The Conquerors Path

Chapter 44: The Girl’s View(2)

Chapter 44: The Girl’s View(2)

—–Emily’s Pov—–

within a mansion of the Penzers Kingdom, a green haired and green eyes 11 year old girl could be seen, Emily was currently walking through the kingdoms palace, but unlike normal princess she didn’t walk with her back straight

while she was walking the servants who saw her would move aside and talk with hushed voices, just like everyday of her life today was not different too

her father not paying attention to her, her brothers bullying her and the constant disregard from the servants, in other peoples eyes she is a ‘weak’, ‘powerless’ and ‘dispirited’ girl after all

disregarding other’s i quickly entered my room, entering it my usual ‘scared’ face faded away and a scornful look appeared, reaching my bed i gave it a kick

“hump, that fuckers, who do they think they are?”

“that fucking useless brother, fuck let me get ny hands on him, i will fucking kill him”

“and that whore of a sister’s, all dressed up and acting pretty, fuck imagining makes me want to puke”

“and that fucking useless father, just you all wait, one day i will make all of you pay”

after venting my anger i let out a deep sigh, walking i reach in front of my mirror looking at that awful scar on my face my fading anger raised again, i gave the mirror a punch, it broke and it’s pieces punctured my arm, blood started to flow through my arms

i felt was nothing, feeling tried i walked up to my bed and took out a recording device, the only one i had, playing it an image of a silver haired, puple eyed boy began to appear

seeing him a small smile came upon my lips, Austin the only one person who never looked at me differently

my memory quickly began to move towards the past, it was on the birthday of the princess of the Ezraeil Empire, imagining the figure of that beautiful and proud princess jealously and envy had filled my heart

i had left the room while ‘accidentally’ being seen by that dip shit brother of mine, it was in the past that once someone saw me being bullied and had helped me, that person was a powerful figure and i had got some benefits from him too

ever since then i always was ‘accidentally’ began being bullied by my brother but no matter how many times someone saves me thinking about that they were saving a beauty by to only seeing half my face

the moment they saw the whole, though they pretend to be nice, i could always see the disgust they had for me, during that princess birthday it was no different i was waiting for that ‘pince in shinning armor’ to appear

but who would have thought that this time it would be different?, a boy who was from a powerful family saved me but this time there was a difference

the silver haired boy when he saw my face he wasn’t disgusted no he looked directly at my face with a smile, for the first time someone called me cute

at first i was wary of him but the more time i spend with him the more i felt attracted to him, during that night for the first time i was able to speak freely, for the first time i met someone who treated me equally

after that night i kept on talking with him, he gave me his communication device and we always kept in touch, in this broken world he became my light

seeing my situation he was even ready to cause an international related issue to help me too, he was the only person after mother that i felt attached to, i knew that i had fallen in love with him

but would he love someone like me?

once indirectly i asked him once and his reply only furthered my love for him

laying on the bed i touched the necklace on my chest, it was something given to me by mother, before she passed away, i always kept it close to me, not letting to even catch dust

unknowingly my blood fell on the necklace and it got absorbed, suddenly a bright light came from my necklace and and immense pain filled me

before i could scream i had already fainted

a few hours later~~~~

‘wa-what happened?’

walking up i could feel a splitting headache, my eyes felt weak and my body was heavy, raising my body and checking it i saw that my necklace was missing!

i jumped from my bed to check my surroundings and just as i did, i felt myself fly and hit the wall

‘what the hell?’

standing up i felt that my body was stronger?, my hearing too improved, i felt as if my senses were on overdrive

i tried to cover my ears but felt that it was different, my ears felt pointy?

i quickly moves around my room and found some broken pieces of glass to take a look and when i did i was dumbfounded

“wh-where is my scar?”

that’s right!, my scar disappeared, the once ugly scar was gone, instead a beautiful face was revealed, seeing it tears started to flow down my eyes

“finally!! finally i am free from that curse”

feeling overwhelmed tears kept flowing down my eyes, moving towards my bed i saw tha recording device still playing, seeing the boy in it my eyes twinkled, i picked it up gently, touching the screen

“i will find you soon my Austin, just wait for me”


—–Mika and Rika’s pov—–

Mika and Rika was currenlty in the training area within the mansion, Mika was training her close combat skills while Rika was training with her water magic

both of them were giving it their all, after the incident with Austin they were more motivated to work hard, after training both of them took rest

“Mika i already miss Austin a lot~~”

Rika held on to Mika’s hand complained, among the twins Mika was always the mature or serious type, smiling Mika responded

“we just have to wait till Austin returns, after all we promised him he would be surprised after retuning”

“i know, but we were just warming upto him, just a little more push and we might have got him”

Rika replied with a cute pout, she really wanted to make Austin accept both of them as his lovers, her sister and her had made a small plan to seduce him too

“i know it’s a pity but we still got to know his feelings towards us didn’t it, otherwise that Clara would have stolen him”

“yeah your right”

Rika went silent after that, after maintaining her silence for a bit she replied

“sister would thinks end up bad in the future?”

“what do you mean?”

Mika was confused

“i mean, i am happy to share Austin with you sis because you two are the only things i love the most in the world but i don’t want to share him with someone else”

“them we should make sure that he would only stick to us”

Mika replied with a smile

“didn’t you notice how hard he was trying to stop himself from touching our ears and tail?, when he returns we just got to use that to our advantage”

hearings Mika’s words a smile to formed on Rika’s face, they themselves had decided to have Austin only for themselves

while they were discussing their memories travelled to the past, they were from a warrior family of the wolf tribe, their parents were warriors too

when they had found out that they could not form their own plates when they were young they were devastated but their parents didn’t complain

their parent’s had still looked after them with love, even among their fellow peers ridicule they still supported each other but disaster after disaster followed

once their parent’s went out for something but they never came back, the twins were quickly placed under their uncle’s care who didn’t look after them in the slightest

they faced depression, humiliation and sadness there untill they were sold by their uncle for some favor to somebody

from there they were shipped off and maltreated, even among those times they had each other to rely on, despair had clouded their life untill they were rescued by a silver haired boy who had appeared on the most despairing moment of their lives

he took them in and gave them love and care, at first Mika was suspicious that he had some other motive towards them but he didn’t

he even assigned both of them as his kight attends to show his support towards them, for the first time some one appreciated them, for the first time they felt valued

even when they had given upon themselves he didn’t, he was always there to support them, slowly but surely their life started to revolve around him

without knowing about it they had fell in love with him, both Rika and Mika were first conflicted but in the end they decided to share him amon themselves, making sure to always have his front


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