The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 691: Good Chat

Chapter 691: Good Chat

Christmas Eve.

Room 5004 of White Lake Hotel, Changyan District.

Ke Yo closed the door leading to the entryway without any expression on her face. She didn’t turn on the light, but instead went straight to the bedroom and closed the door, locking it behind her.

She removed her coat and kicked off the heels, finally allowing herself to relax and topple to the bed.

Finally, her day as Elder Black Tortoise ended.

Although she hadn’t done much work, the day still exhausted her. She had to play a character completely at odds with her true self. The woman was quick-witted, cunning, power-hungry, and good at acting, and she only acted weak when lulling others into a false sense of security. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for her goals.

Ke Yo had to consider how her eyes would look and how she uttered every word. Even when she was alone, she couldn’t just relax for a moment.

There were many things she had to be aware of, including mirrors and other reflective surfaces, plants, mammals, and marine animals. Even when she was indoors, she had to watch out for Talents that could see through walls, such as Clairvoyance.

The only safe area was her bedroom in the White Lake Hotel. None of the aforementioned risks were present, and Black Fish couldn’t use Clairvoyance here, or his eyes would be plucked out.

Still, Ke Yo couldn’t sleep easily. She couldn’t stop worrying about saying things she shouldn’t say in her sleep.

Three days were enough to leave her exhausted. She didn’t know for how much longer she could endure. She lay on the bed and let out a long breath. She suddenly felt like having milk tea.

Back when she lived in Room 5003, Elder Vermilion Bird made it a mission to bring her milk tea all the time. She hadn’t developed a particular liking to it back then.

Now, though, she craved it.

She couldn’t have milk tea, though. The Ke Yo she was playing now wasn’t the kind of person who would order milk tea.

Then she realized that what she missed wasn’t milk tea, but days when she had the love and care of Vermilion Bird and the company of Team Vermilion Bird.

Do you regret it now, Ke Yo?

It’s safest and easiest to follow Sister Xia.

However, you’ve already chosen the Nine Scions, chosen the one Edmond entrusted you to. You even lied to and hurt Elder Vermilion Bird. There’s no turning back.

The doorbell rang.

Ke Yo jerked up into a sitting position. Even in the dark, the relaxed and fragile look on her face was instantly gone. She frowned with her eyes turning fiercer, her lips curled into a fake smile. Quickly tying up her hair, she put her coat and heels back on, walking out of the room to the entryway.

She opened the door. Vermilion Bird was standing outside in brown pajamas, her hair messy and her complexion a little tired.

“What can I do for you, Elder Vermilion Bird?” Ke Yo’s chuckle sounded distant.

Vermilion Bird smiled, too, and it was a soft smile. “I’ve been losing sleep these days, thinking something’s wrong.”

Ke Yo maintained her disingenuous smile like she didn’t care at all.

“I’ve spent quite some time with you always around. Over the past few days, I thought back to the Ke Yo from before and compared her to the girl you seem like now. And something’s been bothering me...”

“Elder Vermilion Bird,” said Ke Yo. “Sorry to disappoint you. The old Ke Yo didn’t actually exist?”

Vermilion Bird looked at her face closely, speaking in a meaningful tone. “But why do I feel like the old Ke Yo was more real?”

Ke Yo tamped down her surprise and maintained a calm front. “That’s only in your head.”

“Ha.” Vermilion Bird’s smile suddenly turned mischievous. “No, look at you now...”

“Elder Vermilion Bird, I’m tired. I’m going to rest if there’s nothing else.” Ke Yo pulled a long face.

But then her phone buzzed.

She glanced at it before putting her phone back into her pocket. It was a message from an unknown number, consisting of five words and two punctuation marks:

The odds are with, us.

Ke Yo suddenly changed her tune and said in a softer tone, “Sister Xia, why don’t we have a chat?”

“Exactly what I want.” Vermilion Bird nodded.

“Get changed. We’ll talk outside.” Ke Yo lowered her voice. “This isn’t a good place for it.”

“Alright. Give me a moment.” Vermilion Bird turned around and returned to her room.

Once Vermilion Bird disappeared behind the door, Ke Yo took big strides into the elevator. Then she rushed across the lobby with an impassive expression and reached the road under heavy snow, making her way to the hot pot place on her left, which was still doing business late at night.

When she got to the entrance of the hot pot place, a cool wind entered her mind and morphed into Nine Frost’s voice.

[I’ll show you the way. Follow the instructions.]

[I’m not sure if I’m being followed.]

[Don’t worry about it. Go straight and turn right. Then turn left at the second crossroad. There will be a black car. The car plate ends with 36. Quick. Start running.]

Ke Yo bolted without hesitation.

Running amid the pouring snow, she felt like the calculative, cunning, and cold mask on her face was slowly crumbling and disappearing. Soon, the only emotions left on her face were urgency, panic, and guilt.

She didn’t turn around. She ran faster and faster until she reached her destination and saw a black car with a number plate ending with 36.

Ke Yo perked up and rushed up to the car, but then a figure descended from a rooftop by the street to block her way. It was Vermilion Bird, still in pajamas and furry slippers.

Ke Yo couldn’t mask her surprise in time before putting up an act again. “You followed me, Elder Vermilion Bird.”

“Stop acting.” Vermilion Bird gave her a complicated smile, eyes soft. “I prefer the girl I knew.”

Exposed, Ke Yo didn’t say anything.

Two seconds later, the smile dropped from Vermilion Bird’s face. “Have you thought it through about joining the Nine Scions, Ke Yo?”

Ke Yo averted her eyes. “I’m sorry, Elder Vermilion Bird.”

“Don’t be. We each have our own path.” Vermilion Bird sighed. “I don’t wanna hurt you, Ke Yo, but as an Elder of the Qilin Guild, I have to get you back.”

She took a step forward, but then two throwing knives came out of nowhere with her as the target. She noticed just in time to tilt her head out of the way.

Swoosh. Half a second later, a figure came up to her from her side. Vermilion Bird got a look from the corner of her eye. The young man had messy blond hair, a handsome face with an flaunty look, and a pleased smile.

Bam! Wang Zikai went easy on her and didn’t use his bone claws. He threw a punch at her with less power than he had.

Vermilion Bird quickly gave herself a triple buff with Equivalent Exchange, blocking the punch with her arms crossed. And still it felt like she was hit by a speeding motorcycle, and she got thrown back for about eight meters.

With a backflip, she steadied herself, her right hand slowly drooping with her fingers curled. Blood streaked down along her arm.

A single punch had broken the bones of Vermilion Bird’s right forearm.

What a monster.

Holding her right arm with her left, Vermilion Bird healed her right hand with Equivalent Exchange in the blink of an eye.

“Vermilion Bird, is it?” Wang Zikai didn’t make another move. With one hand in his pocket, he pointed at the girl behind him with the thumb of his other hand. “My brother wants her. If you know what’s good for you, get the hell out of here. The 94 do not kill those from Team Vermilion Bird.”

Surprised, Vermilion Bird immediately thought of Gao Yang’s gentle face. She silently laughed. You’ve grown, you damn brat. You’re even acting cool before me. What did I tell you? Men should be more decisive.

“Go. I can’t defeat you. I tried my best.” Vermilion Bird said that for their but also her own benefit.

“Elder Vermilion Bird.” Ke Yo’s eyes were red. She repeated, “I’m sorry.”

Vermilion Bird smiled slightly, taking a dark-colored ring box from her pajama pocket. “I was going to have a real talk with you tonight and give this to you.”

She threw the ring box, and Wang Zikai caught it. After making sure there was nothing wrong with it, he handed it to Ke Yo.

Ke Yo opened the box to find a Black Gold ring inside. It was identical to the one she wore.

It was Edmond’s ring. Ke Yo took it out and checked the inside of the ring. As expected, there was a word etched into the metal, “lost”.

Ke Yo paused. Combined, the two rings said, “Never lost.”

May they never be lost.

“I know this ring is important to you, Ke Yo. I was keeping it safe for when you recovered your memory.” Vermilion Bird sighed. “I couldn’t leave it on the body since there had been a body theft at the funeral.”

Ke Yo froze again, tears welling up in her eyes.

She had misunderstood Vermilion Bird. She had thought Vermilion Bird was hiding the truth from her on purpose. If only Vermilion Bird had told her sooner, if only Ke Yo had been brave enough to ask her about Edmond’s ring...

“If only” was the most pointless question in the world.

She had chosen her path, and she had to stick to it.

Wiping her tears, Ke Yo put the ring back into the ring box, throwing it back to Vermilion Bird.

Vermilion Bird caught it, confused. “Don’t you want it?”

“I’ll give the ring to you, Sister Xia.” Ke Yo cried and laughed as she extended her right hand, uttering the word that was etched into her ring, “Never.”

Vermilion Bird stared at her blankly.

Light snow fell on Vermilion Bird’s hair, face, and eyelashes which had caught some tears. Without showing any emotion, she waved Ke Yo away.

“Go. Now.”

Without another word, Ke Yo turned around and ran to the already-started car with Wang Zikai.

Vermilion Bird stood on the lonesome street under the falling snow, watching the car drive away until it was gone from her sight.

After a long while, she opened the ring box and put on the ring, muttering the word on her ring silently.


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