The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 670: Compromise

Chapter 670: Compromise

The meeting room was silent for a few seconds.

“What are you insinuating, Elder Yan Liang?” Colorless was annoyed. “Do you think the Hundred Rivers Union will just hand the Poison Rune Circuit to the Nine Scions?”

“Pardon the correction, Team Leader Colorless, the Poison Rune Circuit is shared between the three organizations, merely kept by the Union,” Vermilion Bird said firmly.

“I know,” Colorless responded coldly. “I don’t need the reminder.”

“I’m not questioning the Union’s stance,” Yan Liang said nonchalantly. “However, if the Nine Scions make a grab for the Rune Circuit, are you sure that you’ll be able to keep it safe?”

“Of course,” Goldthread said with certainty.

The Rune Circuits of the Hundred Rivers Union had been protected by the stronger team leaders, Colorless, Goldthread, and Green Tea. Now, though, Green Tea was dead, and Colorless was one of the suspects who could be Dust; she voluntarily turned over the responsibility, and Goldthread and Chen Ying were now the keepers of the Rune Circuits. Liao Liao wasn’t qualified since she hadn’t been a team leader for long enough.

The meeting room fell silent again.

Yan Liang spoke up. “No offense, Team Leader Goldthread, but given your strength, you can’t even defeat half of Seven Shadow’s subordinates, let alone Seven Shadow himself. The Rune Circuits aren’t safe in your hands.”

I’m being looked down on!

Goldthread tamped down the anger rising in his chest and maintained his composure.

Yes, while his Gravity had reached level 6, with his number 31 Talent, he was far from the level of Nine Scions’ core members. Actually, even his subordinate, Zhong He, was stronger on paper than he was.

“It’s our business. Nothing that concerns you.” Colorless shot back, unable to stay out of it.

“Allow me to restate this.” Vermilion Bird smiled. “The Poison Rune Circuit isn’t your property, but shared between the three organizations.”

“You...” Before Colorless could lose it, Chen Ying grabbed her hand.

She calmed herself and shut her mouth.

Chen Ying put on a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “It seems that you already have a solution in mind. Why don’t you say it?”

“The Poison Rune Circuit will be entrusted to the Guild temporarily,” Yan Liang said. “Until we rescue Gregor and erase the Nine Scions.”

The three team leaders of the Hundred Rivers Union scoffed silently. The sounds of him making the calculations could be heard by those outside the Mist—if there was anyone outside the Mist.

Chen Ying wasn’t going to say yes, of course. Colorless and Goldthread shared the sentiment. Surnamed Li would also be opposed to the proposal, naturally.

However, she didn’t immediately shoot the man down. She silently looked up at War Tiger across the table instead.

War Tiger was shrewd enough to read the request, but instead of saying anything, he patted White Rabbit on the thigh under the table.

White Rabbit knew that they shared a common interest, and she had been coming up with a response. “Elder Yan Liang, while I know the Guild means well, the proposed solution seems inappropriate.”

“The three organizations share the Poison Rune Circuit. It’s handed to the Union for safekeeping exactly because they can’t keep it for themselves. If the Rune Circuit is given to one of our organizations, won’t it be at odds with our original intention?”

“With a formidable enemy before us, are the three organizations really going to point fingers at each other?” Yan Liang smiled faintly. “Besides, the Qilin Guild isn’t going to turn against the Zodiacs and the Union and make you our enemies simply for one Rune Circuit.”

White Rabbit struggled for a comeback.

Chen Ying was stumped, too. They couldn’t possibly accept the solution, but if they insisted on rejecting the Guild, they would be giving the Guild an excuse to start trouble with the Union in the future.

“I have an idea, Elder Yan Liang,” War Tiger spoke up with a smile.

“Please go on.” Yan Liang turned to him.

“Why don’t we keep the Poison Rune Circuit safe for the Hundred Rivers Union instead? In exchange, we will hand the Union another Rune Circuit of ours as collateral. Whenever the Nine Scions are dealt with, we’ll each get our Rune Circuits back.”

“Good idea!” Colorless was the first to support it. As expected of you, War Tiger!

“I agree, too.” Goldthread also let out a silent sigh of relief.

Yan Liang didn’t immediately respond. He turned to Vermilion Bird for her opinion.

Vermilion Bird was thinking about it.

Based on what she knew of the current situation, War Tiger’s idea might be the only compromise they could all accept.

The Qilin Guild had four Rune Circuits: Miracle, Time-Space, Knowledge, and Summon Rune Circuits. However, they couldn’t possibly give any of them to the Union as collateral.

That was apparent for the Miracle and Time-Space Rune Circuits. And Surnamed Li’s Prophet was Knowledge-type, so the Knowledge Rune Circuit couldn’t be given to them.

The Summon Rune Circuit corresponded to Puppeteer. Although the Talent was still unclaimed, given the Union had the largest number of members, they stood the greatest chance of comprehending it. And the Talent was insidious. No one knew how terrible it would be upon reaching level 8. It was a danger they had to be ready for.

The Twelve Zodiac Signs had four Rune Circuits, too: the Psyche, Element, Life, and Buff Rune Circuits.

War Tiger would never give away the Psyche Rune Circuit since Qilin had Eidos, and the Element Rune Circuit was also out of the question since the new owner of Elemental, Zero Hatred, had already become a Guild member.

The Buff Rune Circuit corresponded to Azure Dragon’s Limitless Evolution. The Twelve Zodiac Signs couldn’t risk it by handing the Rune Circuit to the Union.

The only possible option was to exchange the Life Rune Circuit for the Poison Rune Circuit.

The Life Rune Circuit corresponded to Vermilion Bird’s Equivalent Exchange. Even if she did get her hands on the Rune Circuit somehow and reached level 8 for some reason, the ability she gained would most likely be related to resurrection and healing, which wouldn’t be terribly destructive or aggressive.

After a moment of silence, Vermilion Bird nodded at Yan Liang.

Yan Liang had come to a conclusion too. He slowly said, “I don’t disagree with the alternative.”

“Which Rune Circuit is the Twelve Zodiac Signs going to hand out, War Tiger?” Chen Ying immediately pushed forward in case Yan Liang changed his mind.

“What about the Life Rune Circuit?” War Tiger turned to Chen Ying.

Vermilion Bird scoffed in her mind. Do you think I don’t know what you’re thinking, you damn tiger?

“A moment. We have to discuss it.”

The three team leaders of the Union put their heads together and discussed the matter quietly, but they had already come to a consensus. It was merely a necessary process to go through.

Soon, they finished their discussion.

Chen Ying turned to War Tiger. “We agree to entrust the Poison Rune Circuit to you with the Life Rune Circuit as collateral until Gregor’s matter is resolved.”

“Nice.” War Tiger grinned. “That’s decided then.”

“The Guild must be present when you are making the exchange,” Vermilion Bird added.

“That’s fine by me.” War Tiger shrugged.

“Same for us.” Chen Ying agreed immediately. I would be more worried if you weren’t there to ensure the smooth going of the deal. While the possibility is slim, the Zodiacs may make a grab for the Rune Circuit too.

“If there’s nothing else, we’re free to go?” War Tiger had been itching for a cigarette.

“There’s something,” Vermilion Bird said seriously. “We want to confirm in person your stances on the Nine Scions.”

“I’ve said this before.” War Tiger responded flippantly. “We’re just gonna be spectators and stay on the sidelines. If we have any clues on the Nine Scions, we’ll tell you for free, but in exchange, you’re handing Green Snake to us if you ever capture her. Even if she’s already dead, hand the body to us.”

War Tiger smiled. “After all, she knows a thing or two about our secrets. I don’t want her body to become friends with a certain someone.”

Vermilion Bird’s lips twitched. Making a jab at me, War Tiger? You should pray that you don’t get on my bad side. I’m gonna tear you a new one.

“It’s the same for the Hundred Rivers Union. We won’t be a part of the war. If we have any clues on the Nine Scions, we’ll tell you.” Colorless made the official response.

“Understood.” Vermilion Bird glanced at Yan Liang. “That’s it for me.”

“And me,” said Yan Liang.

Vermilion Bird was the first to stand up. “Let’s end the meeting here. Thank you for attending. Please send me a copy of the details of your Rune Circuits exchange once you’ve reached an agreement.”


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