The Cursed Prince

Chapter 751 - The Brawl

Chapter 751 - The Brawl

Harlow, Julian, and Icecube eventually reached the heart of the city and traveled into the underworld's district. The princess was wary and prepared to take out her bow and arrow to defend herself, but the adventurer told her to put them away.

"There is no need to be defensive. People will take offense if they saw strangers in a threatening attitude," Julian advised her. "We should try to blend in and not attract attention."

The princess bit her lip as she eyed all the buildings and the people passing through. Most of them did seem to have a distinctively human shape with a lot of variations that spoke about their demon ancestry.

Some had horns, fangs and even skin being covered in feathers or scales.? However, contrary to Harlow's expectations and what she encountered in the elven realm, these so-called demons weren't hostile or even that intimidating or frightening to look at.

They were only… different.? Different in appearance but the way they acted was civilized. She felt like being around humans but from different races. That was all.

"We're not trying to pick up a fight, princess. We are now in a strange place." Julian grinned at her as he lowered her bow and chuckled. "Well… unless you want to end up fighting an army though?"

Harlow gulped. The idea of fighting an army was not in her mindset even if she happened to have her father's army at her back. Julian was right. She was currently not on her father's turf.

It was best to prioritize her safety if she wanted to go home to her family in one piece. She shook her head. "No. No… but by the way, why do you think they don't look at us strangely? We don't look like them."

As the princess, adventurer, and ice dragon passed by the streets, nobody batted an eye or even questioned them as to why they were here. It was as if the demons saw their arrival as an ordinary and even normal occurrence.

"Well, I don't think we are that unique. We wouldn't be the first nor the last visitors that come here in the underworld realm." Julian explained with a rather amused smile. "I'm sure that some people will be thoroughly against going here… but that doesn't stop people, do they?"

Harlow pursed her lips and remembered how the Elves were against her coming here. From the way the spoke about the demons realm, she already made an assumption that this place was filled with cruel and scary monsters. Apparently, she was wrong.

"So you mean that despite warnings of going here, a lot of people still end up visiting the demon realm for their own reasons?"

"Yes. Exactly." Julian grinned. "Most people come here out of their own volition."


"What do you think?"

Harlow sighed and thought for a moment. The warnings of the Elves returned to her mind and she shrugged. "I think you can sell your soul to the Demon King in exchange for anything that your heart desires…"

"Well, not exactly your soul but you did get the gist." Julian nodded and then whispered low. "A lot of people come mostly to meet with the Demon King. If not to steal and obtain his wealth like some of us who are after a magical artifact, then simply to bargain with him."

Harlow's expression became cold. "It's a trick though."

"And why is that?" Julian raised a brow.

"Treachery." Harlow frowned. "I'm sure that he always has an upper hand with the deals and deceives them into giving up something that they didn't bargain for. He was the demon king after all."

The princess didn't know how accurate the Elves were when they mentioned Raphael consorting with demons and now ruling and leading them… but if that was what a Demon King did, then the Ice Prince thoroughly fit amongst these demons.

She gritted her teeth when she remembered how Raphael tricked her mother into giving her up as payment for the magic scarf he gave her. Emmelyn would never have agreed to give up her most precious possession if she knew what Raphael was actually after.

"Hmmm…" Julian thought hard for a moment and shrugged. "You can apply that to anyone and not just the Demon King though. A lot of people will use any misinformation to their advantage. Is it wrong that he makes deals that benefit him?"

The princess's fist balled in anger. "I don't care. To me, it's still deception!"

Julian chuckled. "Harlow, a person should know who they are dealing with. If you encountered a person who seems dangerous and yet offers you the thing that you always dream of… shouldn't you be wary?"

"So you won't bat an eye at a person who's tricked?" Harlow glared at him. "You'd just think that they weren't being smart or crafty like you?"

"I apologize." Julian coughed and averted his gaze and his voice became thick with emotions. "However, I stand my ground. I believe the people who choose to do good out of their own volition and expect the same kind of treatment from others do not truly know how the world works, princess."

Harlow started to stomp away from Julian, feeling rather pissed off. Before she could argue further, suddenly a group of demons started shouting. In the distance, the princess saw a beautiful woman.

They weren't human though, this beautiful woman had golden feathers and sharp distinctive eyes.

She was a beautiful harpy.

This woman was in between two men, one of them had cat-like features. His eyes were slit and his teeth were extra sharp. His hair was a bright yellow with dark streaks. He reminded Harlow of a tiger.

Was this man… a tiger demon? Harlow was wondering.

The other guy looked ordinary and even weaker than the first guy but they were arguing ferociously over the harpy and started to get physical.

The tiger guy shoved the ordinary man backward and the man stumbled back into the ground. However, right before everyone's eyes, the second man started to bulk up.

His figure hunched and then the now transformed werewolf howled at his opponent while the tiger demon simply grinned ferociously.

Harlow's eyes widened at the sight. So… it was a werewolf and a tiger demon, and now they were fighting over the beautiful harpy.






From Missrealitybites:

MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Hope you have a pleasant time with your family and can enjoy a relaxing time. xx


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