feeling of chewing wax was left.

Fortunately, at least she wasn't so hungry after swallowing it, and she didn't have the thought of wanting to eat just looking at Chen Wei.

Chen Wei watched Xiao Xiao start eating the buns, and smiled happily, and spoke: "Xiaoxiao! Listen to your sister, remember to work hard when you get out in the future. I know you are very smart. Even though you dont have a degree, there are still many things you can do! Let the previous things go with the wind, and they wont continue to trouble you if you avoid it!"

Xiao Xiao's eyes were a little red at Chen Wei's advice.

People's hearts are full of flesh, not to mention Chen Wei is not only a big sister who helped Xiao Xiao, but also the first person to show kindness on Xiao Xiao's life journey.

Chen Wei died in a base that was besieged by zombies. When she received the news of Chen Wei's death, Xiao Xiao was mourning her for several days, and even wanted to go to the destroyed base to search and see if that was really truth.

Gu Chen was reluctant to let her, a person without offensive abilities, go to such a far place to take risks, and in the end Xiao Xiao could only feel sad.

Listening to Chen Wei's babble, enjoying the warmth that she hadn't felt for a long time, she followed the prison guards through the formalities all the way.

"Xiao Xiao! Come visit me in the future!"

Chen Wei patted her on the shoulder and encouraged her after sending Xiao Xiao to the door of the police station.

"I will!"

Xiao Xiao smiled stiffly and watched Chen Wei return to the police station. Don't forget, she is still on duty!

After being released from prison, Xiao Xiao stood on the street in a bit of confusion, not knowing what she should do now?

Time for revenge again? Gu Chen was satisfied after taking revenge in her last life, but after the real revenge, Xiao Xiao didn't feel happy.

After all, after encountering this kind of thing, most of the people are hard to let go of, what if they kill those people to avenge their revenge?

If it weren't for the apocalypse, she would always carry the name of a murderer for the rest of her life, and even Xiao Xiao really took the title!

As for the Lin family? What did she have when she was just released from prison? Spiritual power?

Seriously speaking, the two sides have not yet formed grudges and enmity, and it is not the way to kill them directly.

Thinking about it carefully, the stability of the base in Y City was not unrelated to the assistance of the Lin family. If she first took action to destroy the Lin family, would the base still be the same base?

In fact, from the housekeeper's point of view, they are considered unjust deaths. Although Guan Lili was the first to lead people to bully Xiao Xiao, the other members of the Lin family are considered innocent. At most, Guan Lili's parents neglected to discipline or spoiled her too much. That's it.

They didn't want Xiao Xiao to die, just wanted her to have a hard time. Who can understand their feelings of losing their beloved daughter?

In the grievances of the giants, it is not too easy to say that they want to kill someone in prison, they are already very patient!

Of course, if they really wanted to kill Xiao Xiao, it wasn't that easy.

And what about prosecutors? What about the judge?

For them, one side is a little orphan girl, and the other side is a powerful family. How do you choose?

They are not too innocent, but they are not guilty to death. It is just an unwarranted sentence. It is only the heaviest punishment. Without other guilt, it is dereliction of duty at most, right? Although this dereliction of duty may ruin someone's life.

In that memory, when Xiao Xiao was released from prison, she killed everyone who bullied her.

When Xiao Xiao was taking revenge her heart was not relatively happy, and she even felt like she was being tortured. If it wasn't for the end of the world, she would have had a nervous breakdown.

Not to mention the existence of Gu Chen, a person who exudes sunshine and heat, and brings warmth and hope to Xiao Xiao, which prevents her from going all the way to darkness.

Killing people if they don't agree with each other is something that only a middle school girl can do. She is self-centered, and she can't survive in society with such publicity and domineering.

It can only be said that she was too young at that time!


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