The Corpse Collector In Conan

Chapter 30: Cry! Let's hug and cry together!

Chapter 30: Cry! Let's hug and cry together!

Jiang Xia remembered that the cause of the "25 million yen gift incident" was a surgery performed by Dr. Ogawa three years ago on August 3rd.

The patient was a 5-year-old child named "Ogino Tomoya," who was diagnosed with appendicitis. He was brought to the hospital too late, and the rescue efforts were in vainhe didn't make it.

After his death, Ogino's father received 25 million yen in insurance money.

However, Ogino's father didn't want the money; he wanted the doctor to experience the pain of losing a child too.

Coincidentally, Dr. Ogawa also had a young son.

Ogino's father then sent 25 million yen in installments to Dr. Ogawa and decided that he would kill the child when the doctor's son turned five.

Now, two years have passed, and Dr. Ogawa's son has just turned fivehe is attending the kindergarten right in front of them.


Ogino's father sat on the bench, observing the kindergarten.

Jiang Xia stood about ten meters away, watching him.

Looking at the dense killing intent emanating from Ogino's father, Jiang Xia's mood increased by +1, +1, +1...

This time, the choice between murderous aura and shikigami wasn't difficult to make.

Children in this world seem to be surrounded by a peculiar aura, and their mortality rate is very low.

Moreover, innocent children who the culprit inadvertently kills don't generate enough grudges to become shikigami.

... It's better to be cautious and just focus on dispersing Ogino's father's murderous aura.

Jiang Xia eagerly grasped the concealed baton on his body but hesitated for a moment, deciding not to take it out immediately.

This case is different from ordinary murder cases.

Ogino's father holds a deep grudge, as he casually sent away 25 million yen. Moreover, it involves his son...

It feels like simply beating him up won't be enough to disperse the murderous aura.

It's better to wait for a timely moment.


At the same time, at Beika Hospital.

In the data room, files were piled up like mountains.

After a moment of deduction, Conan finally used an old game console to identify "Ogino Tomoya" among the numerous patients handled by Dr. Ogawa. Tomoya was the child who passed away due to appendicitis.U//ppTodat𝒆d fr/𝒐/m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)\/m

And he also guessed Ogino's father's "an eye for an eye" plan.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Ogawa panicked immediately.

He hurriedly called the kindergarten, only to be told that his son had just been picked up by "dad."

A chilling sensation washed over the doctor, and he fell to his knees.

"Calm down! Since they were just picked up, they shouldn't have gone far," Kogoro Mori pulled him up forcefully and said sternly, "Take us to the kindergarten right away! There's still a chance to find them."

"...Alright!" Dr. Ogawa wiped his face vigorously, determined, and dashed out of the hospital, converting his grief and anger into running speed.

The four of them rushed to the kindergarten.


Possibly due to the spiritual connection between father and son, when they reached a section of the elevated bridge, Dr. Ogawa inadvertently glanced down to the lower right side.

...And there, in the park below, he saw his son holding a remote-controlled airplane, laughing happily.

Behind his son, a middle-aged man stood with a dark expression, holding a sharp knife and gesturing as if he wanted to strike.

Dr. Ogawa's soul flew out of his body, and he let out a useless cry from afar, "Yuta!!!"

Kogoro and the others turned their heads and their hearts sank.

Conan crouched down with a serious expression and twisted a switch on his sneakers.

This was a new device made by Dr. Agasa. It greatly enhanced footwork and compensated for his low combat capabilities.

As lightning crackled from his sneakers, Conan snatched a nearby innocent child's soccer ball, intending to kick Ogino's father away.

However, before he could do so.

A person suddenly emerged from behind a tree next to the assailant.

The four on the bridge were slightly taken aback.

"..." Jiang Xia?!

Jiang Xia maintained his usual stylehe swiftly snatched the knife from behind Ogino's father and simultaneously kicked his leg.

Ogino's father didn't even have time to react before he fell to his knees with a thud, startling the child playing with the airplane in front of him.


The four people on the bridge saw the assailant being subdued and breathed a sigh of relief.

They were about to happily run down the bridge to join Jiang Xia when they suddenly saw him raise his hand and reveal a retractable baton with a swish.

The next moment, this young man lifted his hand without warning and brought the baton down heavily on Ogino's father's shoulder.

Ogino's father was sent flying, and he hit a nearby tree trunk before dazedly collapsing to the ground.

Dr. Ogawa, the Mori family: "..."

Conan on the bridge: "................"

...He knew it would end up like this!

Conan, holding the soccer ball while wearing the lightning-emitting power sneakers, fell into contemplation.

...A few days ago, when he used this set of equipment and kicked the soccer ball, it broke the tree.

The force was too much, and he felt uneasy about using it against Jiang Xia.

But if he didn't use it, wouldn't that dad, Ogino, be beaten to death... After all, it's still a human life, and Jiang Xia might also face legal consequences.

The four on the bridge fell into simultaneous silence.

In just a few seconds, under the bridge, Ogino's father was already knocked out and unable to get up.

In the end, it was Ran Mouri who snapped out of it first. She anxiously shouted, "Stop hitting him!"

As soon as her voice sounded, Jiang Xia struck another casual blow with a focused and joyous expression, not even bothering to look up.

The four on the bridge: "..."

This elevated bridge was particularly long. When they went around to get down, Ogino's father might be gone.

After a moment of concern, Ran Mouri suddenly thought of something.

She bent down and leaned outside the bridge, observing the structure on the side of the elevated bridge.

After a moment, Ran Mori's eyes lit up. She straightened up and ran quickly towards the nearest support beam.


In the park.

Jiang Xia didn't actually use his full strength; he was just testing with a few strikes.

However, the murderous aura on Ogino's father remained unmoved, firm and resolute.

Jiang Xia suddenly felt disheartened.

So, in the following strikes, he became even more perfunctory.

More than hitting the person, he was trying to create a suitable opportunity for the nearby child, Dr. Ogawa's son, to become the "hero who saves his uncle" thereby touching Ogino's father's heart and making him give up on his murderous intent.


As Ogino's father was beaten, even someone could see stars in his eyes.

Jiang Xia secretly raised his eyes, eagerly looking at the child next to him.

- According to his script, at this moment, a kind-hearted little friend should rush over, bravely embrace Jiang Xia's leg, and plead, "Don't hit my uncle anymore! My uncle is a good person!"

Then, this goodwill from the child would awaken Ogino's father's fatherly heart.

And once he gave up on murder, his murderous aura would naturally dissipate...


However, the script was too perfect.

After waiting for a while, the child didn't rush over.

Instead, after exchanging a glance with Jiang Xia, the child suddenly shivered, took several steps back with his toy airplane, and tears welled up in his eyes from being scared.

Jiang Xia: "?"

...Perhaps he was frightened by Ogino's kitchen knife?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia casually threw the kitchen knife he had snatched to the side. He also knocked Ogino's father, struggling to raise his head back to prevent him from shaking the child's courage.

Then he tentatively smiled friendly at the child.

The child shuddered fiercely this time, quickly darted far away, and hid behind a tree, refusing to peek out again.

Jiang Xia looked at the rough tree trunk: "..."

... this doesn't seem right.

The script was not supposed to be like this!


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