The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 117

Li Xia's courtyard adjoined Li Xin's courtyard. The main hall had five rooms, with three side rooms on each side. With so many rooms, Li Xia could arrange everything as she pleased.

Mrs. Lu specifically had small kitchens added to each courtyard. Those who wished to cook could pay for their own supplies, while those who didn't could eat from the main kitchen.

Li Xia was pleased with the small kitchen and gave Qiu Shui five hundred taels of silver to manage the accounts of the Orchid Courtyard. She kept the same name for her new courtyard for simplicity.

Qiu Shui promised to manage the Orchid Courtyard's accounts well. She was even happier that Qiu Chan now had money, meaning she wouldn't go hungry. Although she hadn't starved since joining the Li household, Qiu Chan still worried about eating too much.

Everyone was happy, except Auntie Mei, who wondered why she didn't have her own courtyard and lived with Li Xia instead.

Li Xia had her suspicions about Auntie Mei's confusion. If her guess was correct, she would definitely treat Mrs. Lu better in the future.

Li Hui passed the official examination and entered the Ministry of Justice he desired, serving as a sixth-rank official. Qingyue Street was not far from the Ministry, reachable within half an hour by carriage. Li Hui reported for duty and returned with his official robes.

"Big Brother, try on your official robes," Li Guang said enviously.

Li Chou didn't stop Li Guang, as he also wanted to see Li Hui in his official robes.

"Hui, try on your official robes and see if they fit," Mrs. Lu also wanted to see her son in the robes.

Under everyone's eager gaze, Li Hui carried the robes into the inner room to change. The crimson robes accentuated his handsome features and steady demeanor.

"Big Brother, I want to wear crimson robes too," Li Guang said enviously, wanting to touch them but afraid of dirtying them.

"You're getting ahead of yourself. You should aim for purple robes," Auntie An quipped.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly chilled. Li Chou was speechless with Auntie An, wondering why she always brought up unpleasant topics.

"First comes crimson, then purple. Big Brother will surely rise through the ranks," Li Xia's words made Li Chou nod in agreement.

"The Madam is right," Auntie Mei chimed in.

"Madam, we should celebrate today," she added.

"For the celebration, I bought some venison from the morning market and had it freshly prepared," Li Guang volunteered to handle the grocery shopping. Mrs. Lu didn't hesitate to let him take charge.

Li Guang woke up early each day to go to the morning market, selecting ingredients and interacting with people. He then joined Li Chou at the academy without neglecting his studies, handling the shopping well.

"Good, have the kitchen prepare more delicacies to celebrate properly," Mrs. Lu agreed. Everyone's laughter dispelled the awkwardness caused by Auntie An.

Auntie An wanted to say more, but stopped when Li Chou tugged at her, pursing her lips. Aunt Wang watched the scene with amusement.

With no outsiders present, everyone dined together. The venison was delicious, but after two pieces, Li Xia stopped eating, feeling unwell.

Back in her room, she asked Qiu Shui to prepare a tub of cool water. Sitting in the icy bath, Li Xia felt a little better.

Li Xia's sudden request for a cool bath worried Qiu Shui, who waited outside the door. Seeing Li Xia was fine, Qiu Chan came in to carry out the tub and refill it with water. Qiu Shui, Qiu Kui, and Qiu Ling felt Li Xia's body, confirming she had no fever.

"I'm fine," Li Xia reassured them, being the only one who truly knew her condition.

Late at night, she went to the Tian Yi Pavilion. Seeing Li Xia arrive, Luo Shan didn't understand what else she needed to do.

"Spar with me," Li Xia said, entering the training ground without giving Luo Shan a chance to refuse.

The pavilion members who weren't on duty heard the sound of Luo Shan, their leader, being repeatedly knocked down. Curious but not daring to approach, they waited until Li Xia left. When they entered, the once pristine training ground was in disarray.

Aside from his face, Luo Shan's entire body ached, but it wasn't without benefit – his internal energy, stagnant for years, had grown.

Mrs. Lu set a date to host a house-warming party, inviting members of the Lu family. Li Hui sent invitations to the Chengen Marquis Residence, Beining Marquis Manor, Gongshun Marquis Manor, and other close families. The Beining Marquis Manor sent gifts but couldn't attend. Lady Cao came with Cao Fugui and An'an, while Ms. Liu came with Zhou Dingxing.

Seeing Cao Fugui, Li Yao was surprised. In the previous life, Cao Fugui had been a carefree playboy at this time, not the responsible man he was now. And Chang'an Princess was also much closer to Li Xin and Li Xia than in the previous life. These changes were significant.

Li Shan watched Li Xin cheerfully conversing with Lady Cao and Ms. Liu. She stood up to join them, intending to overshadow Li Xin.

Before she could speak, someone grabbed her arm. Turning around, she saw Li Xia smiling at her.

"Third Sister, come with me," Li Xia said, gripping Li Shan's wrist and pulling her away. Li Shan tried to shake off Li Xia's grip, but her strength was no match.

Li Xia dragged Li Shan away from the crowd. Finally able to break free with force, Li Shan lost her balance and fell to the ground. As she tried to get up, she saw Li Xia's death stare and scrambled back two steps.

"What are you going to do?" Li Shan asked.

"Stay obedient, and I won't do anything. If you're not obedient, then I might have to do something." Li Xia snapped a twig with one hand. To Li Shan, it looked like her own hand being broken. Her face paled in fear.

"What I do is none of your business," Li Shan said, hurrying back to her courtyard to change her dirtied clothes. As she left, Li Xia glanced in a certain direction with a smirk.

Relieved to see Li Xia depart, Li Yao exhaled. He had been terrified earlier. Today, he discovered more differences from his previous life, making him want to find a quiet place. Instead, he witnessed Li Xia threatening Li Shan, hiding in fear rather than intervening. Li Shan was clearly no match for Li Xia.

If Li Shan couldn't face Li Xia, did that mean Li Shan's marriage to Cao Fugui in the previous life was because of him? Recalling the smirk on Li Xia's face when Li Shan married, Li Yao shuddered. From now on, he had to restrain Li Shan and Aunt Wang to avoid provoking Li Xia. She was clearly no ordinary person.

With that thought, Li Yao hurried towards Li Shan's courtyard. Li Xia emerged from behind him, watching him scurry away and remarking on his lack of composure. She then rejoined the banquet, observing Lady Cao's satisfaction with Li Xin. Everything was unfolding as she envisioned.

Old Madam Lu surveyed the new residence and the composed Li Hui, recalling the words of the late Mrs. Lu and sighing inwardly.

"Mother, what's the matter?" Mrs. Lu asked Old Madam Lu after seeing off the guests.

"I'm just musing that Hui has grown up and has his own future ahead of him. By the way, how is the matter of his marriage coming along?" Old Madam Lu inquired about Li Hui's marriage prospects.

"Li Hui's marriage has been settled in Liuzhou. The young lady's surname is Wang, she is a virtuous and intelligent good lady, and Hui has met her and seems quite satisfied," Mrs. Lu knew the reason her mother brought up Li Hui's marriage. Previously, she wanted to marry Li Hui to her third niece, but Old Madam Lu did not look favorably upon the Lu family.


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