The Conquerors Path

Chapter 59: Fighting Together(2)

Chapter 59: Fighting Together(2)

the monsters continue to break the barrier, while the demon from above continues to enjoy the show, waiting for the moment of despair

“you ready?”

“i am”

as soon as i had finished speaking the barrier broke the monsters that had been surrounding us from all directions burst forth, while i was feeling a bit uneasy Eleanor looked cool as always, as the monsters burst forth she raised her bow and spoke

“{stars fall}”

as she did the arrow on her bow lit up, without waiting even for a moment, she let the arrow loose to the top that is and the arrow flew out to the sky at the same time a bright light came from it spreading to all the directions

i could feel the wind blow past me and at the next moment all the monsters that had surrounded me was dead, for a moment i fell into daze

while what i saw was amazing, the sheer concentration to pull that off is unbelievable, Eleanor basically split her arrows and fired it, if that was it then it was no problem

what makes that strike amazing is the fact that it reaped the life of all that was close to her, all the enemies close to us were minimum of origin level 5 or above, for origin level 1 to kill them all the arrows must have been fatal

that means that all the hundred arrows which she shot must have reaped a life in a single hit, one must know that the arrows don’t have a locator, then Eleanor should have controlled all 100 of them at the same time, aiming at the vitals of those monsters

‘looks like i really have been overestimating myself’

in truth i might be able to take those monsters down, but that would be with sheer strength not sheer skill, there’s a huge difference between the both

“Austin snap out of it”

it’s only when a pale faced Eleanor called me that i got my bearing back

“sorry, i was just amazed”

just as i said it the arrow that was nocked on my bow was sent flying to the area with the least infections of monsters, the single arrow i fired quickly drilled through the monsters creating a path out

at the same time i cast {rejuvenate} and {haste} on Eleanor, bringing some life into her, after that we quickly ran out of the encirclement, i took the lead firing arrows to get rid of those who escaped

within seconds we were out but still what we killed only was a drop in the bucket, monsters still chased after us, while we ran we kept firing some arrows to keep the count of the monsters in check

the voice of the demons laughter and the ticking of the clock still kept ringing in our head, we could only keep running, we kept running for about half an hour

during that time i had to keep casting spells on Eleanor to let keep up, in truth thing’s were not that hard if I go all out i might be able to stall them for 2 hours but we still could keep running for the next 2 hours

but alas things don’t always go according to plans do they, just as we were running far and making some distance, the ground below Eleanor cracked open

A certain monster with a fish like body but with a huge sharpened sword at it’s face jumped out towards Eleanor, she sensed the danger and dogged but the sword like mouths end still gazed her

“shit!, its the poison rectal needle”

just as Eleanor had dogged my arrow had flown to the monster killing it with one strike but it was too late, as Eleanor was glazed, she felt weak and fell to the ground

without any further delay i picked her up and placed her on the back, ripping some clothes i quickly tied her arms to my neck and her legs closely to mine

but at the same time the monsters which we had made some distance from caught up

“{sonic boom}”

as soon as i casted it a huge wave spread from my legs pushing me to the front gaining me a huge head start to the front

‘damn it, why did it have to be that shit’

the poison rectal needle, i didn’t expect such a thing to be here, as it’s name suggests it carries poison in its blade like mouth

but unlike normal ones this does not kill them or anything but completely paralyzes the person, taking away the person mana and ability to move, the only thing you could do was move your mouth

“i am sorry, looks like your master is not that amazing after all”

as i was running i heard Eleanor speak from behind me, i could feel the frustration and disappointment from her voice, she clearly felt humiliated for falling for such a thing

“what are you talking about master?, all i saw was that my awesome teacher faced a horde of monsters without any fear, broke through killing many monster’s with a single arrow”

“i saw her standing fearlessly, i saw her fighting fearlessly, i saw her easily dodging a dangerous moment”

“in my heart you will always be amazing, no matter what happens in the future i know that my master is amazing”

with that i stopped talking and continued running, hence i missed to see the stupefied look on Eleanor’s face which had quickly turned into an amazing smile later on

just as i thought that i had made some distance i heard the ground quake looking towards the front i saw another horde of monsters coming in front towards me,the one coming from in front had monsters from higher origin level

“damn it!”

“let me go Austin”

just as i cursed i heard Eleanor speak, turning around i could see Eleanor looking at the tide with a serious face, she turned her eyes towards me

“leave me here Austin, there’s a space ripper device in my storage ring, it might not be 100% safe but you will be able to survive, so leave me here, it’s the best option”

there was silence for a bit, i looked into Eleanor’s eyes and said a single word


hearing my answer Eleanor was not surprised how could she not know what type of person i am, she knew he would not abandon her, but still hearing the answer from his mouth warmed her heart

for her when she was weak getting someone’s support was somsthing she never felt and to be honest she felt happy

“this is not for negotiations Austin you will listen to what i have to say, leave!, this is an order from your teacher leave!!”

“if you don’t i would cancel our relationship here and now, so don’t make me Austin, leave here and now”

“do it then”

i answered looking at Eleanor, she looked back at me suprised, to that i just gave her a warm smile, in a way this is my fault and i am going to fix it

“teacher do you remeber when i said why i wanted to take to bow as my weapon?”

“it was to protect, to protect the my family and the people i love, to make sure i won’t fall into despair and right now you are someone dear to me master, so even if you said that you would cut our relationship, i would still protect without any regrets”


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