The Cursed Prince

Chapter 884: Letters From Ashland

Chapter 884: Letters From Ashland


Elsewhere in the capital city of Verona, Prince Liam and Rowena returned to their inn and we're having a meal in the restaurant.

"Harlow, what do you want to eat?" Prince Liam asked.

"Ah, I'm fine with anything." Rowena smiled.

Prince Liam smiled back nervously and didn't know what to order for himself. If he was back at the palace, the food would have already been chosen for him.

However, since he was pretending to be this 'Julian' guy, then he needed to act like a commoner did.

What did they even eat? Barley? Fried oats?

"What's the matter, Julian?" Rowena asked. "Are you having trouble choosing what to eat? Do you want to order everything from the menu?"

Prince Liam's eyes widened. He didn't think they could afford that much. What kind of livelihood did these people do?

However, the thought of eating every available dish also made him feel sick.

"Uhh… we don't have to do that Harlow," Prince Liam said. "You know, how about we just have something light? After walking all the way to the Wishing Mermaid Lagoon, I'm too tired to eat."

"You are?" Rowena frowned at him in disbelief.

Usually, when the two of them were done after an adventure, Julian was ravenous. He had a big appetite and liked to eat whatever they could afford.

Julian wasn't a picky type of eater, though he did have his preferences. However, now Julian was saying that he didn't have an appetite at all.

This was really a first for Julian.

Rowena looked at the older boy and asked. "Are you sick?"

"Sick? Ah, yes maybe…" Prince Liam faked a cough. He latched onto the excuse fast and gave her a weak smile.

"I see, then it's best for you to have chicken broth then," Rowena said as she eyed him. "Do you want to head up to our room?"

"O-our room?" Prince Liam nearly choked. What relationship did 'Julian' and 'Harlow' have? He was wondering.

More importantly, he didn't have any idea where the room was, which was the problem. Prince Liam didn't think he'd spend the night with a woman like 'Harlow' at all.

Around this time, he might have already been dragged back to the palace by his knight bodyguard.

This was the first time he was going to spend a night with a woman. Prince Liam nearly wheezed. How far have this Julian guy gone with 'Harlow'? Are they romantic and sexual partners?

This made him swallow hard.

"Yeah, lack of rooms again. So, we are forced to share a room," Rowena reminded him. "Did you forget? We're a bit unfortunate, but this is the most northern kingdom close to the sea. I guess it's expected to be rather busy."

"Yes, in terms of economy, Verona is quite rich with lots of ships and seafarers coming in," Prince Liam said almost automatically. It was what he learned from his economics teacher.

Rowena bit back the urge to grin. "And where did you hear that from?"

"Well, it's kind of obvious right?" Prince Liam said.

"Good point."

"So, anyway, I think I will have my chicken broth here. I'd like to wait for you before we go to our room." Prince Liam smiled.

"I see,

well, that's fine. You have the key with you, right?"

Prince Liam's smile faltered.



Meanwhile, after Raphael had met with King Draco and learned that Rowena left the kingdom of Ashland all by herself, he didn't quite know what to do.

He told himself that he wanted to find Rowena to thank her and be grateful.

He had waited for a year to be able to meet with her again, but now she was gone.

"Would it even be appropriate if I were to suddenly just arrive and tell her that I'm grateful that she saved my life?" Raphael asked himself after he left the palace in Ashland. "She's more than smart enough to figure out the reason why or ask how I'm grateful to her."

If Raphael explained to Rowena that ever since she was twelve years old, he had already been a constant presence in her life… how would she even react? Raphael was different from Lucent.

"What if she actually hates me?" Raphael asked himself as he paced back and forth in the forest he chose to contemplate in. "What if she thinks I was being deceitful for not being able to say a single word and reveal I was a god?"

He didn't expect it, but he was paralyzed by his own thoughts.

Raphael didn't have any intention to go along with King Draco's schemes to have his daughter be returned to him. If anything, Raphael wanted to make sure that Rowena would have the life she dreamed of. Once he found out that the king had chosen to openly 'sell' Rowena to any man who could find her and bring her home, he decided to take action.

"If I wanted to thank her properly… then maybe I don't even need to meet with her," Raphael said to himself. He looked back towards the kingdom of Ashland. "There's more than enough reasons for me to stay here."

Raphael was definitely NOT a coward for choosing to not look for Rowena.

Instead, Raphael knew that there was work to be done here in Ashland which would serve as more helpful than simply meeting with Rowena.

That was why he chose to sabotage King Draco's attempts to effectively search for his daughter.

"This is how I'll be able to thank her properly," Raphael smiled.


King Draco was now more determined than ever to find Rowena. Luckily for him, he was able to find the latest portrait of his daughter. This was something he made sure to have commissioned and painted every year so people would come to know of her beauty.

"Let there be portrait sketches made of my daughter, it will be included in the letters that will be sent to every known kingdom that has any young prince or unwedded king," King Draco ordered his servants.

The letter he addressed to the nations and kingdoms he could reach was something like this:



To all men, both of royal and common descent, let it be known that I am in search of my runaway daughter, Rowena Roseland. The two of us had a falling out, a failing of a father, and I beseech that any honorable and virtuous man could lend a hand in order to reunite me with my beloved child.

Included therein is a rough sketch and portrait of my daughter.

She has beautiful blonde hair and purple eyes, and to the man who brings back my d

aughter, there will be an enormous reward to be given to them.

I, Draco Roseland, will personally reward you and give you an honor that will change your fortune forever.


King Draco would send a great number of letters, his royal seal included, to various nations and kingdoms in an attempt to 'plea' help in finding his long-lost daughter.

More than a hundred messengers were sent out, all bearing the message and will of the king. The king hoped that Rowena's beauty and the promise of wealth and power were enough to attract many powerful and resourceful men to look for Rowena and brought her back to him.


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