The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 607: Seven Shadow’s Suggestion

Chapter 607: Seven Shadow’s Suggestion

Vermilion Bird drove, and Gao Yang took the passenger seat while Qilin took the backseat. None of them said anything during the drive.

Vermilion Bird tapped her long fingers on the driving wheel in a staccato. She remembered the three of them chatting and laughing a few months ago, debating if Gao Yang was charming with his overly cautious nature. Back then, Qilin even handed him two Rune Circuits, showing great trust and expectations.

How did they get here?

Perhaps it was the night Qilin didn’t go to Gao Yang’s rescue, or it could be earlier than that. Often, mundane matters could reveal to be the building blocks of a certain fate in hindsight.

Vermilion Bird swallowed a sigh. The worst scenario she could imagine was Gao Yang resigning and returning to the Twelve Zodiac Signs.

He could go independent too, but while his growth was impressive, it was still too early for him to start anew on his own; it would be unwise of him.

Vermilion Bird felt anxious with thoughts warring in her head.

The silence unnerved her. She turned on the radio to a song.

It's been a long day without you my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

When I see you again


Damn radio. This is a bad time for this song!

Vermilion Bird quickly turned off the radio.

For the rest of the drive, she had two cigarettes, complained about three long stops, tapped on the driving wheel with her right fingers 886 times, and then finally, they arrived at the building where the clinic was.

Vermilion Bird was about to get out of the car when Qilin glanced at her and said, “You should head back first.”

She paused, waving a hand. “Alright. See you tomorrow.”

It was late. Qilin and Gao Yang walked across the quiet lobby and entered an elevator, quickly reaching their destination. Qilin unlocked the door to the clinic with his key. The wind chimes sang as he opened the door.

The receptionist wasn’t around, of course. Gao Yang and Qilin walked into the counseling room.

Qilin took off his woolen coat and turned to shoot Gao Yang a faint smile. “Have a seat. I’ll make coffee for you.”

Gao Yang didn’t reject the offer. “Okay, thank you.”

Qilin walked into the pantry.

Gao Yang looked around. He had come here for a meeting several times but never took the time to properly observe the layout of the room. The rectangular room was connected to two smaller side rooms on the left: the pantry and the storage. On the right was a small bathroom.

The bay window looked out into the road in the west, and on the far end of the road was the riverside scenic area and the Li River.

It was a shame that the curtains were drawn. He couldn’t see the beautiful night view outside.

“Coffee’s here.”

Qilin emerged from the pantry with two cups of coffee, limping slightly due to his bad leg. Gao Yang rose to take the cups, placing them on the tea table.

They sat down at the same time. Qilin picked up the cane he had left on the sofa and held it with both hands, turning to Gao Yang. “What do you want to talk to me about?”

[Access granted.]

—Put all my accumulated Luck points into Charisma.

—Automatically allocate all the Luck points I’m going to gain into Charisma until I say stop.

[Constitution: 441 Endurance: 448]

[Strength: 1108 Agility: 1872]

[Willpower: 1817 Charisma: 1207]

[Luck: 1777]

[Access ends.]

“Guildmaster.” Gao Yang turned to Qilin. “I’d like to resign.”

Qilin wasn’t at all surprised. He smiled slightly, having guessed it. “May I ask why?”

“There are many reasons,” Gao Yang said calmly. “Mainly personal ones.”

Qilin nodded.

“It’s a shame that you want to leave the Qilin Guild, but I respect your decision.”

“Thank you, Guildmaster.”

Qiling then asked, “What’s your plan?”

“I don’t know yet,” Gao Yang said, mixing lies with truths. “To be honest, my parents’ death is quite hard on me. Although the Mist World leaves us with little time, there are things stopping me from moving forward if I can’t figure them out...”

“I understand. Everyone has their problems to solve.” Qilin nodded. “How about you go to Azure Dragon tomorrow for your resignation and turn over your responsibilities? You may need to sign a few NDAs too. I hope you’ll cooperate.”

“Of course.”

“Is that it?” Qilin asked.

Gao Yang thought for a moment before taking a deep breath. “There’s something else I believe I should tell you.”

“Go on.”

“When Dragon went to Island Nation to save us, he left me a message.”

“What is it?” Qilin’s eyes grew icy under his glasses.

“He said that after the Rune Circuits are collected,” Gao Yang slowly looked up at Qilin, “You must not be the one to open the Gates of Closure.”

“What did he mean?” Qilin was confused.

“I don’t know.” Gao Yang smiled wryly. “My understanding is that after the Rune Circuits are collected, he wants someone everyone can trust to open the Gates of Closure under our watch, rather than leaving you to do it.”

Qilin was silent for a few seconds. “And Dragon believes you are the right man for the job?”

“Yes.” Gao Yang nodded. “But I don’t want to be that person.”

Qilin didn’t say anything.

“I agree with Dragon partly. I believe the one opening the door must not be Dragon, you, or Surnamed Li, and definitely not me. We have to pick someone we all trust and have them open the Gates of Closure with the twelve Rune Circuits, and we will be there with them.”

“You’ve thought of someone, haven’t you?” Qilin adjusted his glasses.

“I have.”

“Who is it?”

“Ke Yo.”

Qilin thought for a few seconds and nodded. “She is a good candidate.”

“Yes, she’s lost her memory, and she’s kind by nature. That’s been confirmed by me and Liu Qingying. Moreover, she doesn’t know the Mist World at all, and she has no connection with any factions. She’s like a blank sheet of paper. I can’t think of a better person for the job.”

“You’re right.” Qilin sighed. “But have you considered that opening the door will trigger a powerful energy resonation, which will be dangerous? Ke Yo may not be able to take it.”

“She’s lost her memory, not her Talent and energy,” Gao Yang said bluntly. “I believe that compared to the risk of other people opening the door with the twelve Rune Circuits, Ke Yo’s facing much less risk.”

Qilin smiled faintly. “The rate of your growth surprises me, Seven Shadow.”

Gao Yang didn’t respond.

After a brief moment of silence, Qilin said with regret, “Your suggestion is a good one, Seven Shadow, but I’m sorry. I can’t agree to it.”


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