The Conquerors Path

Chapter 225-The Shot

Chapter 225-The Shot

Looking at Carmel's status and abilities which were the same, I sighed in relief, excluding the ominous and annoying note the rest were all the same, feeling a bit more relaxed I spoke some formal words with her, a few minutes later Carme, spoke with a serious voice laced with curiosity.

"So you want to join the Archery club?"


I nodded my head, seeing it she turned silent for a moment before which she spoke again,

"Okay, you can but for it, you will have to pass a test"

"Sure, tell me"

I nodded my head agreeing with her words, soon she cutely clutched her chin as she began to think, a few seconds later her eyes lit up as she exclaimed out,

"Ah!...why don't you do what I just did now?"




Everyone was surprised hearing her words, after which all of them gave me a pitiful look, well I didn't blame them, the shot that Carmel did was something only she was able to do till now, plus none of them knows how good I am with my archery, the only time I used the bow was when I one-shotted Xavier but back then it was just an aimed one-shot that anybody could do, what Carmel was asking me to do requires pure skill.

Some of them even started to look at me vigilantly expecting me to blast out but unlucky for them that wasn't going to happen, looking at the huge cliff in front of me a confident smile lit up my face as I spoke,





Now the gazes of the rest had turned to disdain and disbelief, none of them thought that my skill at the bow would reach that level, this wasn't due to them looking down at me but from what they knew about me, my fight with three princes was especially analyzed and looked at, I had shown extreme precision in magic and one on one combat.

Me being proficient in all this already showed that I was already a super genius, after all, learning spells and combat doesn't take place in a single night, it takes years of practice, yet I'm already proficient in them, if I am great in archery too, well then they would all surely start to doubt their reality.

'Poor guys, they are surely going to get one heck of a shock'

Praying for their well being, I moved on towards the edge of the cliff standing there as the wind hit my face and the thrill of freedom filled my being, a light started to gather at my hands, and soon my blue and purple shinning bow appeared in my hands, as it did everyone focused on it, this weapon, after all, is the most talked on one within the world.

A weapon that was capable of dealing with the corrupts! in fact, many research fanatics and crazies are dying to get their hand on it, many even wanted answers from me but then my grandfather's words covered the world,

Mess with the Lionheart then await bloodshed!

It was simple words but they showed his stance on the matter, even the Emperor my uncle was supporting me, saying that none should try to force me into anything, even then the trend of my weapon was still active, everyone wanted to know about the musical bow that was capable of firing a weapon of power equal to a dragon's full power attack.

And now in front of all of them, the bow had appeared, the one with the most special reaction was Carmel whose eyes lit up with amazement and a hint of envy as she saw the bow in my hands, the look on her face said that she wanted to run up to me and take the bow from my hands, luckily she was able to control herself,


I exhaled out as I relaxed my mind, taking up an arrow I placed it on the bow as I pulled it back with my strength, my posture and movement were impeccable, with not a hint of struggle or loss, among the group those with keen eyes were able to see it clearly, all of their hearts trembled but Carmel stayed calm as she admiringly looked at my form,

'Yeah, this is bringing back some hard memories'

Back in the past, Eleanor had hammered onto me the perfect postures many times, hours I had to stand just holding the bow, sometimes I would go home with completely bleeding figures or my hands would be in such a mess that I won't be able to shoot, she made sure that even at my most weakest time I would be capable of taking the perfect shot.

My eyes became sharp as I gazed at my target, the mana in my body subtly and clearly flew into the bow, the wind on the cliff picked up speed as it kept disrupting the atmosphere even my hair was flowing with the wind, I stayed there holding the bow as I started to do all the calculations, the speed of the wind, the amount of mana fluctuating, the different problems that might crop up, each and every scenario was being run in my mind.

Finally, after a minute of silence, my hand holding the string let go, everything looked in slow motion to me as the arrow left my bow traveling towards the target that was kept on the other side, everybody's attention was on the cliff as they gazed at the arrow that was moving towards its target.

Just like Carmel's mine was fast as it covered the huge distance but just as half the journey was over the wind blew from the bottom, seemingly trying to destroy it but then the arrow seemed to gain life as it started to move with the wind, a sense of beauty filled it as the arrow used the wind to blast forward!.


Before others would even blink the arrow had hit the center of the target, silence.....complete silence filled the surroundings as they gazed at the arrow stuck at the other side, it had broken through Carmel's earlier arrow embedding itself as the king, everybody except for Carmel had an incredulous expression on their face as they kept replaying the scene in their mind.

The shot was precise, powerful, and more importantly more beautiful than Carmel's shot, this had proved that my skill was no less than her maybe even better than her! this was a huge breakdown to the rest, my talents just keep smacking them in their face,


It was then a clapping sound was heard everyone turned their head towards the sound coming upon Carmel clapping her hands with an admiring smile on her face,

"Good shot"

She spoke.


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