The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


He could tell that it was inside the ‘Otherworld’ magic. Monsters appeared in a place similar to reality and flocked toward?opposing?camps. The teams of hunters?manned?the magic towers to prevent the monsters from entering their camp. They also attacked their opponents every now and then. Its mechanics seemed to have a mixture of team combat and actual monster encounters.

“Isn’t it interesting?”

“What is this?”

“Six Star League. It’s the most popular sport right now.”

Six hunters teamed up to compete against each other in a virtual space with various rules! It used to just be a training exercise for hunters, but it was now a sport on an enormous scale. Such a minor concept?became bigger than its original purpose.

Choi Yeonseung looked like he found it absurd. “So... Hunters fight among themselves? Do people watch this?”

“People don’t just watch it. It’s the best sport in the world. Some even say no other sport can compare to it. Do you know how much money I made from this?”

“Soccer? Baseball...”

“It’s ridiculous to compare them.”

The sight of hunters entering a dungeon and fighting ferociously brought forth a sense of excitement and realism that no other sport could match. It was a fierce sport reminiscent of ancient gladiator battles!

“Perhaps the only other sport that can compare to it is the Ultimate Hunter Championship...”

“... What’s that?”

“It’s a one-on-one battle. Its?main purpose is to identify?the strongest hunter. Just hearing about it already excites you, doesn't it?”

The hunters created something similar to how boxing and mixed martial arts determined their champions!

UHC made the league’s hunters violently fight for their lives. It was more intense than the SSL in some respects.

“No. Not really.”

“Is it because you already know I’m the strongest?”

“Nah, that’s not it.”


In any case, Choi Yeonseung understood now. Those sports were brilliant ideas that made huge profits. These two events could be seen as Earth’s current two biggest sports.

‘What happened to killing monsters...’

To be honest, Choi Yeonseung found it a bit absurd. Wasn’t it a hunter’s duty to kill monsters? Why participate in sports like athletes?

‘... Wait. Did I become an old man after wandering in the Abyss for over ten thousand years?’

Choi Yeonseung felt sorry for himself. People should be able to accept change flexibly!

“Well, be it the SSL or UHC, those sports help improve the hunters’ skills. Virtual spaces allow us to develop ourselves in a safe environment.”

Choi Yeonseung tried to find a benefit from them.

“No. They’re just doing it for the money.”

Of course, Hwang Gyeongryong cut through it with a single knife.

A capitalist world!

“Do you know that among hunters these days, there are hunters who have never joined a dungeon raid at all?”



There could be several reasons why hunters raided dungeons, but it was generally so they could gain wealth and fame by clearing them. Monster cores were just basic items that could be looted from dungeons. After all, they also contained various valuable items that couldn’t be bought with Earth’s money. By clearing dungeons, skills and fame naturally came.

However, the hunters gave up on raiding dungeons ever since SSL and UHC became popular.

-We don’t need the dungeon rewards anyway. If we just play SSL or UHC, we’ll be able to earn more than enough money than we can spend during our lifetime!

-I don’t want to risk my life trying to clear dungeons. My life comes first.

Even after awakening, they only honed their skills to aim for the SSL or UHC, not to enter dungeons. In a way, it was putting the cart before the horse!

Choi Yeonseung laughed when he heard it. So much had changed in the thirty years that he was gone. In the past, there was no such thing as a hunter who had never entered a dungeon. Those who would retreat out of fear of such things would never really become a hunter in the first place. Hunters were those that opened dungeon doors with desire regardless of how afraid they were!

‘They’ve changed so much.’

“One more thing.”


“It is used to resolve conflicts between clans. How much damage would there be if hunters really fought each other?”

In the past, the government stopped hunters whenever they fought amongst themselves, but they no longer had the power to do that now.

Certain regions were now ruled by large clans! Who could stop such powerful forces once they had engaged in combat? Hence, they came to an agreement. They’d fight with nobility and dignity!

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ is fascinated by how humans copy the constellations.]

‘There really do seem to be similarities.’

Clans set up rules and fought in a sport the same way constellations set up rules and fought in constellation battles.

“Do you like any of those sports? If you want, I can put in a recommendation for you so you’d be able to join immediately.”


“Hey. How many clans do you think I know and how many do I own?!”

Seemingly frustrated, Hwang Gyeongryong hit his chest. It was frustrating because Choi Yeonseung appeared to be unaware of his status.

“If I have to choose, then I choose UHC. A?one-on-one is easy.”

“That’s just like you.”

“By the way, Hyung. Have martial artists really been ruined?”

“Ah... Yes.”

Hwang Gyeongryong awkwardly averted his gaze.

“How bad is it?”

“In its current state, you won’t even be able to join a party if you say you’re a martial artist.”


“Martial artists can’t heal you. Rather, they'd just put a bandage on you.”

“That sounds like a lie...”

“Well, you won't even be able to see them anymore.”

Hwang Gyeongryong said while waving his hand.

“I remember your skills. You were a really good tank.”

Martial artists excelled in that regard. Magicians had to cast magic in advance to prepare for an ambush since by the time monsters had appeared, it would often already be too late to use magic. In comparison, martial artists could react much faster to the enemy’s surprise attacks. The moment an enemy was seen, martial artists could immediately circulate the internal energy within them and execute a technique.

Choi Yeonseung had fought this way when he was still in the clan. He had the role of standing at the head of the party and pulling aggro from the first monsters that came out!

“What about now?”

“The times have changed. There is a lot of defense magic today that magicians can use to tank in the martial artists’ stead…”

Magicians could now also fill in the role played by martial artists, often referred to as tankers. Hunters would die if they just took one wrong hit, but it was a different story if they used defense magic. Even monsters couldn’t easily penetrate through various barriers and magic that increased defense.

In addition, tankers didn’t have to react and fight back as agilely as martial artists. They just had to pull aggro from the front, giving the damage dealers behind them enough space to attack. Besides, magicians had far more options as a tanker. A good tank could even use magic while blocking attacks.

Hwang Gyeongryong spoke as if he felt sorry for Choi Yeonseung. “Don’t worry, though. I can help you with anything you want to do. You don’t have to do raids. You can dine and live in luxury.”

“What does a hunter do if?not?raids?”

“You can do more than you can imagine. Experiencing it firsthand will probably change your perspective on things. I used to react the same way you do.”

“Are you talking about leaving South Korea?”

“Are you referring to the great invasion? Let’s not talk about that. That only hurts my heart.”

“I have to hear about it. It’s a clan matter.”

“Didn’t you just leave a letter and?disappear...”

Hwang Gyeongryong mumbled. He did look like he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Have you heard about the great invasion that broke out a few years after you disappeared?”


“Back then, Korea was also in an uproar. All the hunters were mobilized and fought, but... We received poor treatment in return. I was very disappointed. Some people?immediately opted?to leave South Korea, but?I let my naivety get the best of me. I thought I should protect Korea since I am Korean.”

“You did a good job.”

“A good job? Three of our clan members died while fighting the monsters. That was when I came to my senses. I wanted to do?something about it. I almost died as well, but I at least managed to get skills, which was how I became stronger... That’s basically it. The moment the fight was over, I disbanded the clan and asked them to go to the United States with me. I was treated properly in the United States then.”

“Didn’t the government stop you?”

“I was going to the United States, so what could they do? The press chewed me out a bit, but I chewed them back even more.”

“What about the clan members?”

“All those who survived retired. Some of them came to the United States with me to live luxurious lives, while some of them remained in Korea. Currently, Lee Changsik and I are the only active hunters.”

“Changsik is still active, huh?”

“He is still active as an A-grade hunter, but he isn’t better than me.”


Lee Changsik. The vice clan leader. If Hwang Gyeongryong was hot-tempered and moody, then Lee Changsik was cold-hearted and rational. Everyone felt relieved whenever he was the one taking care of the clan’s important matters.

“Then maybe we can all meet sometime.”

“I don’t care about everyone else, but not Lee Changsik.”

“Why? Did the two of you fight?”

“... Yes.”


Choi Yeonseung was dumbfounded. What was a person over 60 years old saying?

“If you fought, then make up!”

“If we could reconcile, then I already would have! We fought when I came to the United States!”

Lee Changsik was against Hwang Gyeongryong heading to the United States. That was ironic, considering Lee Changsik was the one who asked him to leave for the United States and Hwang Gyeongryong was the one who objected.

-You said you wanted to go to the United States!

-That was back then! Our clan members believed in your judgment and gave their?live for the cause. If you leave for the United States now, what will become of them? Won’t they be ashamed?

-It is better than seeing more deaths! I don’t need any of that!

“Changsik hyung isn’t a bad person. Can’t you reconcile with him?”

“So I’m a bad person?”

“Changsik is a bit better than Hyung...”


Hwang Gyeongryong started to look pouty, so Choi Yeonseung hurriedly comforted him.

“No, it isn’t that Hyung is bad. That is just how it is.”

Hwang Gyeongryong was the type to?hold on to his anger for a very long time whenever he was upset. Now that he had become an S-grade hunter, it was clear that his pouting would also be S-grade.

“Sigh. That’s my story. Now let me hear yours. What made you want to leave to train in the Abyss? Were you scammed?”


Choi Yeonseung flinched.


Hwang Gyeongryong wasn’t wrong.

“... You were scammed?!”

“It is a long story, but...”

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ is advising you to go into the Otherworld and talk. You will be able to use your power of existence to your heart’s content there since constellations can’t see into dungeons or another world.]

‘Ah. I should do that.’

“Why don’t we talk inside the Otherworld?”

“What? You...”


“You have been curious about many things, right? You jerk.”



[You have entered the ‘Otherworld.’]

[Your strength has to be restrained! Otherwise, the Otherworld could be destroyed!]


The message window flustered Choi Yeonseung. However, he soon realized that only made sense after spending some time thinking about it. Considering human magicians cast it, it was basically impossible for it to withstand Choi Yeonseung’s existence. His power of existence aside, his pure magic power alone was still too overwhelming.

Subtract, subtract, and subtract some more...

[You have successfully moved into the Otherworld.]

[Your strength?has been restrained.]

[Your agility?has been restrained.]

[Your physical strength...]



‘Wow. Crazy.’

Choi Yeonseung clicked his tongue. It felt like he was wearing lumps of metal all over his body. Even though he still had close to the limit of power that could be used in this virtual world, he still found it frustrating.

‘There is no point in complaining.’

It was better to?adjust to it?for now. Choi Yeonseung moved his hands and feet while feeling like he went back in time.

[The skill ‘Overcome Oneself to Become Strong’ has been activated. Limiting your power and fighting in the Otherworld will increase your power of existence!]

“... Indeed. This is also training.”

“What are you muttering about?”

“I said seeing Hyung succeed makes me happy.”

“... Did you curse me?”

“I didn’t do that. What do you take me for?”

“Cough. Of course you didn’t.”

“This place has so many restrictions, though. Can you increase its limit?”

“I use more cores to increase its limit, but... Isn’t the current amount enough?”

Hwang Gyeongryong realized that something was wrong as he was talking. This Otherworld’s limit?was based on?A-grade hunters, yet Choi Yeonseung still thought it had too many restrictions?


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