The Conquerors Path

Chapter 20: Massage(2)

Chapter 20: Massage(2)

A few days has passed since the day i had given my mother a massage and she hasn’t let me do it again, though not a problem

i spend my time training with my master and playing with both my sister’s, it was during this time that my mother told us a news

“a week from now we would be heading out to the capital for princess Olivia’s coming out ceremony”

hearing this i went into my thoughts, Olivia as you all guessed is one of the capture targets, she would come among the top 5

bearing the bloodline of the first emperor she is destined to succeed the throne, having the bearing and beauty of a great leader

She always protects her people and is cruel towards her enemy, well this and somthing else made her in the top 5 that is she was a macho/sadist

in other words she is a saidst who like to give pain and at the same time desires some one to conquer her to

she has a secret desire to be used and to be looked down upon by someone but that in itself is a huge task.

as the princess with the first emperors bloodline her pride is drilled to her bones, if just anybody looks down on her, well you better hope you have a life insurance

even after you conquer her love, you would have to complete a certain hidden quest to be her “master”, the diffculty of bringing her machoist side outside is a huge task

in the game i just had to press some buttons and its done but here i have to do it physically, a wrong move and my head would fly away, plus right now she is my cousin, i was only broughy out of my thoughts when my mother spoke again

“so we wil be leaving in a week from now, we will take our flying ship this time”

with that she gave a few more instructions and gave us time to prepare, after that each of us went to our room, each with different thoughts Gẹtt the l𝒂test 𝒏𝒐v𝒆ls at 𝒏.o/(v)/e/l/bi𝒏(.)co𝒎

“a coming out ceremony huh..”

its basically those idol declarations back on earth where a person makes a debut in front the people, there would be many important people there too.

actually our mansion and the palace has a teleportation circle connected with each other with enough magic crystals we could get to the other side in seconds

but due to this being a formal invitation we had to arrive by our floating ship

‘looks like Olivia’s plan moved up a bit’

after that i visted my master to explain about it and to ask for her leave

“sure it’s no problem but come here”

saying so i went near her, she placed her hands on my chest and i could fell her energy flowing through me

“this is?”

i looked at her

“its just a seal which will show that you haven’t yet awakened your plate”

“unless another imperial forcefully checks through you, no one will know”

nodding to her i gave a kiss on her cheeks and went home not knowing that my departure just furthered Eleanor’s awakening.

‘so i wont see him for weeks?’

‘why do i feel angry and loneliness for that’

‘ohh, well this must be love i have towards my disciple, yup that’s all’

with that Grace returned to her shop counting the time till her disciple returns

a week later~~~~~~

currently we were boarding our floating ship it was just like those ballon ships you on earth but just reinforced with magic and gives of a luxurious vibe inside

the insides looked just like a hotel with dinning halls, several rooms, playing area and space, the trip would be 2 days long

after boarding we all started playing together as a family chess,jokes, games and like that time went on the whole day was filled with laughter and fun

in a rare occasion our family slept together as one and during the next day i asked my mother if she wanted a massage in which she flinched and denied

“no need mother is all better now, you dont need to do such a thing”

“but i learned a new massage for this, i thought that i could make you relax, i am sorry if it was bad”

i dropped my head and became “depressed” and “sad”, like a hurt puppy i turned to walk away but my mother caught me and consoled me

“no, it’s mother’s fault dont worry your massage was good you can give me a massage”

finally my mother agreed, so i took her to a free room set up for massages, there a bed for her to lay down and candles where the only thing giving light creating a some what dark atmosphere

seeing that the room had less light my mother gave out a sigh, even if “somthing” happens her son won’t be able to see it, turning around i gave a command

“mother this time I want you to lay in the bed with a towel, I read that using a oil will be better, so I want to try it”

looking into her sons innocent eyes she hesitated at first but then she later agreed, i stepped out for my mother to get ready while i took out my oil


item: the seductive oil

Description: the oil made by the cacation tribe to provide relaxation

uses: increases the sensitivity of the body



a bit expensive but useful nonetheless, after a few minutes i entered the room and saw my mother laying on the bed downwards with her bubbly ass up

her back was just covered by a towel and her blonde hair was tied to a bun, gulping i went beside my mother

“mom are you ready?”


i heard a quite yes and began my game, i first lifted the towel from her back to just the ass leaving it there, i got a nice view of her side breast

applying the oil on my hands i activated the spell and my eyes were gold and black, then i pressed my hands on her back giving a small notion


the results were already showing, so i went for slow motion rubbing her back and making her sensitive spots more sensitive, her moaing only increaing

“yeah~~~ that’s it~~~~?”

the more i pressed the more mom moaned out, at that time i was “accidentally” touching her side breats and moving i could feel her body heat up

knowing that she was slowly falling to lust i activated a small spell, arcana which was just a spell for producing invisible things

slowly without her noticing i stated to spred the spell to her pussy, and suddenly she jereked her body up


and with that she cumed and fell back

“it was good wasn’t it mother”

i looked at her with a smug and “anticipating” gaze awaiting her praise

she looked towards me her expression changing, she had just cumed from her sons hand again while he was just innocently giving her a masage

her feelings couldnt even be described right now, but it wasnt over yet….

“ok mother we will start the phase 2”

and without waiting for her reply i started my massage again while pressing with more strength , i then went into her leges and started from there

slowly massaging her legs i reached her thigh which i nicely “massaged”

“ummm, so good~~?”

then i reached her ass, pulling the cover away her bubbly ass was on my display, i could see her pussy and the juices it was leaking

thank god i cant go hard right now or else…i dont know what might happen, slowly my hands fall into her ass and sinks into it

i slowly started to knead her ass into differet shapes while my spell slowly activated and started to caress her pussy

i am not scared because the spell might play as her imagination and due to her being lost in lust she won’t notice it

slowly i started caressing her pussy with the invisible hand and my hands nicely changed her ass’s shape, her moaing was also increasing

“yes…right there~~?”

not caring about it i increased my frequency and a fingure of mine easily entered her asshole while my invisible hand entered her pussy

“ahhhh….not there Austin~~~~?”

her body started trembling a lot while my frequency increases, in a minute her body cumed again and her body along with her ass with my hands rosed up and twitched and fell..

“mom you alright?”


going at her front i saw that she had fallen unconscious

‘so that’s her limit huh..’

i came above her bed sat on her legs i raised my hands and then


i hit her ass, i saw it juggle nicely i gave her ass a few more spanks for my amusement and then got off her,after that i cleaned the room and left.


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