The Conquerors Path

Chapter 38: Problems

Chapter 38: Problems

after the women closed her eyes, 3 womens quickly appeared before her, one of them was a tall beautiful women with purple hair and eyes, she had an athletic body with a small breast and a nice ass, surrounding her both time and space trembled

the other women in the middle was a short women with white hair as snow and and deep yellow eyes, even though she was short her breast were nothing like it, her breast was huge tightly held within her dress, unlike the other girls she was not standing but sitting floating in a cloud, fate blended to her will

the other was a green haired and green eyed beauty who radiated an immense amount of life, unlike the other 2 women’s her ass and breast both were huge, along with long legs, she had what others would call a sinful body

just as they appeared and was about to speak the pink haired women on the throne spoke first

“there is nothing to worry about, even if that weapon is awake it won’t be able to unleash even 1/10th of that power from the past”

“it has only returned to it’s place, nothing more and nothing less”

after the women spoke the other 3 women’s nodded to her words and disappeared

while back in the imperial palace right after the harp had taken in Austin as it’s owner, it quickly flew into his body and disappeared,after that Austin fell to the ground unconscious, with blood leaking out of him

after that both Nora and Elda was quickly pulled in by a mysterious force to awaken their bloodline and Austin was quickly thrown out of the historic world

Eleanor quickly reached his location and directly applied her mana to stop the bleeding, following after her other’s quickly arrived, seeing his bloodied appearance Eleanor’s heart pained

Grace saw her bloodied and near death child, she quickly hugged him, while the Emperor called for all the greatest healers within the Empire to quickly come to the palace

the other surrounding empire and kingdoms noticed the strange influence of healers gathering into the capital, more and more healers were called in without stop

even the saintess of the supreme goddess of life was called in as emergency, which caused all the other powers to speculate the reason

in the Ezraiel empire within a military post sat an old man, even though his hair was white and he had a few wrinkles in his face, his body was still in tip top condition

with a huge gym built body and with an aura of bloodlust surrounding him, anyone close to the man would think in fear of how many this man should have killed to gain such a bloodlust

he had a white beard and a military set up, the stars and medals on his dress indicate that he was a high level general

it was during the time the man was resting that a person ran into his room, his hand was holding a communication orb and his face was filled with fear as he brought a certain news to the old man

as soon as the man had entered the room the old man had opened his eyes, his eyes looked spirited and energetic and a bit melancholy

“ge-general we received a news from the palace, something has happened to you grandson, they qui-“

before the man can finish he was quickly pushed away by the aura released by the old man, intense bloodlust and anger came out of the old mans body and without saying anything the old man disappeared from the room

while millions of mile away within a huge floating city, whose size knew no end, there existed a huge tower, countless mages entered and left and each of them had a huge respect for the tower whenever they walked within it

the one and only holy land of all mages, the magical tower, currently on its top most floor a women could be seen she looked to be in her 20s

she sat on a desk and was quickly going through some documents, she had violet hair that reached her shoulders which was braided and her eyes was silver in color as if glowing

her beauty was beyond description, if the Empress was a cold beauty, then she was one that men dreamed to conquer but didn’t have the confidence too

she was surrounded with a powerful aura and the natural deposition of a successful women was around, the air from the open window caused her hair to flutter making her more mysterious

her body proportions couldn’t accurately be said due to her mage get up, but even with that one could see faint outlines in her body and say that she was well endowed

it was when she was deep in her work that her room was opened and a women in her 30s entered, she could said to be beautiful with her brown hair and eyes

as soon as she entered she saw the violet haired women in her work, for a moment she was in daze seeing her beauty but she quickly shook her head and entered

juat as the women had entered the violet hired women raised her head

“miss, we got a message from your family, something had happened to your nephew”

as soon as the brown haired women’s word were heard the calm silver eyes of the violet haired women trembled, without any words she disappeared from her room, ripping through space to a certain destination

while back in the palace several healers were around Austin healing him and providing him more life force, slowly but surely he was getting better

this news had comforted the people waiting outside, especially Grace whose heart was never at rest, while Eleanor stood close to Austin protecting him

like this a few hours went by before the same old man from before had appeared in the palace, his previous burst of bloodlust was taken a back

when he arrived he was greeted with a red eyed Grace, and several other people, seeing Grace the look on the old man’s eyes softened a bit, arriving close he asked

“what happened?”

his voice was rough but it still carried his concern, seeing the old man Grace muttered

“grandpa Max…”

the old man in front of her was Max Lionheart, that’s right he was Austin’s father’s father or in other words Austin’s grandfather, a terrifying military man who brought fear to the other kingdoms

he was a legend in the military that many aspire to be

seeing the Emperor coming Max gave a low bow, hiding his rising anger he again enquired about his grandson, to which the Emperor showed him the recoding of what happened from the beginning

Max’s expression changed a lot from the beginning till the end but in the end he had a small smile on his face when he saw his grandsons talent and determination

he had a proud feeling seeing his grandson but at the same time the small grudge on the sloppy reaction of the Emperor and his daughter was completely formed on his mind

he might not do anything about it now but in the future he would definitely pay it back, if anyone messes with his family then they better be ready to face the consequences of it

at the same time the arrival of a violet haired women was announced seeing the violet haired women now covered with a veil walking towards them

the expression on Max eased up seeing his daughter walking towards him, while the Emperor’s eyes glowed with strong obsession, love and desire for the violet haired women, which he quickly hid


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