The Cursed Prince

Chapter 843 - Banging On The Door

Chapter 843 - Banging On The Door

"Not all wealthy people or nobles are bad," Rowena said after she got over her amusement. She didn't deny that Julian's story was very sad, but she still objected to his accusation that all wealthy people were bad.

"Well, I guess maybe you are a little different," said Julian agreed.

The young man then laughed a little remembering how Rowena was so adamant to chase after him that she ended up falling into the river.

In his mind, Rowena was a girl from a rich family who certainly had one or two bodyguards around her. She could have told her guards or servants to chase after the pickpocket, but instead she was the one to go after him alone.

Who would have thought, Julian met a rich kid who could run so fast like Rowena? This almost took him by surprise when he saw how she was able to keep up with him.

Julian remembered that his neck was choked because the hem of the robe was being pulled by the girl. So, this girl could be vicious when she was determined. Scary.

"So you agree that not all wealthy people are bad?" Rowena asked to confirm.

Julian shrugged. "No, what I mean is, YOU are different from the average rich. You were my first victim to run fast and almost catch me on your own. When you ran, you were like a crazy person."

Rowena chuckled at Julian's words. Somehow, she was no longer offended by Julian's taunts just now.

The young man was not a nobleman and he grew up on the streets. So, his way of speaking would be very different from her. She was raised in a royal palace and had been receiving education in ethics and royal manners.

Rowena now thought Julian wasn't as bad as she initially assumed. After knowing Julian's story earlier, she started to understand why he did what he did.

His hatred of the nobles and wealthy people made him steal from them. Meeting Julian made Rowena see a thief from another perspective she had never seen before.

Before, she always thought that people who committed crimes were bad and/or lazy. They didn't want to work to support themselves. However, now Rowena came to know that natural disasters and social inequality were some of the factors that encourage criminal acts.

Rowena hoped that in the future Julian could find a turning point in his life so that he could live a better life, an honest one.

"Julian, tomorrow please take me back to meet my aunt in the town square. Um… they will definitely give you a good reward if I told them that you helped me."

Rowena could not reveal her identity as a princess, the only child of King Draco Roseland. Julian had openly expressed his hatred for nobles. So Rowena didn't want to take the risk and let Julian know her identity.

"You wouldn't turn me over to the authorities for stealing, would you?" Julian grinned and looked at Rowena probingly. This made Rowena let out a long sigh.

"No. I seriously guarantee that you will get a reward."

"Alright… Tomorrow morning I'll drop you off. As you can see for yourself, it's already past midnight. I suggest that you rest. I promise I won't do anything bad to you. Here, take this knife if you don't trust me."

Rowena nodded and grabbed the knife Julian had given her.

"I'd really use this knife if I had to," threatened Rowena. "So, don't think of even trying to do anything funny."

Julian rolled his eyes. "I know. I gave you the knife if you didn't remember."

The young man took an extra clean thin blanket from the chest beside the bed.

"You can use this," he said, handing Rowena the blanket.

"Thank you," Rowena replied.

Rowena placed her knife under her pillow. The girl tilted her head towards the fireplace as she watched Julian spread a thin sheet over her legs.

Julian then sat down with two chairs pushed together. He didn't look comfortable because of his long legs, but he didn't seem bothered. His hands were folded in front of his chest.

The young man slowly began to yawn, causing Rowena to yawn as well. A moment later, the atmosphere became silent in the hut. Julian turned to the side to see the girl who slowly closed her eyes. He shook his head in disbelief.

How could anyone be so naive as this girl? And it's so easy for her to trust other people. Luckily, the girl met him. What if she happened to be saved by a perverted man?

And look how peaceful the girl sleeps? Julian really couldn't understand…

He yawned once again and Julian chose to close his eyes and sleep in a sitting position. He hugged his knees because the temperature had become so low.

As the night went by, the temperature became quite cold. Julian woke up several times because of his uncomfortable sleeping position. He also got up to add firewood to keep the fire in the fireplace burning.

When he saw Rowena's slightly shivering body, the young man pulled some of the remaining sheets in the chest where he kept his clothes and placed it on Rowena's sleeping body.

Finally, Julian also gave up his blanket for the girl to wear too. He felt a little sorry because Rowena must have never experienced sleeping on a bed so hard and using a blanket this thin.

The girl looked restless in her sleep but she didn't wake up. Julian fixed Rowena's blanket which was slowly coming off her body.

After making sure the girl was sleeping comfortably and no longer shivering from the cold, Julian leaned closer to the fire. As time drew near to dawn, the air grew colder and damper.

Julian who couldn't stand the cold added all the remaining firewood so that the fire burned even bigger. After the hut was warm again, he heaved a sigh of relief.

It was only after getting the warmth he wanted that Julian fell asleep again. This time he lay down slightly curled up on the two chairs lined up. Only then could Julian fall into a deep sleep.

It felt like he just closed his eyes for one minute but his sharp ears heard the crowing of roosters from a distance. That meant dawn had arrived. Julian still didn't want to wake up, he needed a little more sleep.

Rowena was also still asleep.

The two of them would have continued their slumber had there not been a sudden knock on the door of the hut. The loud banging made Julian jump in surprise. Rowena who was still asleep also suddenly woke up and looked at Julian in confusion.

"What is it?" Rowena asked in a still hoarse voice.

Julian cursed inwardly because his sleep had been disturbed. He rubbed his face quickly to get rid of the sleepiness.

"I think there's a guest. You go back to sleep if you are still sleepy. We can look for your aunt once you're completely refreshed."

Rowena nodded and wanted to lie down again but the door was pounded so hard again.

"Yes ... yes ... I'm coming," said Julian, getting annoyed that the people outside his hut were so impatient.

Julian slowly opened the door to his hut. But his eyes squinted from the light of the newly rising sun and looked bright on the horizon. Some people suddenly barged in.


Just as Julian was about to protest, he was kicked in the knee from behind making the young man fall to the ground. Rowena who was surprised immediately got up. She pressed her mouth to see it was Jarvis who was grabbing Julian. The young man tried to free himself but Jarvis' grip was so tight that his efforts were in vain.

"Hey! What are you doing, jerk!? Let me go!" shouted Julian.

"Shut up! What have you done to the princess?" Jarvis snarled which confused Julian even more because he didn't know any princess.

"What princess? I don't know any princess!" Julian argued. He still didn't understand the current situation.

Jarvis smacked Julian in the face so hard that his body fell to the ground with a thud. Rowena cried out in surprise, seeing what happened. Julian closed his eyes as his vision began to blur. He shook his head to get rid of the dizziness that suddenly attacked him.

His mouth tasted salty and Julian clearly saw a drop of blood falling to the ground from his face. Julian glared at Jarvis for his mistreatmeant. He tried to get up but Jarvis pressed his knees against Julian's legs making the young man wriggle in pain.

"You should be punished accordingly for harassing a princess," Jarvis said coldly.

Julian wanted to protest but Jarvis covered his mouth so quickly it made Rowena panic. A knight approached the still surprised Rowena and allowed her to put on a cloak. Rowena tried to break free.

"What is this? No-no… Jarvis stopped right now! You misunderstood!"

"Sorry for my negligence, Your Highness. I will make sure this young man gets the punishment he deserves."

Julian's eyes widened in surprise at Rowena. Rowena's heart ached when the young man gave her a betrayed look mixed with hatred.

"So, this is the reward you promised me last night?" He muttered and threw her a disgusted look.

No-no… Rowena didn't want Julian to think she was just like all nobles who bully poor people. She tried to reach out her hand to Julian, but the young man looked away and scoffed.

"Julian, I-I'm not..." She wanted to cry.

Jarvis and several other knights dragged Julian out of the hut. Rowena kept asking Jarvis to stop his actions but the knight ignored the princess's wishes. Rowena was immediately put into the carriage and the coachman immediately whipped his horse to leave the hut before anyone could see what happened.

High in the sky, Lucent was flying low and then perched on the open carriage window. On the carriage, Rowena wept bitterly that she couldn't protect her new friend.




From Missrealitybites:

Thank you so much for your patience. I will resume publishing this book today. My family is doing well now, in self-quarantine, while I am still living outside, staying in hotel after hotel to get a new scenery.

Since Covid made tourism in Bali struggle, I could get cheap accommodation in nice hotels. We will all get tested again in a few days and I hope by then everyone is negative.

So grateful that we are all vaccinated (provided by the govt for free). So, even though my whole family got covid, the symptoms are not severe, and I even stay negative among 5 positive people.

Take care and stay safe wherever you are!


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