The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 662: Rude

Chapter 662: Rude

The woman shouting at Bumblebee was Stubborn Weasel, with Talent: Hedgehog, serial number 52, Guard-type.

It was difficult to tell her age. She had a pale face and thin, frail build, her shoulders narrow and her head big. There was something very off about her proportions, and she resembled an alien from old sci-fi movies.

Her pitch-black hair was pulled to the sides tightly to tie a large braid behind her head. She had a big forehead, pronounced cheekbones, small eyes, a flat nose, and freckles dotted her whole face.

With her appearance leaving something to be desired and her tendency to hurl cutting words around, she became the least popular person among Team Vermilion Bird and even the entire Qilin Guild.

She knew people didn’t like her and often mocked her and criticized her behind her back, but she didn’t care; she disliked everyone else just as much.

“I didn’t touch you,” Bumblebee mumbled, feeling wronged.

“Your fat arm touched me.” Stubborn Weasel gave him a look of disgust. “And your body odor is getting worse. Don’t sit next to me. I’m throwing up.”

“I don’t have body odor!” Bumblebee got worked up. “That’s a stereotype for a fat man. I took a shower right before leaving home today...”

“Alright, alright. Both of you take a step back.” Vermilion Bird intervened. “Bumblebee, sit next to me. One Stone will sit with Stubborn Weasel.”

“Okay.” Bumblebee obediently stood up to exchange seats with One Stone, mumbling silently, I’m the one who doesn’t want to sit with you.

The atmosphere relaxed again. Vermilion Bird took care of everyone like the matriarch of the family.

“You can drink, Crimson Bee, but don’t get so wasted that you start trouble, or I’ll knock you out.”

“I get it.” Crimson Bee smiled with embarrassment.

“One Stone, the pork belly’s done.”

“Whoa, thank you, Sister Xia! Mua!” One Stone acted cute and young on purpose. While she was tall and slim, she loved fatty food. She was blessed with the genes that prevented her from getting overweight.

“Bumblebee, your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol run high, so don’t have too much juice.” Wearing disposable gloves, Vermilion Bird made a wrap with a leafy green and beef, putting it in Bumblebee’s bowl.

“Thank you, Sister Xia.” Bumblebee was quite proud of himself. “I’ve already lost two kilo this month.”

“Good. Keep it going.” Vermilion Bird picked up a piece of corn and dropped it in Raven Shark’s bowl. “Here, have some corn, or it’s gonna be too charred.”

Raven Shark nibbled on the corn quietly.

He had stopped eating meat after comprehending Sea King, and while he could take people eating meat at the same table, he could not tolerate them having seafood.

“Stubborn Weasel, your...”

“I have hands. I don’t need your help.” The woman rejected the show of goodwill.

Vermilion Bird didn’t get angry. She turned to Ke Yo. “I don’t know what you like, so please, have whatever you like.”

“Okay.” Ke Yo nodded.

“Hm...this is nice!” One Stone took a big gulp of beer, her chees flushed and her eyes unfocused. “Want a drink, Ke Yo?”

“Stop being a bad influence to a kid,” Vermilion Bird said.

“How old are you, Ke Yo?” One Stone asked.

Ke Yo smiled uncertainly. “I don’t know, but I’m not underaged, I’m sure.”

“Then you should drink!”

“Ignore her,” Vermilion Bird said.

“It pisses me off when talking about age!” One Stone glared at Vermilion Bird. “You smoke, you drink, but you still look the same as when you graduated college. In a few years, I’ll look like your aunt. It’s so unfair!”

“I’m born this way. Don’t envy me.” Vermilion Bird smoked leisurely and egged her on on purpose.

“How old are you, Sister Xia?” Bumblebee had always been curious.

“It’s impolite to ask a woman her age,” said another voice. Everyone looked up to see Liu Qingying carrying a tray of drinks to them. “Here. Complimentary lotus seed and lily bulb soups.”

Bumblebee was immediately captivated by Liu Qingying’s figure and grace. He stared.

“Do you not age, either, Miss Liu?” One Stone said. “You haven’t changed either.”

“Haha, aren’t you sweet?” Liu Qingying served the soup. “Have a taste. It’s good for your health to drink it in winter. Supplement your energy and soothe the lungs to stop coughing.”

Vermilion Bird smiled. “Apologies, Miss Liu. We booked the whole place for my birthday celebration, and we made a real mess.”

“Oh, but One Stone paid for it, and it’s been a while since I’ve been this happy.” Liu Qingying sighed softly. “It’s been much quieter after the Tide.”

A melancholy atmosphere took over the room at that.

Before the Crimson Tide, more than a hundred awakeners flocked to the Walled City of Ten Dragons since it was the largest hub for them, and at the time, the former Black Tortoise still had a soft control on hundreds of stable wanderers, and they lived and worked here.

The place had been boisterous with activities, and Miss Liu’s restaurant rarely had an unclaimed table.

Now, the number of awakeners had halved, and most wanderers were released. Moreover, the three organizations were getting wary of each other, their interactions dwindling. As a result, the Walled City of Ten Dragons had almost become an empty city, bleak and lonely. Liu Qingying’s restaurant saw little business. There were only four wanderers working here as waiting staff and kitchen staff.

“Enjoy, everyone. Call out to me if you need anything.”

Bumblebee watched Liu Qingying go and muttered, “If Miss Liu gets into cosplay, she’s gonna be a top cosplayer, lauded as the greatest sexy older sister. Her height, length of legs, looks...”

Stubborn Weasel scoffed. “Freak.”

“She’s intersex!” Bumblebee shot back vehemently, his double chin shaking. “And no one in the cosplay circle would care! There are many beautiful boys in drag, and girls can be really handsome as male characters. You should stop running your mouth if you know nothing about it!”

“It’s my mouth. I can say whatever I want. If you don’t like it, piss off.” Stubborn Weasel didn’t seem apologetic at all.

The two got into another argument.

This time, Vermilion Bird didn’t calm them down. Still smoking leisurely, she swapped Ke Yo’s bowl of soup with hers before Ke Yo could drink from it. “Here. Mine has more soup in it. I can’t finish it all.”

“Yeah.” Ke Yo didn’t think much of it.


Late at night, Ke Yo suddenly found herself in a slowly rising elevator. Ding. The elevator stopped at the 26th floor, opening slowly.

Ke Yo hesitated but still walked out in the end. The corridor was dim and lined with doors. They seemed to lead to tabletop cafes, murder mystery shops, and escape rooms. The doors each had a signboard above it, varying in style but equally sparkly.

Ke Yo found the place familiar. She seemed to have been here before, but she couldn’t remember any details.

She continued forward and reached an escape room. The signboard above the door was rusty and covered in blood stains. Silent Town, the sign said.

“Welcome.” A tall adult woman stood by the counter, her curvy body wrapped in a fashionable white tube-top dress. A black rose decorated the chest area, and the long hem of the dress with complicated designs ran down to the ground. Her black dress hat obscured half of her face and one eye. Her face was pale like that of a zombie, in stark contrast with her luscious red lips.

She had a hand on her hip and a long thin pipe in her other hand. Smiling, she looked intimidating in a scary yet alluring way.

Ke Yo recognized her as Liu Qingying. She must be cosplaying the villain of a horror game.

It turned out that Miss Liu really was a top cosplayer. If Bumblebee knew, he would down three bottles of cola in excitement.

After a moment of distraction, Ke Yo asked, “Where am I, Miss Liu?”

“Don’t worry. It’s my dream, as well as yours.” Liu Qingying smiled gently, but her look made her smile even more eerie.

“Why am I in your dream?” Ke Yo was surprised.

“A loyal client of mine would like to meet you,” said Liu Qingying. “Since he doesn’t want to leave any trace due to the sensitive nature of his identity, he asked me to organize the meeting.”

“Did you...enter my dream once before?” Ke Yo suddenly remembered her strange nightmare.

“Haha, fret not. The side effect’s not happening again.” Liu Qingying turned to enter the lobby. “Come. He’s waiting.”


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