The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 20: the 2nd phase training ends

Chapter 20: the 2nd phase training ends

Not too long later, the legendary warship The Megalodon finally arrived as it deactivated its stealth systems, becoming visible. It lowered ropes to the cadets, as they both quickly climbed the ropes and entered inside.

Sergeant Modric personally welcomed the cadets, as he stood, waiting at the hatch. He was surprised, as he felt a familiar presence from the both of them.

You both had a breakthrough, he asked. They nodded without hesitation, as they saluted him. They had no reason trying to hide their breakthrough in strength, the republic always welcomed high-grade soldiers with open arms.

Good morning Sergeant, they finally greeted.

The sergeant smiled as he responded, good morning sergeants to be.

He immediately changed the way he addressed them; He dropped all airs, as he spoke casually with them like equals as they went deeper into the airship.

After the hatch closed, the warship quickly rose higher and picked up speed, leaving immediately.

They were not too surprised when they learned that Anderson also had a breakthrough. Only 3 of them achieved a breakthrough from this batch, which was already outstanding as in some batches only 1 cadet achieved a breakthrough.

After picking up the rest survivors, the warship accelerated as it flew to base. After the A. I of the warship did a headcount, it was discovered that 60 cadets died in this training.

The rest cadets didnt feel much pity towards their fallen comrades as they all knew the danger they were signing for, before participating. Now, only 220 cadets were still left alive.

The advanced technology training was not compulsory. Cadets that are afraid, have the choice of deciding not to participate. The only penalty was their inability to become bonafide Spartan soldiers.

After the rest cadets graduate to become soldiers, these cadets graduate to become semi-soldiers.

They are not treated as real soldiers, as their job after graduation is to serve the real soldiers in their different military divisions. Their work is to oil and to maintain the military ammunitions for the soldiers, and they serve as errand boys to the soldiers in the military division they apply to.

Despite the scorn, such soldiers receive for being cowards, their pay is still higher than any average civilian receives, except those in the medical sector.

Before, they were 464 cadets in this base. 164 refused to participate, opting to graduate as semi-soldiers instead, which left only 300 cadets for the training.


It wasnt even 10 minutes since they departed when they arrived at the military base. After coming down, they moved orderly to the parade ground where the Captain was already waiting. Captain Spoky puffed out smoke, as he slowly removed the cigarette on his lips.

They all greeted immediately on seeing the Captain, good morning captain.

Good morning kids. I can see that this batch is something, he praised.

Im impressed that 220 cadets survived, and 3 had a breakthrough. Thats countless times better than the last batch. Congratulations cadets, you have 2 days to rest before the last training commences.

Dont get complacent yet, the last phase is the hardest phase of this training. The government provided 1000 Spartan credits to all survivors and an additional 2000 credits to all cadets who broke through.

Go to Sergeant Hanks office later to get your money. Enjoy yourself for these 2 days, in preparation for passing the last hurdle blocking your path to graduation.

The cadets saluted and left orderly to their various rooms in relief and joy, not forgetting to take their cash rewards before going.

Clark decided to go to Leos room, as they had their first proper bath with soap and clean water in 2 months. After they had their bath, Leo cooked and they ate normal food after 2 months of only eating meat and the occasional fruits they found on the way.

They relaxed, watched a movie, and slept for the rest of the day. This was a luxury that they were not going to waste. They utilized it to its full potential by sleeping for the rest of the day, into the night, and to the next day.

According to Clark, every life is an adventure, live yours to its fullest and thats exactly what they were doing. If you dont live your everyday life to the fullest fruitfully, one day, youll regret on your death bed for the decisions you made.

Naturally, they both didnt want to regret their decisions, thats the reason they worked so hard to become exceptional soldiers.

But all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. During times of rest, they will not use it for work and training. There is a time to train, a time to be work, and a time to rest.


Surprisingly, the next day, Anderson visited them for the first time since they started the cadet training course. He told them that he didnt expect they would breakthrough.

He also congratulated them, asked for their number, and suggested that they stick closer together as they were the only cadets who broke through from this batch.

Clark replied perfunctorily, while Leo kept quiet throughout the conversation. Anderson quickly left not long later.

What does this guy mean by he didnt expect us to breakthrough? Clark couldnt help but ask with slight anger on his tone, as soon as their visitor left.

Anderson, they werent really close, but everyone knew him as he was the one who led in almost every activity in the base. He beat him only once in marksmanship, in their yearly progress assessments. Thinking of this, his mood improved a bit.

I dont even know his surname tsk tsk, well see how the relationship goes. He said while facing Leo.

[Thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate it. Please if there is any problem with the translation quality or there is any wrong spelling or sentence, indicate I'll try to fix it immediately.]


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