The Copy Mage

Chapter 93: Challengers Part 3

Chapter 93: Challengers Part 3

In order to be able to continuously shoot water projectiles, the Aqua Mage sacrificed his defence and reinforcement as he relied on the Terra Mage to deal with Damian in close combat.

It was widely known that Damian was a Pyro Fighter and the way he fought was known by many, after he had been watched by many in the Entrance Ceremony, which made his opponents believe he didn't have any ranged attacks.

However, they were mistaken to underestimate Damian's capability and that would be the reason for their downfall.

Damian could see the Terra Fighter charging towards him as he unleashed the power of the Fire Spear, but he was willing to take the brunt of his attack in order to take out the Aqua Mage, who was troublesome to deal with while engaging in close combat against the Terra Fighter.

The Fire Spear's power and speed was incredible and unexpected as the Aqua Mage, who hadn't reinforced his body with Internal Energy, had no chance to dodge or block the attack.

The academy helper that was acting as a judge and referee for the battles seeing the attack knew that it could cause extreme bodily harm and had no choice but to intervene.

He used an F:2 Ranked Movement Skill that he had mastered to the High Level and with great speed appeared before where the Aqua Mage stood as he then used a defensive skill to block the Fire Spear.

The skills and abilities of the academy helper were incredible to behold and Damian who was watching the academy helper expected the Terra Fighter to also pause and await the academy helper's next instruction.

However, the Terra Fighter seeing an opportunity to deal damage to Damian, who believed he should pause the battle until the academy helper allowed them to continue, attacked Damian without caring about the consequences that may come with his actions.

Damian who still had his Flame Reinforcement activated wasn't prepared or expecting an attack after seeing the academy helper intervene in their battle and was struck to the side by a powerful fist from the Terra Fighter that launched him sliding across the stage.

The students watching that were on Damian's side, which wasn't many, were outraged by the Terra Fighter's attack, while the rest of the crowd was watching the show excited to see what happened next.

Damian's friends were all frustrated as they watched Damian be launched across the stage without them being able to intervene, as the academy helper seeing what had happened was unsure how to continue.

He placed the Aqua Mage out of the stage and removed him from the battle, then returned to the stage to make his decision.

But before he could, Damian stood up, holding his side with some blood leaking from his mouth, and charged towards the Terra Fighter.

"The Aqua Mage Student has been removed from the battle after being defeated by Damian and the battle shall continue between the final two students" announced the academy helper, seeing that Damian was still wanting to battle against the Terra Fighter.

The Aqua Fighter had no choice but to leave the arena as he watched from the stands excited to see Damian, who was already injured, receive a beating.

Damian was angry that he was struck by the Terra Fighter despite the situation, but it wasn't enough to cloud his judgement.

He wanted to continue to battle because he believed he could still win while also dealing the Terra Fighter a hefty blow that would deal him a lot of damage and avenge himself.

With his Fire Reinforcement still activated his explosive power and speed were superior to that of the Terra Fighter, but his defence was massively lower than that of the Terra Fighter and he had already been injured.

The Fire Spear had used quite a lot of his energy, but Damian was planning to use it once again as it was his most penetrative skill currently and it had the best chance of piercing through the armour formed of Earth around the Terra Fighter.

However he knew that if he used the skill from a distance, the academy helper may intervene, which would then mean that he had wasted his energy on the strike, so was planning to use it at a close range to the Terra Figher, where nobody could intervene.

[You will pay for striking me while I wasn't ready] declared Damian.

The Terra Fighter launched a powerful kick towards Damian's injured side, but before it landed, Damian launched himself into the air and dodged the strike.

Flame Burst

While in mid-air, Damian found the perfect opportunity to deal a powerful blow to his opponent as he activated the Fire Spear Skill while flipping in the air.

Damian somersaulted over the Terra Fighter and while flipping mid-air used his momentum and large amounts of fire energy to launch a spear formed of flames at the Terra Fighter's back.

Fire Spear

There was no way for the Terra Fighter to dodge the strike or for the academy helper to intervene, and knowing that, Damian poured every last drop of energy into the attack, wanting to guarantee his victory.

The spear formed of fire bolted through the air as it covered the small distance between Damian and the Terra Fighter within a blink of an eye.

The earth armour around the Terra Fighter wasn't enough to block the power of the Fire Spear as it pierced through the armour and penetrated deep into the Terra Fighter's body, striking his internal organs.

He let out a loud shriek as he collapsed forwards from the impact and experienced excruciating pain.

Damian who had used up almost all of his energy couldn't keep the Flame Reinforcement activated as he fell to the stage and slid away, unable to land on his feet.

Damian's body lost consciousness from exhaustion after using all his energy, while the Terra Fighter lost consciousness after being dealt such a deadly blow.

Seeing what had occurred the academy helper acting as a referee knew that this battle would cause a commotion within the academy as he cursed at his luck that had given him such a troublesome battle to oversee.


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