The Conquerors Path

Chapter 89: Date

Chapter 89: Date

The sunlight fell from the sky to the ground as a new day began within the Lionheart Dukedom, the city was bustling with life as a new day had began, currently all the people were heading out of their house to their jobs

The streets was filled with life and laughter, displaying how developed and well the Duchy was running

Right now I had just entered the streets, right beside me stood a woman with brown hair and eye’s, she was dressed in a blue one piece dress with a necklace on her neck, the woman seems to reek with gentleness and grace

Yup it’s my mother, I had convinced her that I wanted this to be a secret outing without anybody knowing who we are, in fact I too am in a disguise, right now I have red hair and eye’s, looking a bit handsome

I looked to my mother who was still silent, even though she seemed normal when I met her today, I could still feel a sense of awkwardness from her, up until now she has been silent

Seeing that she was still unresponsive, I moved quickly and grabed her left hand with my right, causing her to look at me, she tried to pull her arm away, a sense of panic filling her

“What are you doing son?”

I put on a sad and depressed face, a hint of sadness filled my voice as I spoke, looking directly into Grace’s eyes

“Shouldn’t I be the one asking that!?”

My voice became a bit high pitched as I continued to speak, causing Grace to look startled

“I thought that we could spend some time happily, I just wanted to decrease the load on you, I thought that maybe I could make you happy today”

“Yet even since the morning you were not at all focused mother, you don’t even look happy mother, could it be that you don’t want to spend your time with me?”

As I finished speaking my voice became hoarse, while my expression was pitiful, anybody who would look at me now would feel pity

Grace’s expression shifted from startled to shame to sadness, she shook her head as she looked at me again

“Your right, I am sorry son, it seems that I was not paying any attention to you today but don’t worry I am better now, let’s enjoy the rest of the day!!”

A smile came upon Grace’s face as she finished speaking, seeing that my ‘sad’ expression shifted, a smile too same up on my face as I spoke again

“That’s great but mother don’t call me son outside call me Austin, today’s our date, I don’t want it to be ruined by someone else hearing you call me that”

“But I-“

“I know that you thought of this as a picnic but I just want you to enjoy today, so for that from now onwards we are lover’s, I will call you Grace and you would call me Austin, got it?”

Grace got another shook from hearing my words but just as she was about to reject it I spoke again

“Cmon mother, no one here know’s us, plus I want today to be special or are you unwilling to fulfill such a small request of mine Grace?”

I had moved my body closer to her as I spoke the words Grace, earning a tremble from her, which I felt from my hand


“No but’s, let’s just enjoy ourselves today, shall we?”

As I spoke, I moved forward pulling Grace along with me, giving her no chance to decline my offer, I could hear Grace sighing behind me, just accepting the situation

We continued to walk along the roads looking to the sides, the gentle atmosphere in the streets seemed to bring the awkwardness between us down a bit

“I can see that the Duchy has developed more”

“It’s all thank’s to the many ideas you sent me over the letter, who would have thought you would be a genius in administration”

Hearing my mother’s praise I couldn’t help but shake my head, it was not that hard anyway, currently we were walking on the outer circle near the commoners area, seeing my desired location, I quickly pulled Grace to the dressing shop

“Were are we going?”

“First shopping”

With that we entered the medium sized shop with 2 floors, as we entered inside, an attendant walked towards us with a professional smile

“What can I do for you today?”

“I would like some matching dresses for my lover here”

As I spoke the word lover I could see a small blush come upon Grace’s face, at the same time I felt a pinch on my stomach

The attendant looked between us and smiled before leading us to the upper floors, at the same time Grace sneaked up behind and spoke with suppressed anger

“What was that?”

“What was what?”

“Why did you say that we were lovers?”

“Then what else was I supposed to say?”

I could see it on my mother’s face that she really wanted to beat me up now, it only worsened after she saw my smirk

“How about these sir?”

The attendant called out to us as she showed us many collection of clothes, there was a smile on her face seeing our ‘couple fight’, I turned to Grace as I spoke

“Why don’t you check these all out Grace, after all you promised to be with me today”

I stressed the word promise, causing Grace to grimace before she agreed, I took a few dress giving it to Grace before pushing her to the locker room.


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