The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 22: the advanced technology training begins

Chapter 22: the advanced technology training begins

Clark woke up in his familiar room, to the alarm ringtone of his phone. He stood up feeling boundless energy and power as he grinned, on remembering his dream the previous night.

He didnt linger in one place foolishly though, as he knew that if he was a second late, Captain Spoky would not care even if he met God in his dreams, punishment must follow.

Who dares say he does not fear the Captains punishment?" Forget the fact that they were training to be soldiers? Even soldiers with their 1st breakthrough, quake with fear at the mention of Captain Spokys name, when they are wrong.

His punishment is basically walking through hell. He muttered dramatically, as he quickly stood up while trying to distract himself from the thoughts revolving around his head.

He had his bath, did every preparation, and was set in less than 10 minutes. This was simply the miracle and charisma of being a boy.

Unlike girls who can spend a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes just to have their bath, an additional 20 minutes to dress up. The female cadets dont bother to apply make-ups, as the sweat released from training quickly wipes it off, thus saving them some time.

After his discussion with his friend yesterday, he finally decided to return to his room to sleep on his familiar mattress.

The room was very tidy and well-kept, he observed ironically. Only legends understand what he meant. He ignored the overflowing tidiness, and slept in peace feeling like, Im back bro, you miss me?


After getting ready, he went outside and was not surprised to see his friend also getting out.

After coming out, Leo glanced at him with undisguised surprise, Clark, youre being unusually early these days. Whats the secret?

He didnt bother answering, as he simply snorted in disregard. He made a sign with his hands to his friend to shut his trap and follow. Leo only smiled in retaliation, with his usual sageish and wise expression.

This was a very impactful retaliation, as he cursed under his breath, this bastard of a melee fighter dares acting wisely in front of me. Oh man, life is full of weird people, with even weirder personalities.

They both arrived early to the parade ground, as they joined the slowly increasing line of cadets. Anderson took the lead, as they did their first parade in months. It felt nostalgic.

Damn!! Well really graduate and leave this familiar-looking military base in about a month and some weeks time, Clark muttered with a nostalgic expression on his face.

Dont underestimate female cadets because they prepare in hours, they are always among the first cadets to appear on the parade ground.

Clark and Leo deduced that when they enjoy their sleep, these diligent girls were probably already awake, getting ready countless minutes before them to appear early for the morning parades.

Clark admired the diligent girls, as he thought, this will probably be our last parade together as cadets.

After the end of the parade, all the cadets stood in attention, facing the podium with serious expressions.

They didnt have to wait long, as the familiar burly figure of Captain Spoky gradually approached.

After climbing the podium with his entourage of soldiers staying behind, he addressed the cadets. Good morning cadets.

Good morning Captain, the cadets greeted back.

I like the serious expression on all your faces. Keep it, as this last training will require your seriousness and full attention, he continued.

The advanced technology training will officially begin today; I dont have much else to say, but I wish you all good luck. Go to the armory to retrieve the weapons of your choice, you will be given more in-depth direction there also. The cadets saluted and left the parade ground orderly.

They quickly reached the armory of the military base, where sergeant Modric was already waiting for them. They all saluted him on sighting him. He acknowledged with a nod and told them to go inside to select the weapons of their choice.

After the weapon selection, meet me at the table to get a more in-depth understanding of this training, he informed the cadets before they left to pick their weapons.

After entering the armory, they were finally able to see why this training was called advanced tech training.

Leo stuck close to his friend, as they were both amazed at the sheer size of the armory and the different weapons on display.

They felt like they just entered the belly of a fictional beast. From swords to sharp sabers, to lancers, spears, to historical and mythical weapons, the weapon catalog was simply endless.

These were not your regular swords and daggers, as, through the use of exotics, these weapons were massively upgraded and given other additional attributes.

All these weapons had force fields that cover them, and they can be used versatilely in fights between armies to block incoming bullets, and a lot of other uses.

A high-grade sword made from exotics can cut down tanks, bullet-proof vests, and armored vehicles of the 21st century with a single swing when wielded by a high-grade soldier.

The available exotic swords were of the lowest quality, but they were several times better than normal swords made from reinforced steel.

The gadgets and technological devices catalog almost blinded their eyes, as they saw hacking devices, highly optimized rifles, pistols, combat armor, and a lot of other goodies.

Shit man, this is heaven, Clark blurted out excitedly, as he bumped his dumbstruck friend on the head.

[Thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate it. Please if there is any problem with the translation quality or there is any wrong spelling or sentence, indicate I'll try to fix it immediately.]


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