The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 18: the death of the terror of the night

Chapter 18: the death of the terror of the night

Swoosh!! The Night Rakshasha moved with its usual breakneck speed, as it suddenly closed in rapidly.

Not even thinking first, Leo quickly turned around while swiftly unsheathing his sword, as he unleashed a tyrannical backward slash with the maximum speed that he could muster.

The big cat's confident movements faltered a bit, as it was certainly caught unprepared. It widened its eyes in shock, it didnt know how these weak humans still got the endurance to be so alert and fight back.

Despite being shocked it still reflexively retreated, but it was a little too late. The sword still connected cutting a bloody wound across its chest. Before it could recover its composure, it suddenly hissed loudly again in pain as it received another blow to its belly.

Its belly was exposed, as it preferred fighting while standing upright like a human. This blow was not from Leo, but from Clark as his friend was simply not that fast.

The moment Leo attacked, he also quickly stood up and dived at the Night Rakshasha in a precisely calculated trajectory. He unsheathed his sword and stabbed at its belly with speed.

His reasoning can be summarized as, youre good at speed and average in defense. Ok, well just kill you with your most famed strength, SPEED.

The Night Rakshasha was so preoccupied with dodging its first opponent's strike, that it didnt notice the other threat. It yelped in pain as Clark ruthlessly pulled out the sword while getting ready for another attack.

This time, it was extremely intimidated by the two swift strikes that dealt it serious injuries. During its short but eventful life, it could not remember when last it was this injured.

It tried to retreat, but will the 2 cadets allow that? Dream on, after pressuring us for 3 days you later came to fight again but you have the guts to contemplate retreating after only 2 strikes.

Clark cut its escape path off, as he joined his friend. They unleashed a flurry of cuts, strikes, and swings at the nocturnal exobeast with their sword. The exobeast was extremely intimidated but instinct kicked in.

It retaliated aggressively with its flurry of hacks, claws, and bites, as it suddenly felt ashamed of its decision to retreat.

It retaliated in a way that screamed, if you think because you are stronger than me, Ill beg you to give me a swift death. Youre mistaken, f*** you.

The 2 cadets were slightly startled due to its brainless offensive, but they just shrugged it off and increased the frequency of their blows.

Unsurprisingly, despite its aggressive counterattack, it failed to land a single blow on either of them. But its injuries continued to increase at a worrisome rate, as it started feeling dizzy and seeing double.

As already previously explained, the Night Rakshasha is a stealth-oriented exobeast. Calling it an assassin, was the best to describe its combat style. It was never an exobeast that favored direct combat, the 2 friends knew this as they firmly grabbed at the opportunity, not giving it any chance at escape.

The fight continued for over 30 minutes that way, as the big cat refused to die without even inflicting one injury on its oppressors. It fought like never before but still failed to land a blow on the two humans. It felt more humiliated and regretful as the fight continued.

It was the infamous terror of the night that ruled over the whole forest. Other exobeasts cower in fear, at the sight of its unique fur alone. Augmented animals die from fear at the mention of its name, but these two humans want to toy with it to its death.

Roar!! It roared in rage and humiliation as it thought, even if I die today, my pride and reputation will not die also. At times, even animals had dignity and a reputation to uphold.

The Night Rakshasha suddenly left its defense, as it charged forward with a reckless burst of power. It must preserve its pride even if it dies. Then, who did it attack with its last burst of power?

F**k man!! Clark blurted out in rage and shock. Am I the only one fighting you?

Why is it that all exobeasts always use their last burst of energy on him? Am I this unlucky? he sighed in resignation, as he quickly prepared his defense.

Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Swish!! After 3 consecutive rapid claw attacks, it finally succeeded in one of its attacks connecting.

Clark hissed in pain, as blood flowed from his hands. The Night Rakshasha clawed him on his hands but paid for it with its life, as Leo used this window of opportunity to remove its head.

Splurt!! Splurt!! Blood sprayed and splashed everywhere as the exobeast, the Night Rakshasha, the terror of the night died with dignity.

After the battle, the 2 victorious cadets sat down in exhaustion as Leo burst out laughing at his friend. He had more than enough reason to laugh, as they killed the infamous Night Rakshasha. And more importantly of how unlucky his friend was.

Apart from when he hit his head against a rock, he hadnt suffered any other significant injuries. But Clark during this same time had conveniently received a pair of tribal marks on both cheeks, as well as the deep claw injury now on his hands inflicted by the Night Rakshasha.

He felt glum throughout, as his friend helped him tie his injury up with his cloth. They finally decided to sleep after Leo got tired of all his grumblings.

[Thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate it. Please if there is any problem with the translation quality or there is any wrong spelling or sentence, indicate I'll try to fix it immediately.]


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