The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 724: Candlelight in the Dark

Chapter 724: Candlelight in the Dark

Gao Yang was silent for ten seconds.

Finally, he looked up and said, “Qing Ling, bring Wang Zikai, Hong Xiaoxiao, and Ke Yo. Have Nainai disguise you. Go to the Dolphin Inn in North Harvest and bring Gao Xinxin back.”

Wang Zikai was the strongest fighter in the group now, and Ke Yo was a top-of-the-game support. Her whistle had a long effective range and was incredibly effective in creating a disturbance, allowing easy escape even if the group did encounter a powerful enemy. And Hong Xiaoxiao’s Gamer would be the last insurance to ensure that nothing went wrong.

Qing Ling didn’t disagree with the arrangement. She turned around and left.

“Qing Ling!” Gao Yang called out to her.

She looked over her shoulder at him. “What else?”

“Be careful.”

Qing Ling nodded and walked away.


Ten minutes later, Qing Ling and the other three departed. Gao Yang meditated for a moment, but anxiety continued to brew. He couldn’t stop worrying that something would go wrong.

After some hesitation, he called out to the group, “Can.”

Can was chatting with Shuang Shuang. She immediately stood up and jogged up to him. “What is it, Captain?”

Gao Yang wrote down a message on a slip of paper and folded it before handing it to Can. “You move quickly. Head to Let Life be Beautiful like Summer Flowers now. If Heavenly Dog’s on the upper floor, hand this to him. If he isn’t there, burn it.”

Heavenly Dog was at the top tier in terms of both his ability to fight and to escape. He was also a keen one. If he could support Qing Ling’s team, it would be another insurance.

“Okay.” Can turned to leave without asking another question.

“Can,” Gao Yang called out to her. “Remember to stay in visible throughout. Be careful.”

“Don’t worry, Captain.” Can grinned. “I’m not the Can from before.”

After she left, Gao Yang finally calmed down a little. He had done what he could. Now he had to wait patiently.

Chen Ying noticed what was happening, and she came up to Gao Yang after Can’s departure to whisper a question, “I saw people setting out. Did something happen?”

“I’m not sure yet,” Gao Yang said honestly. “That’s why I sent Qing Ling to confirm it for me.”

Chen Ying nodded. Then she thought of something. “Yanyan’s turning five at midnight. Can bought a cake during the day. We are going to celebrate to cheer her up.”

“Of course.” Gao Yang nodded. “You needn’t report something like this.”

“I’m not reporting to you, but inviting you to join us.” Chen Ying chuckled.

Gao Yang cheered himself up and smiled at her after a pause. “Sure.”

“You’ve changed a lot,” Chen Ying lamented. “When you were leading Team Heavenbreaker, you still chatted and laughed with the team. Now that you’ve become the leader of the Nine Scions, though, you always stay by yourself, and every time you open your mouth, it’s to give out orders.”

“Don’t make me out to be a cold-blooded leader,” Gao Yang said in a light tone. “I’m keeping watch with Sensory and have to stay focused, right? Now that my shift’s done, it’s Little Tians’ turn.”

“Look at you!” Chen Ying was exasperated. “You’re still talking about work.”

“I’ll reflect on myself.” Gao Yang smiled resignedly.

Time snuck by, and it was midnight. Judging by Can’s speed, she should be on her way back. Gao Yang wondered if she had reached Heavenly Dog.

She should have. I’m lucky, right?

Gao Yang comforted himself.

Suddenly, the light went out. Gao Yang reflexively checked his system and got ready for a fight, but then he realized that the group was starting their celebration of Wang Weiyan’s birthday.

Two seconds later, wavering candlelight lit up in the dark.

“Happy birthday to you...”

Sha Ye sang as she brought a cream cake with five candles to the roundtable at the center of the basement.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you...” The others stood around the table and sang the birthday girl a happy birthday. Wearing a birthday hat made of cardboard, Wang Weiyan beamed.

“Happy birthday, Yanyan!”

Everyone clapped after the song was finished.

“Make a wish, Yanyan!” Shuang Shuang knelt by Wang Weiyan and held her.

“Yeah!” The candles lit up Wang Weiyan’s small face. Her eyes were innocent and clear.

Holding her hands together under her chin, she said in her childlike voice, “My first wish is for Mom to be happy and for Dad to be happy too in the other world.”

Sha Ye was smiling, but her eyes reddened as soon as she heard that.

“My second wish is to go to the D City Park with Little Tian this year.”

Chen Ying blinked. Little Tian was sitting in a corner of the basement with his eyes closed, keeping Sensory activated.

She felt a pang in her heart. Picking up a small cupcake from the table, she went up to Little Tian to feed him some cake, letting him have a short rest.

“The third wish...”

“You shouldn’t say that out loud, Yanyan, or it won’t work,” Buzou quickly reminded her.

“Yeah, yeah,” Herb Snail agreed.

“Oh.” Wang Weiyan thought for a moment before closing her eyes, making the third wish devotedly.

“Blow the candles!” Wild Range cheered.

“You have to put them out with one breath, Yanyan, or the wishes won’t come true, haha,” Zhang Wei said from the side.

“Do it. This Empress will give you strength.” Nainai voiced her support with her hands on her hips.

In the dark, Gao Yang watched his companions circle Yanyan gently under the candlelight, as if they were shielding the only fire in the long, cold night. A warmth filled his chest.

At this moment, he seemed to understand Sha Ye’s decision. The greater the despair, the more one yearned for hope.


His phone rang. Gao Yang looked down to see a short message from Nine Frost.

- Danger!


“Watch out!!”

Without hesitation, Gao Yang shouted and reached into his pocket, teleporting forward.

[Luck acquisition rate increases to 10000 times!]

The only candlelight in the dark went out.


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