The Conquerors Path

Chapter 232-A Peaceful Pass

Chapter 232-A Peaceful Pass

"This is nice...."

Scarlet spoke as she gazed at the moons up in the sky, beside her I lay as I too gaze upon the huge starry sky, right now it's been a week since my showdown with the demon prince Ron, things since then have been extremely hectic, the news of me having friction with the largest faction spread like wildfire, lots of rumors and issues cropped up due to it.

The line of people joining me also has slowed down, after all, I am just one person to many that's not much and many don't want to mess with the oldest holder of the ring, plus demons these days started to act out against the ones in my faction, of course, these demons belong to the empire of Ron but even then this has heavily affected the ones in my faction.

After all, many items and some missions require the help of the demons belonging to Ron's faction, this caused some that joined to leave my faction, making a severe drop in my forces. There's also the fact that many demons had started to challenge the ones in my faction, they keep challenging them in rows, trying to wind down their status in the rankings.

All in all, Ron is trying his best to get rid of any power I could amass, his ways were brutal and cunning, touching upon the don't and do's, of course, this does not mean that I don't have anything to fight back, instead, I am just waiting for the right moment for me to strike back, the only hardest part was pacifying Elda who kept saying that it was her fault.

After that, I just had to contact my support Marlene, after my help with Xavier she's a die-hard helper of mine, while Ron's faction is huge with him controlling half the demons it would still pale in comparison to Marlene's who had full control of the ones of the sea, with her support I will be to deal with the problem of resources.

As for the challenges well I want to thank Ron for that, while losing a lot of members is painful it helps me weed out the spies and the useless, that's the reason I haven't taken any actions yet, I just want to see how many would stay, the ones who do will be the main driving force of my faction, and thanks to Ron the ones that remain will continue to be hardened and sharpened by Ron's lackies

Overall I won't even be losing anything. Leaving that aside the week was again fruitful for me as I spent the time dealing with the girls, I made sure to spend ample time with them, entering inside Olivia's room secretly as I trained her body and slowly cut away the corners of her heart, visiting Celestinia in the library as I slowly gain her friendship, she's a tough nut to crack, as till now I have only gained a bit of apprehension from her.

She still thinks of me as Scarlet's mate, a person she's deciding if I should be part of her family or not, then I have Mika and Rika, I just would take and spend time with them in the meeting room, patting them, complimenting them and making them feel safe, I haven't taken any of them for dates but I have promised them that, in that front things are well.

Then I have Carmel, whom I visit every day as I trained and talk with her, by now I can tell that I am a bit more important to her, a subtle atmosphere of junior and senior has formed between us, we talk and laugh at each others atmosphere, I have gained a large part of her trust, some more and I will be able to begin my plans for her.

But a problem lay, them being Nix and Melvin, each and every time that I tried to be alone with Carmel they will show up, being Carmel's best friend I can't do anything about them, Carmel trust them with her life and as grown up playing with them, I don't think that I have reached the level of familiarity with her, hence I can only let them tag along with me, making it so that I can't make a move on her.

Well that won't last long, I already have plans for that two duos who looked down on me, I am that petty after all, now after Carmel, I dealt a bit with Mira, unlike the others she's a busy person hence I don't get to meet her a lot, whenever she's free I would visit her, talk to her and slowly make my advances on her.

I would help her with her work and keep supplying her with my feelings, for her my plans have yet to start, first I have to make sure to print my feelings for her, and when a small flame lits in her heart I will make my move and speaking of family, I got to know that Nora, Elda, and Grace had a meetup but the results of the meeting were unknown to me.

All I got to know was that Grace became more lively, Nora's moves on me increased and Elda seems to be smiling all the time, I did ask them what happened but none of them told me anything, in the end, I let it go, all I got to know was that both Nora and Elda seems to have no problem with each other and only Grace's revelation is left, for that, I have a plan to do it a long time from now, Grace's situation requires certain planning to be successful.

The one I had the most success is with Orpheus, my plan for her will be now complete and I will be soon making my move, I can't wait to taste that sinful body of hers,

' is well....'

Basking in the moonlight I turned towards Scarlet whose laying beside me, tonight was our second date, unlike the first one we didn't go for any high-class date, I took her to the place she made her confession as I brought out the food that I had made, making Scarlet smile with happiness for my care, in the end, I was successful in winning over her stomach,

"I feel so happy...."

Scarlet spoke again with a loving smile, she looked like she had achieved her greatest happiness in life, right now her hand was intertwined with mine, while we enjoyed the beauty of the stars,

"I see, well I am happy that you are happy"

I spoke earning a chuckle from her as she turned her body around as she looked at me, I too did the same, smiling she spoke,

"So, how do you feel about me now?"

She asked with her voice laced with expectations, I became silent for a moment before which I responded with a nod,

"I can tell that my feeling for you are increasing but it hasn't reached love yet, I still want to spend more time with you"

"I see...."

Scarlet didn't react particularly to my words, she just nodded her head as she turned her head up to the skies, her hands tightened on mine, and with that, the silence remained as we enjoyed the silent night.


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