The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 708: Everything

Chapter 708: Everything

Surnamed Li smiled bitterly. “Qilin wants the legitimacy to rule over the world and all humanity. It’s the ultimate ambition of a prideful and powerful man.”

Chen Ying fell into thought.

“With the doom of the world on the horizon, and the Nine Scions succeeding with their troublemaking several times and expanding their power, Qilin’s at the end of his patience.”

“Now, Dust’s been flushed out, and the Hundred Rivers Union is clear with no hidden threats. The Qilin Guild is going to annex us sooner rather than later.”

“While the Hundred Rivers Union is lacking in raw power, we excel in soft power such as scouting, support, and resource generation. Us joining the Guild will play an important or even key role in the Guild’s effort to destroy the Nine Scions.”

Chen Ying tightened her grip around the driving wheel with frustration. “So we just let them trample all over us?”

“Chen Ying.” Surnamed Li responded with a question rather than an answer. “What is your pursuit?”

“For those I love to live safely and freely and with dignity and hope,” Chen Ying answered without hesitation. Then she smiled wryly. “I know it’s difficult.”

“It is difficult, but not impossible. We’ve been working hard for that end, haven’t we?”

Chen Ying nodded.

Surnamed Li said with feeling, “Chen Ying, how much are you willing to sacrifice for the pursuit?”

“Everything.” Chen Ying smiled. She had been waiting for that question from Surnamed Li.

“Think clearly before answering me.” Surnamed Li’s tone turned even more serious. “People don’t often understand themselves that much, and regret hits when the time comes.”

“I have thought it through,” Chen Ying said with determination. “That night, I watched Little Tian’s soul get burned to death by Dust before Gao Yang brought him back, and when Little Tian bawled in my arms, I made up my mind.”

“Although I’m weak, I’m putting everything on the line! At least I have to give Little Tian a good future. And humanity’s future is Little Tian’s future.”

“I hope that one day, Little Tian can go to the real world and fly kites happily and freely under the real sun.”

Surnamed Li paused. “Why kites?”

“Every spring, he goes to the park to fly kites.” Chen Ying chuckled. “He’s always particularly happy then.”

Surnamed Li smiled. “You loved that when you were little, too.”

“Really?” Chen Ying was a little surprised. She didn’t remember that.

She turned the driving wheel and went back to the main topic. “I know you, Madam Li. You must already have a plan.”

Surnamed Li nodded, acting decisive and calm as a leader should. “In three days, Chen Ying, flee with the two Rune Circuits and join the Nine Scions.”

Chen Ying was caught off guard. She knew that she had to prove the Union’s innocence by becoming a “traitor”, but she didn’t expect to have to bring Rune Circuits with her.

“Madam we have to go that far?” Chen Ying hesitated.

While she believed Gao Yang to be more reliable than Qilin, Gao Yang did have an unhinged side to him. And Chen Ying didn’t necessarily think that Gao Yang would lead humanity to a bright future for certain.

If she had to choose, though, Gao Yang was her second choice after Surnamed Li.

“You must,” Surnamed Li said. “Two Rune Circuits will be your best bet for showing your goodwill. Only by doing that will the Nine Scions truly trust and accept you.”

“Moreover, as long as we don’t have Rune Circuits, the Qilin Guild won’t get what they want even after the Union joins them. That’ll be how I can protect the Union.”

“But...” Chen Ying thought further. “If the Hundred Rivers Union really joins the Qilin Guild, I’ll have to become your enemy, won’t I?”

“Don’t forget that I’ll be the deputy guildmaster with veto power. I’ll try my best to keep our people from joining the frontline.”

“But it’s impossible to avoid it altogether.” And Qilin may deprive you of your power, Chen Ying added silently.

“This is war, Chen Ying, and blood will be shed.” Surnamed Li sighed. “Sacrifice is inevitable for yourself and others. Once you make a choice, there’s no turning around.”

Chen Ying looked at her, dazed. So that was why Madam Li asked if she had made up her mind.

She would sacrifice everything.

So this was the weight of the word “everything”.

“I’ll ask you the third and the final time, Chen Ying. Think before giving me an answer.” Surnamed Li gazed at her with cool scrutiny. “For your pursuit, how much are you willing to give?”

Chen Ying gripped the driving wheel and loosened her hands after a few seconds.

This time, she truly made up her mind before making the choice.


Surnamed Li looked out of the window with an impassive expression. A flash of light flicked past her face, as if the play button of the plan had been pressed.

“Alright.” She took off her glasses and started hashing out the plan. “Tomorrow, I’ll take the two Rune Circuits from Colorless and Zhong He. Because of what Yan Liang said tonight, I suspected that among the four team leaders, someone was colluding with the Nine Scions behind my back. Out of concern, I took the Rune Circuits for safekeeping. That should be a reasonable course of action.”

“It is,” Chen Ying said.

“I’ll hide the Rune Circuits in a secret room, and as my personal assistant, you know me the best and manage to guess the location. That makes sense, yes?”


“What Yan Liang said shook my trust in you, and realizing that things weren’t looking good for you, you decided to make a move, stealing the Rune Circuits before I could do anything and joining the Nine Scions with your trusted companions. Makes sense?”

“Makes sense.”

“You have three days to make these reasonable things happen.”

Chen Ying was quiet for a few seconds before she nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

Surnamed Li reminded her, “Once you succeed, you’ll be on the top of the wanted lists for the Hundred Rivers Union and the Qilin Guild, the public enemy of humanity second to only Gao Yang. You’ll be constantly on the run and may get killed at any time, and even after your death, your reputation may never recover. Even your tomb will get spat on.”

“I know what I’m getting into.” Chen Ying’s gaze was determined.

Surnamed Li nodded slightly and didn’t say another word.

After ten seconds, she shut down the jammer and put her glasses back on.

Chen Ying had regained her composure too. She reached out to take off Little Tian’s earphones. “Are you hungry, Little Tian?”

Little Tian nodded bashfully. “A little.”

“I’m hungry too.” Chen Ying stroked his hair. “Once we drop Madam Li at her place, let’s have beef noodles at the place across from Li City University.”

“Yeah!” Little Tian’s eyes glinted with anticipation.


It was four in the morning. Zhang Wei’s mouth was dry, and he felt lightheaded.

He didn’t remember how much he had drunk and boasted. He remembered rushing to the toilet to throw up twice. Then Wild Range threw him over his shoulder and dropped him in the car. He remembered nothing afterward.

While Zhang Wei had a mediocre Talent, he was an awakener after all, and he was physically much stronger than regular humans. He had sobered up almost completely now.

He found himself lying on a soft sofa with a blanket that smelled nice on him.

Hmm, it’s nice. Obviously a woman’s.

Must be a mix of shampoo, hair conditioner, skin care product, cream, and a woman’s natural smell.

And it feels like a beautiful lady. Hehehe...

Zhang Wei’s thoughts turned dirty in his hazy mind. It would be nice to fall into a nice wet dream like this.


Then he suddenly jerked up in surprise.


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