The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

'I’ll do my best.’

The opponent was a constellation. Although Choi Yeonseung started the conflict, he didn’t look down on his opponent in the slightest. He had to defeat his foe with all his might! After all, the longer the fight lasted, the more Choi Yeonseung would be at a disadvantage.

Choi Yeonseung’s power of existence blended with the Origin of the Celestial Divine Arts, explosively increasing his power. Just as the Horseman of Plague and Darkness was about to react, Choi Yeonseung arrived in front of him using the Origin of the Celestial Step.

He was faster than he could imagine! It was as if time itself had been cut off.

Strengthened by the power of existence, the martial art technique granted him speed even his fellow constellation couldn’t react to.

This was followed by the dull feeling of hitting something. Choi Yeonseung imbued his fist with concentrated fist energy and executed?with?Origin of the Celestial Fist with all his might. It was a strike so simple that it lacked finesse.

However, even the simplest attacks could sometimes be the most powerful. The Origin of the Celestial Fist, which was filled with the power of existence, hit The Horseman of Plague and Darkness, causing him so much pain it was as if his existence was being torn apart. He felt pain for the first time since he was born as a constellation!


‘It worked!’

Realizing that his attack worked, Choi Yeonseung made sure not to miss this opportunity.

‘Burn up, Origin of the Celestial?Divine?Arts!’

Choi Yeonseung went beyond his limits and enveloped him with a strong?self-defense?aura that burned the enemies it touched. Choi Yeonseung predicted that the Horseman of Plague and Darkness would use magic. Hence, he never allowed him to widen the distance between them.

He forced the Horseman of Plague and Darkness into melee combat! He unleashed a storm of all possible close-range attacks using his shoulders, knees, elbows, and the back of his hands. Each of his strikes was fast and contained explosive power.

“Keok, kuek, cough, cough, kek, kuek, keok!”

‘Is he pretending to be weak? I won’t let my guard down!’

The fight could’ve gone differently if the Horseman of Plague and Darkness managed to make the first move and cast magic. However, he wasted time wondering what Choi Yeonseung thought and suspecting what tricks he had. That mistake brought forth this result!

‘Ah... No!’

The Horseman of Plague and Darkness initially tried to hold out somehow and use magic, but he soon realized he was in a far direr situation. He could really die at this rate! Since he was born as a constellation, he had never felt fear before. Hence, feeling it now made him even more confused. He was so disoriented he couldn’t even defend himself properly and summon his power of existence!

“Surrender... I surrender. I surrender!”

“... You can’t fool me!”

“Kuaaak! I’m serious! Cough! Kuack!”

Feeling as if his opponent was playing tricks on him, Choi Yeonseung beat him up even harder.

“My realm! Kuack! My household members! Cough! I will pass them all over to you! Kuaaaak! I swear on my true name! Kuhak! Please stop hitting me!”

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says that?the Horseman of Plague and Darkness' surrender is true! He can't swear a lie?on his true name!]

-No. There’s no way a constellation would surrender!

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says that even?constellations would surrender if beaten hard enough!]


“Surrender... I surrender...!”

“Alright. I understand.”

[The ‘Horseman of Plague and Darkness’?swears on his true name that he surrenders to you!]

[The skill ‘Suppress the Strong and Support the Weak’ has been activated. The power of your existence has greatly increased!]

[The skill ‘Overcome Oneself to Become Strong’ has been activated. The power of your existence has greatly increased!]

Defeating a constellation stronger than him increased his power of existence. It wasn’t enough for him to become an intermediate constellation, but he still felt his power of existence had become fuller. He had just become a constellation, yet he had already defeated a higher-ranking constellation!

Feeling a sense of achievement, Choi Yeonseung clenched his fists. ‘I... I can fight more. I can fight more constellations!’

His martial arts worked against constellations!

At that moment, Choi Yeonseung gained full control over the Horseman of Plague and Darkness’ kingdom and household members. It was similar to being able to see each unit of a real-time strategy computer game in detail. That being said…

‘Ugh. This is really disgusting.’

This land had pestilence instead of rivers and pus instead of springs! All the roaming household members were blighted and corrupted. The entire kingdom didn’t even have lights, though that was only natural since it was tailored according to its ruler.

“I have no information on your kingdom and household members. You can keep managing them.”

“...C-Can I really?”

“Yes. All I need is you.”

Choi Yeonseung took only the Horseman of Plague and Darkness as his household member and returned everything else.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ nods. As expected, this is the incarnation’s taste.]

“? ”

What was that supposed to mean?

Choi Yeonseung ignored it and looked at the Horseman of Plague and Darkness. It was rare even in the Abyss for a constellation to subdue another constellation. There was a huge difference in the power of existence offered by the submission of mortals and constellations.

The power of existence that Choi Yeonseung got now was on a different level from what he gained when Onix’s family acknowledged him as their master! This level of power of existence eliminated the need for him to take the Horseman of Plague and Darkness’ realm and household members as well. In addition, it was quite difficult to force household members who didn’t fit Choi Yeonseung’s attributes to follow him anyway.

“Now, then... I’ll be on my way.”

“? ? ?”

The Horseman of Plague and Darkness gave Choi Yeonseung a flustered look.

What was with this guy? He came, conquered, and was now just going to leave after all that?

The constellations fought for benefits. Upon emerging victorious, they’d completely?stripped their opponent of their power?and took away their realm.

On the other hand, Choi Yeonseung just nonchalantly took the Horseman of Plague and Darkness’ oath of submission and walked away. He had to sacrifice his power of existence, but he was able to maintain his status as a constellation since he got to keep his kingdom and household members. He was fortunate, but…

Why did he feel empty?

‘Seriously, what is with that guy?’

However, the Horseman of Plague and Darkness was just the beginning. It didn’t take much time for Choi Yeonseung’s name, the ‘Undefeated Incarnation of Training’, to?strike fear into the hearts of nearby intermediate constellations.


-I heard that you defeated the Horseman of Plague and Darkness, but I didn’t expect you to come here as well. You really are fearless! However, I’ve already made all the preparations against you!

The intermediate constellation ‘One Who Reverses The Clock's Hands.’?Having heard the news of Horseman of Plague and Darkness’ defeat, he prepared a lot of magic and household members to wage an all-out war against Choi Yeonseung. It took two hundred years and the elimination of all of his opponent’s household members, but Choi Yeonseung claimed victory in the end!

-You fought and won against the Horseman of Plague and Darkness and One Who Turns the Hands of the Clock Backwards? Stop this madess! There has to be a reason why you're doing this. Let’s negotiate. I can give you what you want!

The intermediate constellation ‘Voice Calling From the Deep Sea’ also did his best to muster up all his forces and start negotiations, but Choi Yeonseung charged at him anyway.

After nearly a hundred and fifty years of fighting, Choi Yeonseung claimed victory!

-Put a stop to this, Undefeated Incarnation of Training! All the nearby constellations know about your ambition. If you continue this onslaught, all the nearby constellations will unite to kill you. Can’t you feel the power of the ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ here?

The intermediate constellation ‘Rampant Truthseeker’ made preparations after hearing of Choi Yeonseung’s notoriety. Still, he was betrayed and defeated after proposing to enter into an alliance with the Cat of Lava and Magma.

Choi Yeonseung won in six hours!

By that point, the nearby constellations were already terrified. Choi Yeonseung’s?momentum?was enough to scare even the constellations. They had to form an alliance to keep him in check. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out well. The constellations belonging to the Alliance of Small and Medium-sized Constellations, such as Cat of Lava and Magma, played some tricks.

First of all, the nearby constellations had a bad relationship with each other. The constellations used to send their subordinates to fight and attack others so they could expand their territory. That made it difficult to join forces now.

-You take the vanguard. You’re closer.

-What nonsense are you saying?! That guy is a wanderer with no territory! We should all send half of our forces to be fair!

-You are talking nonsense. Are you going to go back on your word?

-Excuse me...

-You jerk! What makes you think you’ll be safe?!

-I’m different from the other constellations. My household members are hungry to fight. I can stop him alone, but?I'm worried about you all since you asked for an alliance so desperately.

-Hum hum. Excuse me... I want to say something too...

-You bastard... Have you forgotten that the Undefeated Incarnation of Training is a madman? After he wins, he just leaves his opponent’s kingdom and household members. If he keeps doing that, then I’ll just join him! I’ll surrender to the Undefeated Incarnation of Training and invade your territory!

-W-what? You wouldn’t dare! Do you have no pride as a constellation? If the other constellations of the Abyss hear you...

-Sigh. Since you both are ignoring me, I’ll just do what I want and deal with you.



-T-The Undefeated Incarnation of Training! Undefeated... Kuaack! Aaaaack!

Choi Yeonseung’s victory!

The abyss now thought of?Choi Yeonseung as?no different from a disaster. The other intermediate constellations trembled in fear that Choi Yeonseung would come to them even though they were ranked higher than him.


“Hermit Who Unties the Knot. I have come. Stand tall and come out,” Choi Yeonseung said. However, nobody answered.

“? ?”

Some of the constellations had even abandoned their realm and ran away now!

The constellation ‘Hermit Who Unties the Knot’ had escaped!

Choi Yeonseung was dumbfounded. To think this constellation would take his household members and run away. Considering how much power of existence a constellation had to use to create their own realm, them actually abandoning it and fleeing was something he never even thought could happen.

“No... What is this... Can’t we just fight?”

After one constellation fled, the other constellations started to flee as well. Choi Yeonseung was met with the same situation in three other constellation realms. There was no one there.


He never thought he would hinder his own growth like this. Choi Yeonseung smacked his lips together and changed his strategy. Unlike constellations, monsters didn’t run away. He decided to slay monsters that were rumored to be strong in the Abyss instead. The Abyss had to be riddled with monsters stronger than the hydra!

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ is proud of who brought in this constellation.]

[The ‘Manipulator of Dreams and Desires’ is pleased.]

They weren’t envious of a well-cultivated battle-type constellation or ten advanced constellations! The members of the Alliance of Small and Medium-sized Constellations were very pleased with Choi Yeonseung’s growth. They did a good job contacting him and signing him when he was still new!


Choi Yeonseung wandered through the Abyss for a long time. Fighting whoever constellation and killing whatever monsters he found became his daily routine. Every time he killed a monster, he’d cook it with the condiments he had collected and eat it. He just kept improving his strength and cooking skills.

Choi Yeonseung could now use all types of Abyss ingredients for cooking.

[The B-rank skill ‘Intermediate Abyss Cooking’ has evolved into the A-rank skill ‘Advanced Abyss Cuisine.’]

[The power of your existence has risen!]

‘Come to think of it, I think there was a word that expressed this daily life in a novel I read before... Ah. Yes. Days of idyllic slaughter.’

They really were days of idyllic slaughter. All he ever did was fight and eat.

Just then, the space in front of Choi?Yeonseung distorted?and a gate was created. In the magic-filled Abyss, natural phenomena that even constellations feared often occurred. One of them was the magical storm. Another was the gate. A phenomenon where huge amounts of magic power pierced through space and created a passage that led to the universe outside the Abyss!


Choi Yeonseung entered the gate with the hope of returning to Earth. He didn’t return to Earth, however. Choi Yeonseung arrived at the planet of goblins.


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