The Cult Leader in the Clergy Academy

Chapter 297

Chapter 297

"Who?" I asked, wondering if I had misheard.

"It's Yu-Hyun! I don't know the details. All I know is that he's someone closely associated with the Holy See..." Chorong said.

"Give me more details."

Chorong trembled and urgently said, “Tha-that guy told us to pretend to be Yuk Eun-Hyung's mercenary corps and to bully the residents in the area. He also said it would be better to use the Voodoo Cult’s name when doing so. I don't know the reason. It's true! Really!"

Tarnishing the Voodoo Cult’s reputation was the goal of the mission. Yu-Hyun probably wanted to tarnish the Voodoo Cult’s reputation because of the upcoming papal conclave. If that was the case, then the reason he hadn’t reported my identity to the Holy See was also because...


I finally understood why Yu-Hyun hadn’t told anyone about my identity and ordered the Ravens Mercenary Corps to impersonate Yuk Eun-Hyung’s mercenary corps...

I was also starting to figure out what scheme he had devised to win the conclave.

"Hey, Chorong," I said.

Chorong looked at me with a frightened face and replied, "Ye-yes?"

"I will give you a chance to repent from now on. Hand over the Ravens Mercenary Corps to us."

"Huh? I-I didn't hear what you said properly..."

"It looks like you still haven't come to your senses," I said as I clenched my fist.

"Ah, never mind! I-I heard you loud and clear. So you’re saying the Ravens Mercenary Corps will now belong to the Voodoo Cult?"

"That's right."

Chorong finally understood what I was saying only after I threatened him with my fist. Indeed, there was nothing like a fist to clear a blocked ear.

I turned my head and observed my surroundings. After seeing Chorong get beaten, the members of the Ravens Mercenary Corps trembled in fear.

I continued, "But, it’ll only be unofficially. You’ll conceal your affiliation to the Voodoo Cult from the outside world and operate freely. I don’t really care if you accept requests from the Romanican Church or the Satanists. Just make sure you report all the details of the requests to me."

In response to my proposal, Chorong silently nodded.

“Good choice. Answer when I contact you. Do you have a phone number?” I asked.

"Yes, I do," Chorong replied with an exaggerated nod.

I searched his pockets, took out his phone, recorded my number, and removed the plant stems binding him.

Finally freed from his restraints, Chorong collapsed to the ground. The mercenaries watching over Chorong looked warily toward me as they approached and helped Chorong up.

"Let's go," I said to Yuk Eun-Hyung and his mercenary corps members.

We then left the Ravens Mercenary Corps headquarters and returned to the original base location of Yuk Eun-Hyung's mercenary corps. We had thwarted the Ravens Mercenary Corps from impersonating Yuk Eun-Hyung's mercenary corps and causing mischief, and we successfully absorbed them into the Voodoo Cult. It turned out to be a more fruitful outcome than I had expected.

As I was about to return to the underground chapel after finishing my work, Yuk Eun-Hyung approached me and said, "Thank you, Cult Leader. But I have one more thing to ask you..."

"Yes, go ahead and ask."

"Do you know who Yu-Hyun is?" Yuk Eun-Hyung asked.

"Yes, I do. I know him quite well," I replied with a nod.

I could track his location in real time through the watch I had given him before. I was going to use that information to meet him right now.


"Oh man, there’s always so many people here," Yu-Hyun muttered as he looked around.

The music was loud enough to make his body tremble, and people danced in sync with the dazzling lights. The staff wore soulless expressions as they served drinks with firecrackers attached to them.

Everything in the club. He liked meeting people, especially women, but he didn't particularly enjoy such noisy and vulgar places.

The reason he came here was to meet one person.

After accepting Yu-Hyun's proposal, that person stepped down from the candidacy. At the same time, he was a broker and informant who helped Yu-Hyun make connections with various people.

"Mr. Kim! It's me, Yu-Hyun!" Yu-Hyun said.

Yu-Hyun called him Mr. Kim, but he didn't have a fixed name. Some called him Mr. Park, Mr. Choi, Player, or Teacher. Yu-Hyun just decided to call him Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim was sitting quietly in a corner of the club and drinking alone, but when he spotted Yu-Hyun, his face turned pale.

"Oh, little bro! You came early? Didn't you say you would come only when it got dark?" Mr. Kim said.

"The work I was dealing with ended earlier than I thought. But why are you hiding in the corner like this? Let's go somewhere more lively."

“Don’t you think I know that you don’t like noisy places? I deliberately chose a corner seat," Mr. Kim said as he patted Yu-Hyun's shoulder.

Yu-Hyun's face stiffened for a moment. But soon, he put on a bright smile and said, "Oh, thank you, thank you. I was getting stressed out because of the noise."

‘If you knew I don’t like noisy places, you shouldn't have suggested meeting at a club in the first place. This worthless Satanist-like dimwit is pretending to be friendly...’

Yu-Hyun thought to himself, but he didn't say it out loud.

Mr. Kim was quite an important figure. He knew a lot about the confidential matters within the Romanican Church. Moreover, he had connections with the leaders of various criminal organizations nationwide, such as mercenary corps that dealt with drugs.

Moreover, by using the noise inside the club, they could neutralize the listening device that Sun-Woo had installed on his watch. It would become difficult to hear their conversations due to the loud music.

Mr. Kim had introduced Yu-Hyun the Ravens Mercenary Corps. Yu-Hyun quietly sat next to him. Mr. Kim then dismissed the woman who had been sitting with him.

Finally, only two people were left at the table. Yu-Hyun looked around cautiously before he said, "What happened with the Ravens? Did they take the bait?"

Mr. Kim cautiously took a sip from his glass before replying. "Ah, well... it seems like they took the bait."

"It seems like they took the bait? What do you mean? Mr. Kim, how are we supposed to proceed if you give such an ambiguous answer? So, did they take the bait or not?"

“Well, they did take the bait, but...”

Mr. Kim hesitated and took another sip of his drink.

"The thing is, there has been no response from the Ravens’ side. It seems like something went wrong.”

"Something went wrong? Are you saying they lost against Yuk Eun-Hyung’s mercenary corps or something?" Yu-Hyun asked as if he was dumbfounded.

The Ravens Mercenary Corps impersonating Yuk Eun-Hyung’s mercenary corps was all part of Yu-Hyun's scheme. That way, Yuk Eun-Hyung’s mercenary corps would naturally attack the Ravens, and then the Ravens would subdue Yuk Eun-Hyung’s mercenary corps with the firearms Yu-Hyun provided. That had been Yu-Hyun's plan.

Yuk Eun-Hyung’s mercenary corps was a thorn in Yu-Hyun's side. It wasn’t to the point of being an eyesore, but it was like an annoying splinter stuck under his fingernail, a presence that continuously bothered him. So, he had no choice but to deal with them.

If Yuk Eun-Hyung's mercenary corps disappeared, Yu-Hyun would have the power to manipulate the Voodoo Cult more safely and effectively. More specifically, it would have been easier to manipulate Sun-Woo, the leader of Voodoo Cult.

"No, that’s probably not the case. Maybe their communication devices were damaged during the battle or something like that. It shouldn't be a big issue."

Yu-Hyun nervously chewed on his lips and muttered, "I’m anxious..."

Suddenly, an ominous premonition crossed his mind. What if Yuk Eun-Hyung had requested help from Sun-Woo, the leader of the Voodoo Cult, and as a result, the Ravens Mercenary Corps had been defeated? What if that was why there was no communication from the Ravens Mercenary Corps?

In the worst-case scenario, the Voodoo Cult might have absorbed the Ravens.

"Is there a possibility for the Ravens Mercenary Corps to join the Voodoo Cult? Then wouldn't my safety be at risk? The client name we submitted the request with is probably under my name, so I could be in danger."

"No way. The leader of the Ravens Mercenary Corps has a tight mouth. He wouldn’t reveal your name even if someone threatened his life. But why do you think the Ravens Mercenary Corps lost in the first place? Are you always this negative about everything?"

"It's not that I'm being negative. I’m just considering what would happen if the Cult Leader—!"


A loud noise from somewhere in the club interrupted Yu-Hyun.

Music continued to echo in the club. Only a few people who had heard the loud noise turned their heads in the direction of the sound.

Yu-Hyun stood up from his seat and headed toward the source of the commotion. The unbelievable sight before his eyes left him speechless.

A club guard who was 190 cm and 105 kg, with a prestigious background in judo or something, was sprawled out on the floor unconscious, his jaw completely twisted. However, what surprised Yu-Hyun was not that.

"Nice to see you, Yu-Hyun. What are you doing in a place like this?"

"Oh, fuck."

Sun-Woo had knocked down the guard. Yu-Hyun grasped his forehead and tightly shut his eyes. His head throbbed with pain. He should have realized it when he heard that they weren’t able to contact the Ravens.

‘It was my mistake to trust Mr. Kim,’ Yu-Hyun thought as he forced a casual smile.

"So, what brings you here? You came so suddenly. You should have at least contacted me," Yu-Hyun said.

"I didn’t have the leisure to contact you beforehand, so I came urgently. Let's talk outside," Sun-Woo said.

"I'm sorry, but I'm meeting someone right now. Let's talk later."


Sun-Woo clenched his fist. Then, he approached Yu-Hyun with big strides.

Yu-Hyun shifted backward and looked into Sun-Woo's eyes. They were filled with rage. It seemed like he was completely triggered.

Yu-Hyun felt like he understood why Sun-Woo was so angry. He must have noticed that Sun-Woo had ordered the Ravens Mercenary Corps to deal with Yuk Eun-Hyung’s mercenary corps.

Yu-Hyun revealed his palms to calm Sun-Woo down and said, "Ah, I get it man. I’ll go, I’ll go. Let's talk outside. Yeah? Calm down a bit."

At that moment, a guy next to Yu-Hyun intervened and said, "Yu-Hyun, what's going on? Who’s this bozo?"

It was Mr. Kim. He rudely barged in without hesitation and glared at Sun-Woo fiercely. Sun-Woo met Mr. Kim's gaze without flinching. Mr. Kim's face stiffened. Mr. Kim clenched his fist and stretched his body as he approached Sun-Woo.

There was a lot of bravado in the way Mr. Kim stretched his body.

"Hey, you prepubescent punk. Do you even know where you are?"

"Ah, Mr-Mr. Kim is a bit out of line. He's my friend, a friend. I'll take him out and talk to him properly!"


Mr. Kim ignored Yu-Hyun's attempt to stop him and punched Sun-Woo's jaw. Sun-Woo neither blocked nor dodged the punch. Instead, he just took the hit.

He didn't even flinch. He just stared blankly at Mr. Kim. There was a chilling madness in his eyes. Mr. Kim's face twisted in bewilderment.

"Huh?" Mr. Kim gasped.

Sun-Woo's fist struck Mr. Kim's head.


Mr. Kim collapsed on the spot without even letting out a scream. Blood flowed from his head. Sun-Woo looked down at him.

"Yu-Hyun, help this person dry the blood on his head," Sun-Woo said with a chuckle.


Yu-Hyun closed his eyes tightly and didn’t respond.


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